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Sweet Smelling facts

While investigating facts about Sweet Smelling Urine and Sweet Smelling Poop, I found out little known, but curios details like:

People with sensitive noses are capable of smelling when it's about to rain due to atmospheric chemicals reacting and creating ozone, which has a pungent, sweet smell.

how to get rid of sweet smelling urine?

Hasbro has trademarked the smell of Play-Doh. It is described as a “sweet, slightly musky, vanilla-like fragrance, with slight overtones of cherry, and the natural smell of a salted, wheat-based dough.”

What causes sweet smelling urine?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does sweet smelling poop mean. Here are 33 of the best facts about Sweet Smelling Discharge and Sweet Smelling Sweat I managed to collect.

what does sweet smelling urine mean?

  1. Chunks of whale puke sell for as much as $150,000. After aging, the chunks become known as ambergris, developing a sweet musky smell. The material is highly sought after by high-end perfume manufacturers.

  2. The durian, an Asian fruit. Depending on their genetics, people perceive the fruit as either sweet and delicious, while others find is nauseating. One writer described it as smelling like "pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock."

  3. Due to altitude, your tastebud sensitivity to salts and sweets are reduced 30%. And because 80% of what people think is taste is actually smell, the 12% humidity in a pressurized airplane cabin causes odor receptors not to function, food tastes twice as bland than on the ground.

  4. A “normal” vagina will have a “slightly sweet, slightly pungent,” odor like the lactic acid smell of yogurt

  5. Scientists have asserted that every type of smell/aroma in the world can be broken down into differing combinations of 10 primary smells. They are fragrant, woody/resinous, non-citrus fruity, sharp/pungent, chemical, minty/peppermint, sweet, popcorn, sickening, and lemon.

  6. There are three main fart smells. Hydrogen sulfide produces the signature "rotten eggs" note, methanethiol produces hints of "decomposing vegetables," and dimethyl sulfide adds a hint of "sweetness."

  7. Disneyland sends the sweet smell of Vanilla out through their vents, which in turn makes you hungry, forcing you into their Ice Cream and Candy shops!

  8. Rowan blooms from May to June. Flowers emit strong, sweet smell which attracts bees, flies and beetles, main pollinators of this plant.

  9. Plague doctors filled the beaks of their masks with "sweet smelling" things like herbs and flowers because they believed that the plague was spread through "bad air".

sweet smelling facts
What causes a sweet smelling body odor?

Why sweet smelling breath?

You can easily fact check why do i keep smelling something sweet by examining the linked well-known sources.

Kakapo has excellent sense of smell. It is one of the rare species of birds that can be recognized by musty-sweet odor.

A car with a built-in toilet was launched in 2005. It is intended for use by people with medical conditions, as well as families with small children. Chemicals in the toilet break down waste into a "sweet smelling, inoffensive liquid", which can be disposed of at the end of a journey - source

The reason why puppy breath smells amazing. "Their breath has that sweet mother's milk smell because their mouths are clean and haven't yet developed any bacteria or plaque, which typically causes odors" - source

All aerial parts of agrimony emit sweet scent when they are crushed. Due to pleasant, apricot-like smell of the flowers, agrimony is often used for the preparation of potpourris.

Galangal has sweet, earthy, spicy, mustard-like aroma. It smells like a blend of pine needles and black pepper. Galangal is often combined with lemongrass.

Sweet smelling breath when sick?

Cashews grow on the end of the cashew apple, an accessory fruit, that is edible and has a strong "sweet" smell and taste.

How to stop sweet smelling urine?

In the 80s, a company made sweet-smelling "socially acceptable" cigarettes.

There is a metabolic disorder called "Maple Syrup Urine Disease" where the affected persons urine smells very sweet like maple syrup. This is due to their bodies inability to break down amino acids which build up in the body and are toxic to the brain and other organs.

The bird beak looking masks that doctors wore during the Black Plague were filled with sweet smelling flowers or plants such as lavender

About Prunes Laurocerasus aka the Cherry Laurel or English Laurel is USA. This evergreen plant is often used as hedging in gardens, and has a sweet almond / marzipan smell when the leaves are cut. The smell is produced by the release of Hydrogen Cyanide, into the air.

Sweet smelling sweat when sleeping?

Inhaling enough dimethylmercury to detect its odor is hazardous to your health. It is said to have a "slightly sweet smell."

Astronauts describe space's smell as “a rather pleasant sweet metallic sensation”

Not everybody’s sneezes smell sweet, and that I’m in the minority— sweet smelling sneezes can be a sign of diabetes or, as in my case, just a random coincidence due to the bacteria in the mucus.

That, in response to alleged child molester and former bus driver Delton Gorges insisting that he was heterosexual, Judge Phillip Kirk told him that he was "gayer than a sweet smelling jockstrap."

How to get sweet smelling breath?

19th century prospectors would taste and smell small quantities of oil to determine its quality, hence the name "sweet crude oil"

In February 2017, Hasbro applied to trademark the distinctive scent of Play-Doh, describing it as "a unique scent formed through the combination of a sweet, slightly musky, vanilla-like fragrance, with slight overtones of cherry, and the natural smell of a salted, wheat-based dough".

St. Nicholas (the inspiration for Santa Claus) once slapped a Bishop, resurrected three boys who were chopped up and put in a pickling barrel, and now his bones leak a sweet smelling oil called "manna".

The Kakapo, a flightless parrot, has a distinct sweet smell that alerts predators to its location. It's strong scent is so enticing to predators that it was almost driven to extinction, numbering less than 200 today despite conservation efforts.

Kid Rock’s hit song “All Summer Long” is a mashup of three popular songs, “Werwolves of London,” “Sweet Home Alabama,” and “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” The writers of all three original songs, as well as Uncle Kracker and Kid Rock are credited for writing “All Summer Long”

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sweet Smelling. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sweet Smelling so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor