Incredible and fun facts to explore

Ted Talks facts

While investigating facts about Ted Ed Talks and Ted Talks Topics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During his 2009 TED talk, Bill Gates opened a jar of mosquitoes saying “Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some… I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected” & waited for ~a minute before telling the audience that the bugs were malaria-free.

how ted talks started?

In 1974 the girlfriend of Ted Bundy called Seattle police to tell them he matched the description of the suspect in several murder cases. She hung up after being told, “You need to come in and fill in a report. We’re too busy to talk to girlfriends over the phone." He would kill many more women.

What ted talks means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the top 10 ted talks. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ted Talks Youtube and Ted Talks Brene Brown I managed to collect.

what ted talks stands for?

  1. Bill Gates once released mosquitos during a Ted Talk, stating that "poor people shouldn't be the only ones to have this experience."

  2. While free to watch online, the single ticket price for attending a TED talk starts at $8,500.

  3. An orphan from Uganda, who spent his youth as a human scarecrow on his abusive uncle's farm, ran away at 14. With the help of a charity called YES Uganda, he has since earned 2 degrees, started a biotech company, founded a non-profit, and given a talk at TED.

  4. Power posing to boost testosterone as described in Amy Cuddy's famous TED talk fails to replicate in independent studies

  5. Bill Gates once released a jar full of mosquitos into the audience during a TED talk on malaria

  6. Einstein, a parrot with a vocabulary of about 200 words, gave a TED talk.

  7. While free to watch online, the single ticket price for attending a TED talk starts at $8,500!

  8. In a 2009 TED talk about Malaria, Bill Gates brought a jar of mosquitos onto the stage and released them into the crowd to frighten the audience into considering the dangers of Malaria closer to home.

  9. The TED Talk about the wolves in yellow stone has been debunked.

  10. BAHFest, a satirization of TED talks produced to demonstrate that you could use a bad ad-hoc hypothesis to demonstrate anything. Like why babies are designed to be catapulted.

ted talks facts
What are the best ted talks?

Why ted talks are good?

You can easily fact check why ted talks are bad by examining the linked well-known sources.

Whale poop is essential to the marine ecosystem, bringing nutrients from the depth of the ocean to the surface and spreading those nutrients during their long migrations to other parts of the ocean. TED TALK.

TED and TEDx are not the same thing. TED is the official one, while TEDx is for independent events with the TED branding. Anybody can give a TEDx talk. - source

TED Talks have been around for over 30 years and originally featured demos of the compact disc and one of the first demonstrations of the Apple Macintosh computer - source

We can edit genes and make them dominant changing entire species forever | TED Talk

You need a membership to attend a live TED talk, the prices start at 8,500 dollars - source

When ted talks started?

The evidence supporting Amy Cuddy's famous "power pose" TED talk is rather weak, and replications of the study found no significant effect.

How ted talks work?

The influential video media organization TED has a list of 10 tips for its speakers for preparing before the talk known as TED Commandments.

From Paul Stamets “6 ways mushrooms can save the world” TED talk, that mushrooms and mycelium are powerful antibiotic agents with many potential untapped applications in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, terraforming other planets, ecological healing/the reestablishment of biospheres, and much more.

There is a TEDx talk about 'Why TED talks don't change your life much'.

During his 2009 TED talk, Bill Gates opened a jar of mosquitoes saying “Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some… I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected” and waited for about a minute before telling the audience that the bugs were malaria-free.

Bill Gates once released mosquitoes into the audience of a TED Talk

When did ted talks start?

It costs over $8,500 to attend a TED Talk

Monica Lewinsky did a Ted Talk about her experience with the aftermath of her presidential encounter.

Adam Driver was a US Marine that enlisted after 9/11 but was medically discharged before deploying to the Middle East, he instead worked with fellow actors to help portray the turmoil and issues fellow soldiers experience through theatre to soldiers with his theater troupe. Here is his TED talk

About Einstein The Parrot Who Gave a Ted Talk and Does Dozens of Impressions on Cue

How to get on ted talks?

Dirty Jobs' Mike Rowe gave a TED talk in Silicon Valley, and it was fantastic.

No person named Ted has ever spoken at a TED talk before.

A parrot named Einstein with a vocabulary of about 200 words once gave a TED Talk.

The old guy from the stock photo using a computer used as a meme acknowledges he's a meme and did a TED talk

Will Stephen did a ted talk talking about sounding smart on a ted talk

A ted talk involving psychedelic drugs, consciousness and spirituality was intentionally censored and suppressed

GG Allin was on TED Talk where he threw bottles, burned a newspaper and assaulted a woman on stage

An Interview with Professor Ken Ono. Ono has given TED talks. He stars in the 2013 docudrama "The genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan". He is profiled in the May 2014 issue of Scientific American. He was an Associate Producer and the mathematical consultant for the movie The Man Who Knew Infinity.

Bill Gates warned us about how unprepared we were for an Pandemic in TED talk 2015.

What is it like to be Chinese-American in China and elsewhere (On a TED Talk style show on CCTV)

Because the sense of smell is greatly connected to emotions, Hitler used to take advantage of this psychological fact by sending people to spray the arena with scents hours before his speeches so that it help in creating the mood to influence people (TED Talk video at minute 3:11).

Mark Ronson's TED Talk on sampling in music.

Some old TED talks are worth watching again. What's invisible? More then you think - John Lloyd

Ted Talk: forget the "Bucket" list... Make a "FUCK-IT" list!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ted Talks. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ted Talks so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor