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Supervolcano Erupted facts

While investigating facts about What If The Yellowstone Supervolcano Erupted and What If A Supervolcano Erupted, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Humans almost became extinct in 70,000 BC after a supervolcano erupted and sent 650 miles of earth into the air, dropping the population to as low as 40 breeding couples.

how many times has the yellowstone supervolcano erupted?

Concerns are increasing that Campi Flegrei - a "supervolcano" very close to the Italian city of Naples - could erupt again for the first time since 1538. Previous eruptions have triggered volcanic winters globally, causing widespread crop failures and resulting in famines.

What would happen if a supervolcano erupted?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what would happen if the yellowstone supervolcano erupted. Here are 24 of the best facts about When Was The Last Time A Supervolcano Erupted and Has A Supervolcano Erupted Before I managed to collect.

when was the last time the supervolcano at yellowstone erupted?

  1. In 2015, a top Russian Military Strategist recommended dropping a Megaton-Class Nuclear Bomb on Yellowstone National Park, catalyzing a Supervolcano Eruption that could kill more than 50% of the U.S. population in the first 24 hours. He recommends such action if "tensions should ever boil over".

  2. In 70,000 B.C. Human beings almost went extinct; dwindling to as few as 40 'breeding pairs' after the eruption of the Toba supervolcano!

  3. America's own supervolcano - at Yellowstone National Park - is rocking in one of the largest earthquake swarms ever recorded there. It's super-eruptions tend to occur every 600,000 - 800,000 years; last one was 600k ago.

  4. There are scientists at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory that monitor the area for signs of a possible eruption. Most scientists believe that if a major eruption were to occur there would be weeks, if not longer, of warning signs to alert them, which would give ample time for evacuation.

  5. Despite the estimated damage that would be caused if the Yellowstone Supervolcano were to erupt, experts believe that there is only a 1 in 700,000 chance each year that it will happen. This means it is extremely unlikely that it will happen.

  6. Cities within 300 miles of the Yellowstone Supervolcano would be covered in as much as three feet of ash if it erupted. Cities as far as New York City and those in Southern California would likely only see a fraction of an inch of ash.

  7. The eruption that occurred 1.3 million years ago is called the Mesa Falls eruption. This eruption created the Mesa Falls Tuff and Henry's Fork Caldera.

  8. If the Yellowstone Supervolcano were to erupt the gas haze over the United States would cause a drop in temperatures. This would not only result in lost crops, but it would also result in food shortages.

  9. An eruption at Yellowstone Caldera would result in air traffic being shut down, and communication would be affected as well.

  10. If the Yellowstone Supervolcano were to erupt it is estimated that it would be more than 1000 times as powerful as the eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980.

supervolcano erupted facts
What if the yellowstone supervolcano erupted?

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It is estimated that the Lava Creek eruption that created the Yellowstone Caldera ejected 240 cubic miles of volcanic ash, dust, and rock into the surrounding sky.

A supervolcano erupted ~70,000 years ago and may have been responsible for the world's population dropping to just 3,000 people. - source

Scientists recently discovered a supervolcano under Antarctica, and although they believe it is of similar scale as Yellowstone, uncertainty remains as to the consequences of a potential eruption. - source

The Italian Supervolcano Campi Flegrei may cyclically erupt after a period of prolonged calm. No minor eruptions have occurred since 1538, leading to uncertainty and increased scientific monitoring of the site. 1.5 million people live within the volcano's caldera and its surroundings.

If Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano erupted, almost all the U.S. could be covered in ash. - source

When was the last time a supervolcano erupted?

The eruption that occurred 640,000 years ago is called the Lava Creek eruption. This eruption created the Lava Creek Tuff and the Yellowstone Caldera.

How the supervolcano erupted?

The eruption that occurred 2.1 million years ago is called the Huckleberry Ridge eruption. This eruption created the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, and the Island Park Caldera.

As recent supervolcanoes go, the Yellowstone hotspot isn't that large. Several more recent eruptions eclipse it in size, and it's eruptions seems to be getting smaller over time.

Lake Toba is the site of a supervolcano eruption (And the largest volcanic eruption in the last 25 million years) which killed most humans at the time, caused a volcanic winter, AND affected the genetic makeup of the human population to this day.

Humanity was brought to the point of near extinction 75,000 years ago when the Toba supervolcano erupted and killed all but 10,000 humans

(Happening now) Scientists are saying there's an actual 10% chance Yellowstone's supervolcanoe will erupt very soon.

When was the last time the yellowstone supervolcano erupted?

Yellowstone National Park is actually laying on top of an active supervolcano. It erupted 640,000 years ago with ash bed covered the western half of where the U.S. is current at. If a full scale eruption occurs again, the end result can be a worldwide catastrophe.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Supervolcano Erupted. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Supervolcano Erupted so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor