Incredible and fun facts to explore

Today Learnt facts

While investigating facts about I Learned Some Jazz Today and I Learned Some Jazz Today Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Today i learnt that life is short and we need to love each other!

today i learned?

you shouldn't play with frogs

Today i learned?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what have i learned today. Here are 40 of the best facts about Today I Learned and I Just Learned Some Jazz Today I managed to collect.

what have you learned today?

  1. So I today learnt that the clapping monkey from Toy Story 3 and the Grinch (2000) (Jim Carrey) are the same design in every detail.

  2. Today my Mom & I learnt about Spac Nations and discussed about it

  3. Today I learnt how to scuba dive to 30m (90ft) deep

  4. how to make music with utensils and waste

  5. you can set gifs as your youtube logo, and it's animated! (only when you're looking at your own account)

  6. Some maths short tricks for my upcoming exams. Here is Ratio & Proportion chapter which I learnt today.

  7. how to play the piano from this site

  8. the movie “Vice,” about Dick Cheney, is Pro-Zionist Israel propaganda.

  9. Egyptians' love for Cats lead to their destruction in the Battle of Pelusium against Persians.

  10. Hip Hop is on the rise in Africa look at what I came across

today learnt facts
What have we learned today?

Why is today's date important?

You can easily fact check why is today a palindrome date by examining the linked well-known sources.

Why Elephants Wanna Be Free In The Jungle ( Bath Time REMIX)

Coronavirus Wuhan. knowledge from an insider - source

you shouldn't blow the candle off from close distance - source

how to pen tap to bollywood music

algebra...young champ will make you love math - source

I was today years old when i learned?

how to edit my GoPro footage. Any good? First time!

to be more careful with bikes ...

i can protect myself

Very Informative - Do it yourself for Tableau Data Software -

snapchat does recognise black faces.

This is one more interesting thing i learned today. Not only me, but I guess the people in the video learned it too. I realized and learnt wild animals should be treated with extreme respect. These people are REALLY LUCKY to be alive today! And I am sure they LEARNED the lesson of their lives.

Interesting facts about today learnt

not to receive free gifts shit!

where I get my filthy mouth from... my mum!

how to livestream in YouTube. So cool. You can learn too, I'll post the link in the description. Thank me later


the earth rotates around the sun 365.24219 times a year

So kids do say the funniest things....

I learnt today that people suck more than i can comprehend

how france still exploits african colonies to keep itself stable

about the annual migration of crabs. It is done, very nice and simple to understand.

about the Tesseract. It is the four-dimensional analog of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square.

how a Springbok eats. These beautiful herbivores take the grass or pellets (in the videos case) and grabs it with their lips to get it in to their mouth as they don't have top teeth. They then grind it down with their molars until swallowed. They also rechew their food like cows.

Christopher Lee released a Heavy Metal album in 2011

how to make my own potato head, thank me later :0

Today i have learnt that polar bears do not hibernate; they are just too big to become dormant. Furthermore, the female polar bear starves for as long as 4 to 5 months in her den.

why American English and British English have similar words spelled differently.

Tired of spending more time peeling the stickers off your apple than you do eating them? use dont haf two. Theyre edible!

the UN and open Universities teamed up to create a free massive open online course about marine litter and it's effects and solutions. It's a short course and accredited. Entries close on the 29th of April. Also I learnt that on my cake day I can make posts have more potential.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Today Learnt. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Today Learnt so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor