Tic Tacs facts
While investigating facts about Tic Tacs Bulk and Tic Tacs Calories, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Although Tic Tacs are almost 100% sugar, FDA regulations allow them to be advertised as 0 grams of sugar per serving due to their size
how tic tacs are made?
Tic Tacs are allowed to say they contain zero sugar even though they're almost entirely pure sugar -- because a single Tic Tac is 0.49 g and technically if a serving of a food contains < 0.5 g sugar you are allowed to round down to zero.
What's tic tacs?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are tic tacs made of. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tic Tacs Sugar Free and Tic Tacs Keto I managed to collect.
what tic tacs are vegan?
Tic Tacs are labeled as having zero sugar in the USA despite the fact that sugar is the first ingredient. FDA requirements allow for sugar per serving to be listed as 0 for amounts less than 0.5g and since a single tic tac weighs less than 0.5g, it can be labeled as containing 0 sugar.
The primary ingredient in sugar-free Tic Tacs is sugar. Manufacturer Ferrero openly admits to exploiting a regulatory loophole.
Ferrero, the company that makes Ferrero Rochers also makes Kinder, Tic-Tacs, and Nutella. Also, Nutella alone uses a quarter of the worlds annual hazelnut supply.
For over 50 years, you could play tic-tac-toe against live chickens in NYC, and they seldom, if ever, lost
About solved games. Solved games are games whose outcome can be correctly predicted from any position, assuming both players play the best possible moves. Tic-tac-toe is easily solvable. Chess may never be fully solved.
Cork, Ireland is the global HQ for Tic Tacs, producing 8.8 boxes of Tic Tac drops per minute, or, 36 Tic Tacs per second, serving 45% of all tic tacs sold globally.
Tic Tacs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tic Tacs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why tic tacs are sugar free?
You can easily fact check why don't they make cinnamon tic tacs by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ferrero, the maker of Nutella, Ferrero Rocher chocolates and Tic Tac mints, has never held a press conference, even to announce its annual results. Michele Ferrero (the founder's son) had only once given an interview.
In 2003, Mohan Srivastava, cracked the Ontario Lottery's "tic-tac-toe" scratch-and-win game. He could spot winners by sight only with a 90% accuracy. After determined that exploiting this would net him less income than his current job, he instead notified the game makers. - source
A mathematicisn named Danny Hillis built an analog computer that plays tic-tac-toe out of nothing but tinkertoys - source
The private school Bill Gates attended as a child was one of the only ones in the US with a computer. The first program he used was a tic-tac-toe game
A team of students at MIT built a computer out of tinkertoys that “played a mean game of tic-tac-toe.” It is on display at the Museum of Science in Boston. - source
When were tic tacs invented?
Some casinos have turned to a different kind of game -- allowing gamblers to face off against a chicken in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. And the chickens rarely lose
How many calories in tic tacs?
45% of Tic-Tacs are made in Cork, Ireland.
Tic Tacs are made by the same people who make Nutella
Chickens are outlawed from playing Tic-Tac-Toe in San Francisco
No one knows who invented the popular game Tic Tac Toe
Tic tacs infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Tic Tacs numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Data of a program I wrote that 'learns' to play tic-tac-toe. 1-100; 1,001-1,100, 10,001-10,100; and 100,001-100,100 games.