The Nose facts
While investigating facts about The Nose Job and The Nose Anatomy, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Meth is so common in North Korea that suited elites in Pyongyang restaurants offer each other a “nose” after dinner, the middle classes take it as a cold cure or remedy for back pain, and the poor take it to ease the emptiness in their stomach.
how the nose bleeds?
Stephen King would do so much cocaine he had to stuff cotton up his nose to stop blood from dripping on his typewriter.
What's the nose scrunch?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the nose bleed. Here are 50 of the best facts about The Nose Bleeds and The Nose Frida I managed to collect.
what's the nosebleed section?
A roman scholar predicted microbiology over 2000 years ago, writing "there are bred certain minute creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes, but which float in the air and enter the body through the mouth and nose and cause serious diseases."
As a child, Michael Jackson's father would torment him about his appearance, calling him 'fat-nose'. Michael went on to have four rhinoplasties and fussed over how his body and face looked for the rest of his life.
People with sensitive noses are capable of smelling when it's about to rain due to atmospheric chemicals reacting and creating ozone, which has a pungent, sweet smell.
Philadelphia outfielder Richie Ashburn once fouled off 14 pitches in a row. One foul bowl struck a woman, breaking her nose. While being carried off the field, she was struck by another foul ball hit by Richie during the same at-bat.
Pilots departing from California's John Wayne Airport are required by law to cut their engines and pitch nose down shortly after takeoff for about 6 miles in order to reduce noise in the residential area below.
Tycho Brahe, the famed Danish astronomer noted for the accuracy of his observations, had a pet elk who died after consuming too much beer and falling down the stairs. Brahe also lost part of his nose after a sword duel with his third cousin over which of them was the superior mathematician.
After J.D Salinger, author of The Catcher in the Rye, served in World War Two, he was hospitalized with combat stress reaction for a few weeks. He later told his daughter "You never really get the smell of burning flesh out of your nose entirely, no matter how long you live."
The distinctive nose of the Shinkansen 500 bullet train prevents sonic booms whenever it exits a tunnel and was discovered when scientists studied the shape of a kingfisher's beak to learn how it hit the water at high speed
After years of inbreeding by kennel clubs, modern bulldogs' noses are so squashed they can barely breathe, their heads are so big they almost always have to be born via C-section. Their tails can become ingrown, they all have hip dysplasia, and their average life expectancy is 6 years.
The star nosed mole is the only mammal known to be able to smell underwater. It does this by blowing bubbles with its nose and breathing back in the then scent chrarged air. It is a highly successful method for foraging in places many animals cannot.
The Nose data charts
For your convenience take a look at The Nose figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
![the nose fact data chart about This nose-mark heatmap of where my cat looks out of the wind](
![the nose fact data chart about Diagram of Average Nose Structure Based on Geographical Loca](
Why the nose is itchy?
You can easily fact check why the nose ring by examining the linked well-known sources.
Naloxone (Narcon) has became a mainstay of hospital emergency rooms and medical wards. It can be injected or sprayed up the nose, and can stop/reverse a heroin overdose in under two minutes. It's so vital the World Health Organization placed the drug on its list of essential medications in 1983.
In 2004 a flawless diamond worth $300,000 was attached to the nose cone of each Jaguar Formula One car in order to promote the film Ocean’s 12. On the first lap of the Monaco Grand Prix, one of the drivers crashed into a barrier, and the diamond was lost. - source
A 50 year old woman, Violet Gibson, attempted to assassinate Mussolini in 1927. She fired a gun once, but Mussolini moved his head and the shot hit his nose; she tried again, but the gun misfired. She was almost lynched by the crowd but was rescued by police and taken away for questioning. - source
The death of PFC LaVena Johnson, who was found dead in 2005 at a base in Balad, Iraq. Initially ruled a suicide, an autopsy revealed she a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, and burns from corrosive chemicals on her genitals. The Army has refused to reopen the case.
A study found that narrow nostrils evolved in people from cold climates their noses had to warm the air before it hit their lungs. - source
When the nose bleeds?
Ross Perot had a Sesame Street character named "H. Ross Parrot." When asked to comment Perot said, "1) the nose is too small. 2) it's not a real Texas accent. 3) my family loves it, my grandchildren love it." and ""I'm sure that parrot thinks he's much better looking than I am."
How to get rid of blackheads on the nose?
Richie Ashburn hit a foul ball into the stands that struck spectator Alice Roth, breaking her nose. When play resumed Ashburn fouled off another ball that struck her while she was being carried off in a stretcher.
During China’s Ming Dynasty, powdered smallpox scabs were blown up the noses of the healthy. The patients would then develop a mild case of the disease, & from then on were immune to it. Although the technique had a 0.5–2.0% mortality rate, it was better than the diseases 20–30% mortality rate.
You have holes in your bottom eyelids. The punctum drains excess tears into your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry.
Gary Cooper was offered a part on the movie Gone with the Wind but rejected it saying, "Gone With the Wind is going to be the biggest flop in Hollywood history. I’m glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling flat on his nose, not me". It became the highest grossing film of all time for inflation.