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Syndrome Sufferers facts

While investigating facts about Famous Marfan Syndrome Sufferers and Famous Asperger's Syndrome Sufferers, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A mother suffers from hyperlactation syndrome, an over production of breastmilk. Instead of dumping her milk she decided to donate them. She spends 4-5 hours each day pumping milk and in two years she has donated 609 gallons of breastmilk, most going to feeding premature babies.

how rare is skeeter syndrome?

Domesticated llamas that are given too much attention by humans can suffer from a psychological disorder called Berserk Llama Syndrome, where the llamas view their handlers as fellow llamas, and actually become more violent and aggressive towards them

What antidepressants help serotonin syndrome sufferers?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Imposter Syndrome Sufferers and Guillain Barre Syndrome Sufferers I managed to collect.

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  1. 'Paris Syndrome ' where tourists suffer psychological distress or shock when the city does not live up th their expectations. It is common with Japanese tourists.

  2. Walking Corpse Syndrome" is a mental condition in which sufferers believe they are missing internal organs, have no blood, or that they are dead outright. PET scans of a patient showed he exhibited brain activity similar to someone asleep or under anaesthesia

  3. There is a genetic disorder that causes a constant feeling of starvation. Left unchecked, sufferers of Prader-Willi Syndrome can eat until their stomachs rupture.

  4. There is a disease called "Stone Man Syndrome" which causes soft tissues to heal as bone, leading to sufferers losing mobility as the disease progresses.

  5. Dogs can suffer under the "Happy Tail Syndrome", when they wag their tails out of happiness so hard and often that it gets injured

  6. In 2005 Tony Nicklinson suffered a stroke which left him completely paralysed (locked-in syndrome). He fought a legal battle for a right to assisted suicide, but lost. On learning the outcome of his appeal, he refused to eat, contracted pneumonia, deteriorated rapidly and died a week later.

  7. About "refeeding syndrome". Where many WW2 prisoners suffering from starvation died after over eating after release at the end of the war.

  8. The Medical Student Syndrome is a condition experienced by med students who perceive they are suffering from the disease they are studying

  9. Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome, a form of OCD that compels those suffering from it to constantly correct others' grammar.

  10. Hedgehogs can suffer from a rare disease called "balloon syndrome," which causes them to inflate like a beach ball.

syndrome sufferers facts
What are the best facts about Syndrome Sufferers?

What is true about syndrome sufferers?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

About Sunflower syndrome. A condition that compels those who suffer from it to turn toward bright light and wave one hand, fingers spread, in front of their eyes. It’s usually the same hand every time.

"Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" in which patients have visual hallucinations in which they see objects around them distorted in size and shape. Lewis Carroll is thought to have suffered from it while he wrote his novels. - source

A rare mental illness, known as Walking Corpse Syndrome in which the suffer has the delusion they are dead. 55% also hold delusions of immortality, such as Mademoiselle X, who believed she didn't need to eat and died of starvation in the 1880's. - source

Some people in India fail to take anti-rabies medication in time due to puppy-pregnancy syndrome. People suffering from this condition believe that shortly after being bitten by a dog, puppies are conceived within their abdomen.

A disease known as 'Stone Man Syndrome", a connective tissue disorder where the sufferer's damaged muscle is slowly replaced by bone. - source

The condition of androgen insensitivity syndrome is typically diagnosed when?

"acquired savant syndrome," which (for example) allowed a man who suffered a head injury to spontaneously become an expert pianist

How rare is cauda equina syndrome?

90% of people who spend 3 or more hours a day on the computer, will suffer Computer Vision Syndrome (Under the "Prevalence" section)

As many as 1/3 of people who lose their vision can suffer vivid, cartoonish hallucinations in a condition known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome.

Jerusalem Syndrome, a religious psychosis that affects some visitors to the holy city. Sufferers are known to wear togas made from hotel bedsheets, shout verses from the Bible, and deliver public sermons at holy places throughout the city. The condition has been known since the Middle Ages.

There are over 20,000 adults suffering from congenital rubella syndrome in the USA after their mums caught Rubella in the 60s. They suffer deafness, blindness and neurological problems.

You could die of heartbreak and it's called Takotsubo Syndrome. Most sufferers are elderly women.

Interesting facts about syndrome sufferers

Second-impact syndrome occurs when the brain swells rapidly, and catastrophically, after a person suffers a second concussion before symptoms from an earlier one have subsided. The condition is often fatal, and almost everyone who is not killed is severely disabled.

About Alice Elizabeth Doherty who is the only known person to have suffered from Hypertrichosis (werewolf syndrome) in the US. She was exhibited as a sideshow attraction by her parents from when she was two years old.

Bengal cat is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from distal neuropathy, flat-chested kitten syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and chronic anemia.

There is a boy in Montreal who can only eat peaches. He suffers from a disorder called food-protein induced enterocolitis syndrome, or FPIES. Even drinking his mother's milk will make him sick

Basenji dog can suffer from blindness, kidney disorders (Fanconi syndrome), malabsorption, hemolytic anemia and hypothyroidism.

How rare is alice in wonderland syndrome?

English Springer Spaniel is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from hip dysplasia, ocular and skin disorders and rage syndrome (occasionally seen in Show Springer).

Anton–Babinski syndrome, a condition caused by brain damage where a person becomes totally blind - but refuse to believe it and swears they can still see. suffering no damage to memory or cognition.

Many veterans of the Gulf War suffer from "Gulf War Syndrome", which is an unexplained cluster of chronic symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems.

Almost one third of American Gulf War veterans suffer from some form of Gulf War Syndrome which is a chronic multisymptom disorder that can cause cognitive problems, muscle pain and fatigue. The cause of the syndrome is still debated.

A high ranking European Union official suffered from 'Pinocchio Syndrome'. He often passed out and had convulsions when he attempted to lie. This made it difficult for him to conduct negotiations.

In 2011, singer George Michael suffered from pneumonia and spent time in intensive care at the hospital, during which he fell in a coma. After waking from the coma, Michael had a temporary West Country accent, and there was concern he had developed foreign accent syndrome.

When the small intestine is not healthy or disorders develop a person can suffer from a variety of diseases and disorders including celiac disease, intestinal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, obstructions and blockages, Crohn's disease, and overgrowths of unhealthy bacteria.

Manx is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from arthritis of a tailbone, ocular disorders and Manx syndrome (set of birth defects that can be seen in around 20% of Manx cats).

Anton syndrome, which is a rare symptom of brain damage. Those who suffer from this syndrome are cortically blind but denies of their blindness quite adamantly, and in the face of clear evidence of their blindness.

When mountains are structurally weakened due to underground nuclear testing, they suffer from 'Tired Mountain Syndrome'.

Norwegian forensic scientists harvested the brains and hearts of infants who suffered from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and replaced them with silicone without the parents knowledge or consent for three decades on behalf of the country's Institute for Public Health.

Piblokto, a culture-bound Greenlandic syndrome in which sufferers withdraw into a dissociative state during which time they may commit dangerous acts, and recover with no memory of the occurrence. It is more likely to affect Inuit women, and happens largely during winter.

There is a disorder called Night Eating Syndrome. Sufferers wake up in the middle of the night with a sudden urge to eat even though they are not hungry. They consume around 56% of their daily calories between 8 PM and 6 AM.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Syndrome Sufferers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Syndrome Sufferers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor