Supply Demand facts
While investigating facts about Supply Demand Curve and Supply Demand Graph, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Diamonds aren’t rare; their demand is a marketing invention. In 1938 De Beers hired an ad agency who arbitrarily decided that a diamond engagement ring is worth 1 month’s salary. It worked so well they increased it to 2 months’ salary. De Beers carefully restricts supply to keep the prices high.
how do changing prices affect supply and demand?
A drunk Norwegian with an air gun hijacked a plane in 1985, with demands to speak to the prime minister. After consuming the plane's entire beer supply, he surrendered his weapon to authorities in exchange for more beer. There were no deaths or injuries.
What is the law of supply and demand?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is aggregate demand and supply. Here are 31 of the best facts about Supply & Demand Clothing and Supply Demand Equilibrium I managed to collect.
what is supply and demand?
During the 'Son of Sam' murders in New York City, beauty supply stores had trouble meeting the demand for wigs after the police revealed that all the victims so far had long, dark hair––women changed their hair to avoid becoming victims
To keep demand high across generations, Disney Studios carefully restrict the supply of some home release classics. They are locked away in the ‘vault' for 8-10 years before being released for a short unspecified time.
The world is undergoing a vanilla crisis due to unbalanced supply and demand
In 1999, Coca-Cola experimented with vending machines that would automatically change prices based on the weather. The idea, based on the Law of Supply and Demand, was that the hotter it was outside, the more people would be willing to pay
The Supreme Court ruled that the US government has the right to regulate crops or gardens for personal consumption because they have an interest in supply and demand in the national market for that commodity.
The demand for vanilla flavoring has long exceeded the supply of vanilla beans and today most vanillin is produced from petrochemicals
There is a restaurant in Kalamazoo, MI called the Kalamazoo Beer Exchange where the beer prices fluctuate according to supply and demand, like a stock market - complete with "market crashes" where all the beer goes dirt cheap
Ronald Reagan loved Jelly Beans. His taste for Jelly Belly jelly beans caused the demand for Jelly Belly jelly beans to explode, giving the company a year long backlog. They still supplied him with jelly beans throughout his presidency.
In 1983 several riots broke out when people tried to buy Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, which were in high demand and low supply. Some people would attack others with hand held weapons such as baseball bats.
One month after "Uncle Toms Cabin" was printed three paper mills were constantly at work, three power presses working twenty-four hours per day, and more than one hundred book-binders were incessantly binding them, and still it was impossible to supply the demand.
Supply Demand data charts
For your convenience take a look at Supply Demand figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is supply and demand important?
You can easily fact check why demand and supply curve shift by examining the linked well-known sources.
Capitalism is driven by the law of supply and demand.
In the early 2000s, Sony needed more of a mineral named coltan to supply the public's insatiable demand for PS2's. This mineral is mainly found in the Eastern Congo, and Sony had to negotiate directly with a radical militant group occupying the area in order to mine it. - source
The Roman Emperor Tiberius demanded that he be served a cucumber-like vegetable every day. To have a year-round supply, Roman gardeners planted the cucumbers in wheeled carts which were put in the sun daily, then taken inside to keep them warm at night. - source
The demand for corpses to be dissected in medical schools exceeded the supply in Scotland during the early 1800s. As a result, students would dig up the recently dead (which was covered up by the government to protect colleges) or even pay others to kill people and bring them the bodies.
In 2018, rental bike-sharing rapidly took off in China. Although, supply quickly outstripped demand and overwhelmed cities, where infrastructure and regulation were unprepared for millions of new bike riders. The result was innumerable bicycles were impounded and left to rust. - source
When supply is higher than demand prices will?
The Continental Navy captured British supply ships for themselves and one they took had 30,000 pairs of shoes on board. However, the admiralty agent of Captain Manley demanded his 2 1/2 per cent commission before he would release the cargo for Washington's army, so many soldiers marched barefoot
How does supply and demand work?
Bear grease was a popular treatment for men with hair loss for more than 250 years. Manufacturers were eventually substituting pig, veal, suet, lard and beef marrow fat for bear's fat as the demand exceeded the available supply of genuine bear's fat.
A Rolex Submariner in the 1950s in todays value (inflation) would be $1,248. Todays prices are way higher now as the demand surpasses the supply
The Finnish 120 km long, curved in bedrock, tunnel, which supplies fresh water to the capital area, from the lake Lake Päijänne. Water in the lake is so clean that it demands no further treatment or purification. Moreover, water flow happens naturally without any need of pumping.
The idea of Engagement Rings were just an ad campaign started by De Beers while they were controlling the supply and demand of Diamonds in the 1900.
King Jie of China drank a type of pure alcohol wine (清醇), demanding the people working for him to supply this drink or be killed. Many people died because of this. And while he was drinking wine it was required that he ride on someone’s back like a horse.