Incredible and fun facts to explore

Super Troopers facts

While investigating facts about Super Troopers 2 and Super Troopers Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Actor Brian Cox is diabetic and that in the film Super Troopers he was required to eat a prop that looked like a bar of soap but was in fact made of white chocolate. He spat it out and instead of waiting around for a sugar-free replacement, he ate a real bar of soap instead.

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Boba Fett was originally going to have white armor. His iconic armor was colored white to match the storm troopers because his original story arc had him as a specialized super storm trooper. They currently sell white armored Boba Fett figures.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is super troopers on. Here are 21 of the best facts about Super Troopers 2 Cast and Super Troopers Meow I managed to collect.

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  1. Jay Chandrasekhar from Super Troopers full name is Jayanth Jambulingam Chandrasekhar, which translates literally to " victorious large penis rising moon "

  2. Erik Stolhanske (Rabbit from Super Troopers) was the workout instructor with a prosthetic leg in the original P90X

  3. A friend of Steve Lemme from Super Troopers ate 12 doses of mushrooms to hide them from a Canadian border guard.

  4. Erik Stolhanske, Rabbit from Super Troopers has had a prosthetic leg his entire life and was featured in the original P90X.

  5. The 'snozzberries guy' from super troopers is married to Christina Hendricks

  6. Christina Hendricks from Mad Men is married to the snozzberries guy from Super Troopers

  7. The two people Kevin Heffernan (Farva) said "chicken f****er" to in Super Troopers were his parents.

  8. Erik Stolhanske, famous for playing Rabbit in “Super Troopers” and Todd in “Beerfest,” was born missing one of his tibia and has spent his entire life with a prosthetic leg

  9. In the Movie "Super Troopers" Jay Chandrasekhar's character, Arcot "Thorny" Ramathorn, was named after Jay's father, Arcot Chandrasekhar.

  10. Jay Chandrasekhar's (Super Troopers, Broken Lizard) middle name literally translates to "big penis"

super troopers facts
Super troopers what about that little guy?

Why is super troopers rated r?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Geoffrey Arend, the actor who played the kid in the opening scene of 'Super Troopers' who eats all the drugs, is married to Christina Hendricks

Actor Daniel Von Bargen (from Super Troopers & Seinfeld) survived a suicide attempt due to him not wanting to suffer from diabetes anymore. - source

Christina Hendricks is married to Geoffrey Arend, aka the snozzberry guy from Super Troopers - source

Film critic Roger Ebert awarded the film Super Troopers 2½ stars out of 4, saying "I can't quite recommend it — it's too patched together — but I almost can; it's the kind of movie that makes you want to like it".

Erik Stolhanske of the Broken Lizard comedy group (Super Troopers, Club Dread, Etc.) featured in P90X plyometrics and has a prosthetic right leg. - source

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Jay Chandrasekar (Super Troopers) got three students expelled from his high school for smoking marijuana

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Kevin Heffernan (Farva from Super Troopers) is a law school graduate.

Super Troopers 2 is happening! They raised $4 million on Indiegogo in 2015, finished making the movie in August 2017, and are set to release it in theaters on Friday April 20th. (More in comments)

The stoner snozzberries kid from the beginning of Super Troopers is married to the ultimately gorgeous Christina Hendricks. Yes, that one. The redhead. They've been married since 2009.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Super Troopers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Super Troopers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor