Tip Tip facts
While investigating facts about Tip Tip Barsa Pani and Tip Tip Barsa Pani Dj, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Michael Jordan once tipped a waitress a $5 chip for bringing him a drink. Wayne Gretzky stopped the waitress, removed the $5 chip, grabbed one of the many $100 chips on Jordan’s side of the table, and gave it to her. Then he said, "That's how we tip in Las Vegas, Michael."
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After a waitress at a pizzeria helped a customer choose the numbers for a winning lottery ticket in 1984, he 'tipped' her $3,000,000 - half of his $6,000,000 prize money.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tip Tip Barsa Pani Dj Song and Tip Tip Barsa Pani Remix I managed to collect.
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Thanks to a tip from Malcom in the Middle's music clearance officer, Bryan Cranston received quarterly composing checks for his improvised humming and whistling, which the actor used to fund cast parties.
Famous jazz pianist Fats Waller was kidnapped by gangsters for three days in Chicago in 1926. He was the "surprise guest" at Al Capone's birthday party. He was later found very drunk, extremely tired, and had earned thousands of dollars in cash from Capone and other party-goers as tips.
Door Dash food delivery company, does not actually give it's drivers the tip you pay plus regular pay, instead they use it to meet the minimum pay guarantee. UNLESS TIPPED CASH. If tipped cash, the driver gets the entire tip, plus pay guarantee .
One of the reasons tipping spread in the U.S. was because restaurant owners refused to pay black Americans after the 15th amendment.
Alexa commercials are intentionally muted in the 3,000Hz to 6,000Hz range of the audio spectrum, which tips off the system that the “Alexa” phrase being spoken isn’t in fact a real command and should be ignored
Tipping became popular in the US during the decades following the Civil War, when some US employers began encouraging their customers to tip, thereby avoiding paying African-American employees a decent wage
In 1984, Robert Cunningham, a regular at a pizzeria asked his waitress for help choosing his lottery numbers. He won, came back, and tipped her $3 million.
Joe Kennedy, John F Kennedy's father, sold his entire stock portfolio before the 1929 crash because "a shoeshine boy gave him some stock tips. And He figured that when the shoeshine boys have tips, the market is too popular for its own good."
Doordash subsidizes their own payment of drivers with your tip— IE if you think you tipped $5 extra, they actually used $2 to “pay” the driver.
Americans are now tipping more money, and for more services, than ever before. It’s a phenomenon called “Tip Creep” where social pressure encourages tipping for counter-service interactions where a tip was previously never given.
Tip Tip data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tip Tip figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
An exotic dancer named Chesty Love claimed her breast augmentation surgury as a business expense since bigger breasts would lead to bigger tips. The IRS agreed and declared that her enlarged breasts were a stage prop essential to her act.
Tony Iommi, founding member of the Black Sabbath, replaced his finger tips with homemade prostheses made out of plastic after losing them on his last day at a steel factory , requiring him to downtune his guitar to play it, creating their signature sound and helping to define modern metal music. - source
If you're bilingual you experience the "tip-of-the-tongue" sensation more often, basically because your brain has more words in it to keep track of - source
Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, a German diplomat, served as an attache for Nazi Germany in occupied Denmark. He tipped off the Danes about the Germans' plan to deport the Jewish population in 1943 and arranged for their reception in Sweden, rescuing over 95% of Denmark's Jewish population.
After a woman was murdered at a Texas church, it was discovered that a person in full makeshift tactical gear had been wandering around the church before her arrival. They were caught on the church’s CCTV and are thought to be her murderer. Despite over 2,000 tips, the case remains unsolved. - source
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A 19 yr old pizza delivery guy helped save a man's life by performing CPR on the customer who was turning blue outside the house. He said, "I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man." His tip was 25 bucks.
The Dutch mimicry study: Waitresses who repeated their customers orders increase their tips by 70% over those who positively reinforce the order ("sure", "great choice"), Suggesting that we favor those who mimic our behaviors.
John Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli in ‘Lord of the Rings,’ lost the top of his middle finger as a kid and had special prosthetic made. He played a prank on Peter Jackson where he cut off the tip of the prosthetic, covered it with blood, walked up to Peter and said, “Boss, I had an accident.”
Eunus, a slave-magician who joked on stage that he planned to overthrow Roman rule and become king of Sicily. Then he led a huge slave uprising, and kept his promises to spare the lives of those who had left him tips.
In 2007, a Bowhead whale was discovered with the end of a harpoon left embedded in its neck from a previous hunt. It was found that the harpoon tip was originally manufactured in 1890, indicating the whale had survived a human attack more than a century ago.
A 19 yr old pizza delivery guy helped save a man's life by performing CPR on the customer who was turning blue outside the house. He said, "I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man." His tip was 25 bucks.
Tip tip infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Tip Tip numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

I've tracked my steps and tip earnings for the past year, but narrowed it down to the last three months for better viewing.