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Sun Rays facts

While investigating facts about Sun Rays Tattoo and Sun Rays Png, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Clouds don’t protect you from the sun. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 80% of UV rays pass straight through and people often end up with serious burns on overcast days.

how sun rays fall on earth?

Polar bears actually have black skin and clear hollow fur. The clear and hollow fur enables the sun rays to get to the black skin that keeps the polar bears warm in the cold climate.

What sun rays cause skin cancer?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what sun rays are dangerous. Here are 50 of the best facts about Sun Rays Today and Sun Rays Through Clouds I managed to collect.

when are the sun's rays perpendicular to earth's surface at the equator?

  1. Medieval European stained-glass windows contain tiny gold particles, which when energised by the sun’s rays, create a magnetic field that destroys air-borne pollutants.

  2. A European engineer has created a liquid-filled, sun-tracking, energy-harvesting glass sphere is so powerful that it can not only collect solar rays as well as reflected lunar light. It can magnify this light by a factor of 10,000, turning illumination into heat energy.

  3. Beer bottles used to be kept in clear glass bottles in the 19th century until brewers realized UV rays from the sun were altering the flavor and making the beer smell "skunky". This is why most beers are kept in brown glass bottles now, it blocks the UV rays from the sun; preserving taste.

  4. As American pilots began to fly father and higher they began to have more sun-induced headaches. Lieutenant General John MacCready asked Bausch & Lomb to create a solution, thus creating the Ray-Ban Aviators. To combat the blues and whites of the sun and sky, the first lenses were green.

  5. When you get a sunburn, it's not your skin cells being damaged by the sun's UV rays and dying, it's your skin cells' DNA being damaged by the sun's UV rays making the cells kill themselves to prevent turning into cancer

  6. Sundial cannons were used by European royalty in the 18th century, it incorporates a cannon with a fuse that is lit by an overhanging lens, concentrating the rays of the sun, and causing the cannon to fire at noon, signifying the time for their midday meal.

  7. Hippos produce a natural antibacterial sunblock. The ‘sweat’ is made of a red pigment, which contains an antibiotic, and an orange pigment, which absorbs UV rays. These two pigments work together to protect the hippos from both bacterial infections and sun damage.

  8. The first sunglasses date back to the prehistoric Inuits, who wore a piece of flattened ivory over their eyes (made from walrus bones) with narrow slits to look through that blocked harmful rays of the sun reflecting off the ice.

  9. Our palms and soles of feet cannot tan like the rest of our bodies regardless of how much sun they are exposed to. This due to a thick layer of dead skin that prevents UV rays from being exposed to the living cells

  10. A cutting-edge solar plant in the Mojave Desert scorches an average of one bird, or "streamer," every two minutes due to the concentration of the sun's rays by more than 300,000 mirrors. Estimates of birds igniting in mid-air range from 1,000 - 28,000 per year, according to different sources.

sun rays facts
What sun rays produce vitamin d?

Why sun rays are harmful during solar eclipse?

You can easily fact check why sun rays are not parallel by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Las Vegas hotel has a design flaw that acts as a giant magnifying glass, creating a "death ray" when the sun hits at a certain angle.

The Cold War nearly descended into Nuclear War when a Soviet satellite misread harsh sun rays for US nukes. Whilst all other Soviets generals were preparing to fire back, one man, Stanislav Petrov, trusted his gut that there must have been a mistake, and stopped them before it was too late. - source

The spikes on the Statue of Liberty's tiara do not actually represent the seven seas & continents. The spikes are sun rays and the circle is "simply a halo or what in art is called a nimbus, showing she is divine." - source

The rays of the sun are approximately seven times stronger on Mercury than they are on Earth.

The Moon is brighter than the Sun in gamma rays, as seen from Earth. - source

When sun-rays crown shy pine-clad hills?

Kyrgyzstan stands for "We are 40", in reference to the legendary hero Manas that United 40 clans together whom later were the front lines of genghis khan's army; represented by the 40 rays of the sun on their flag

How sun rays give vitamin d?

The thermosphere absorbs a lot of the UV radiation and X-ray given off by the sun. When the sun is more active and the thermosphere heats up more, this layer of earth's atmosphere increases in size.

Sap extracted from the leaves, stem, root, flowers and seed contains toxic chemicals known as furanocoumarins. These substances induce strong reaction on the human skin known as phytophotodermatitis (light-induced skin irritation). Plant's sap destroys natural defensive mechanisms which protect skin from the negative effects of the sun (more precisely of the UV rays). As a result, large burns and blisters appear on the skin.

Some people stare directly at the sun and believe they can satisfy their hunger by receiving nutrients from the sun's rays

Some countries such as New Zealand and Australia have higher rates of skin cancer due to the level of exposure to the sun's rays, which are stronger and hotter in these areas of the world.

Typical windows can protect you from the sun's rays to a degree similar to that of SPF30 sunscreen

When sun rays strike?

The Eiffel Tower moves away from the sun. When under the sun's rays, the the iron of the tour Eiffel facing the sun expands approximately 18 centimeters.

The Arctic ice is protective for the planet as it reflects some of the harsh sun's rays back into space, which in turn helps to regulate the temperature of the earth. Global warming and melting of the ice cap threatens the earth because of this.

The triangular form of both the Pre-Colombian and Egyptian pyramids may have been a result of them being sun worshippers - the pyramids may have represented the rays of the sun.

th an SPF rating. SPF stands for sun protection factor to UV rays. If a product has a rating of 30, it means that 1/30th of the sun's burning radiation will be able to reach the skin. This includes applying sunscreen to 2mm thickness on the skin.

In 1919, exactly 100 years ago, sir Arthur Stanley Eddington experimentally confirmed the deviation of light rays in the gravitational field of the Sun.

How sun rays affect people's health?

Following the autumnal equinox those in the northern hemisphere begin to experience the sun's rays less directly, resulting in colder temperatures. In the southern hemisphere they experience the opposite. This is because the earth rotates on an axis with a tilt of 23.4 degrees.

Solar energy is taken from the light from the Sun's rays that hit the Earth.

Akhenaten only worshipped the Aten - the disk of the sun - which has led many to proclaim him the "world's first monotheist." In the many scenes that show Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their daughters, the Aten is in the center, shining its rays of light down on the royal family.

American flags on moon are now white due to ultraviolet rays coming from the sun.

Gamma ray bursts release more energy in the first couple of seconds, that our Sun will release in its 10bn year lifetime.

In WW2 German scientists had plans to build a giant mirror to reflect the suns rays as a weapon.

The oldest state park in Nevada is the Valley of Fire and it was given this name due to it's sandstone's fire like color when reflecting the sun's rays.

The villages of Rjukan, Norway, and Viganella, Italy, are both situated in deep valleys where mountains block the sun's rays for up to six months every year. To illuminate those darker winter months, the two towns have built gigantic mirrors that track the sun and reflect daylight downwards.

The reason you can go blind from looking at the sun is not because of the brightness, but because the UV rays actually sunburn your cornea

Although the exosphere is the most distance layer of earth's atmosphere it is the layer that is the planet's first line of defense against the sun's rays. It is also the first layer to come into contact and protect the earth from meteors, asteroids, and cosmic rays.

It is pointless to try and get vitamin D from sun exposure through a window or during the months/times when the sun is lower than 50 degrees from the horizon, due to UVB-rays being blocked by the glass or atmosphere at those angles.

Following the vernal equinox those in the northern hemisphere begin to experience the sun's rays more directly. This is because the earth is tilted on its axis at 23.4 degrees.

The moon is actually 'brighter' than the sun when it comes to (some types) of gamma rays

Long hours in the sun expose unprotected eyes to dangerous UVA and UVB rays and can actually cause sunburned eyes.

Sunbursts" in photos have twice many sun rays as aperture blades.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sun Rays. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sun Rays so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor