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Thomas Tank facts

While investigating facts about Thomas Tank Engine and Thomas Tank Engine Toys, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the chief model maker for Thomas the Tank Engine left his rock band in 1970, he was replaced by Freddie Mercury and his former band became Queen

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In 1984, a episode of Thomas The Tank Engine featured an engine, Henry, who refused to go out in the rain. To solve the problem, the workers boarded Henry up in a cave and abandoned him.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the names of the trains in thomas the tank engine. Here are 37 of the best facts about Thomas Tank Engine Characters and Thomas Tank Engine Song I managed to collect.

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  1. Ringo Starr, George Carlin, Alec Baldwin and Pierce Brosnan have all narrated Thomas the Tank Engine.

  2. The children's TV show Thomas the Tank Engine had an episode where an engine was dismantled and turned into a generator behind a train shed, alive and aware of what was happening to him.

  3. George Carlin narrated four seasons of "Thomas the Tank Engine"

  4. Ringo Starr narrated the first two seasons of Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas and Friends)!

  5. The original author of Thomas the Tank Engine (The Railway Series) has created an extensive Island of Sodor book with the complete lore of Sodor, from the history of the railway to the island itself. The book is rare, and goes for $500 or more.

  6. Thomas The Tank Engine and Winnie The Pooh are both inspired by real childhood toys of each author's son. Which both happen to be named Christopher.

  7. Ringo Starr narrated the first season of Thomas the Tank Engine

  8. The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt), from Thomas the Tank Engine series, is not a lord or a knight, but a baronet. He's entitled to the name "Sir", but is not a member of the nobility and cannot sit in the House of Lords.

  9. George Carlin was the narrator for the American version of "Thomas & Friends" (a.k.a. "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends") for several seasons.

  10. There is a fan theory that Thomas the Tank Engine actually lives in a totalitarian dictatorship

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You can easily fact check why is thomas the tank engine scary by examining the linked well-known sources.

Alec Baldwin narrated 72 episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine.

The comedian George Carlin was the voice of Mr. Conductor and the Narrator for Thomas the Tank Engine - source

Ringo Starr, Alec Baldwin, and George Carlin all played Mr. Conductor in The first seasons of Thomas the Tank Engine. - source

The creator of Thomas the Tank Engine created an elaborate history of the Isle of Sodor stretching back to the Middle Ages and Antiquity.

George Carlin narrated the first 4 seasons of Thomas the Tank Engine - source

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George Carlin narrated some episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine

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George Carlin narrated Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends for 12 years, from 1984-1996

Andrew Lloyd Webber tried to make an animated Thomas the Tank Engine musical in the 1970s but the producers shut it down, saying it had no appeal outside of the UK. Webber later named his production company the Really Useful Group, and his 1984 musical Starlight Express is about singing trains.

Thomas the Tank Engine has shockingly deep lore written by its creator, Rev. W. Awdry, including history dating back to the 10th century and a made up heritage language called "Sudric".

Thomas Crapper didn't invent the flush toilet. He did, however, invent the floating ballcock to help refill toilet tanks.

Former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr narrated the first two seasons of 'Thomas the Tank Engine.'

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A fictional island, language and history were worldbuilt for the purposes of maintaining consistency in the Thomas The Tank Engine "Railway Series"

George Carlin dubbed the voice of the conductor on Thomas the Tank Engine. RIP.

The Philippine Navy has, since 1999, grounded a rusting old WWII-era Landing Ship, Tank to the island of Second Thomas Shoal in order to prevent the island from falling into the hands of China. They have a permanent garrison of marines aboard the ship guarding the ship and the island.

George Carlin, Alec Baldwin and Ringo Starr all narrated Thomas the Tank Engine for several seasons.

Geore Carlin and Alec Baldwin starred as "Mr. Conductor" in Thomas the Tank Engine.

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The Island of Sodor, setting of Thomas the Tank Engine, is named from the Diocese of Sodor and Man, which includes the Isle of Man but no Isle of Sodor.

Biggie Smalls made a song to the beat of Thomas The Tank Engine

The younger brother of Paul Angelis, the man who voiced Ringo Starr in the movie, Yellow Submarine, replaced Ringo Starr is the Narrator for Thomas the Tank Engine.

Thomas the Tank Engine is actually 69 years old, having been first published in 1946.

Thomas the Tank Engine is set in an authoritarian dystopia in which living trains compete for praise from the Fat Controller, and are made to torture and execute other living vehicles that encourage the trains to rebel or form competition to the train company's services.

Thomas the Tank Engine's setting, the fictional Isle of Sodor between England and the Isle of Man, was so named because the latter is part of the Diocese of Sodor and Man, and Sodor is an anglicization of an old name for the Hebrides, which is no longer a part of the Diocese

Thomas Crapper invented the ballcock mechanism used to fill toilet tanks.

Ringo Starr provided the voice of the narrator in the children's TV show Thomas the Tank Engine.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Thomas Tank. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Thomas Tank so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor