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Sully Sullenberger facts

While investigating facts about Sully Sullenberger Net Worth and Sully Sullenberger Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The conflict point of the movie 'Sully' between Captain Sullenberger and the NTSB was all made up. In reality the NTSB report lauded Sully and its computer simulations vindicated his gutsy call to land in the river.

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The giant Canada goose (the now-common kind that took down the Sully Sullenberger's Miracle on the Hudson jet) were believed for thirty years to be extinct.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is captain sully sullenberger doing now. Here are 11 of the best facts about Sully Sullenberger Purdue and Sully Sullenberger Wife I managed to collect.

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  1. There is a cocktail named the "Sully", after Hudson River pilot Chesley Sullenberger, that consists of two shots of Grey Goose vodka and a dash of water.

  2. Captain Chesley Sullenberger, 'Sully', had a library book in his luggage during his landing on the Hudson River. The library waived his late fees.

  3. The song "A Real Hero" by College feat. Electric Youth is about Capt. Chelsey Sullenberger (AKA "Sully") and Flight 1549's water landing in the Hudson River.

  4. It was a difficult, time consuming process to recover Flight 1549. Captain "Sully" Sullenberger's plane, from the ice-filled Hudson River after his incredible water landing. This is a time lapse video shot from an apartment building overlooking salvage efforts. Credits to Dave Martin.

  5. The song "A Real Hero" by College and Electric Youth, popularized by the Drive soundtrack, was inspired by Chelsea "Sully" Sullenberger's landing in the Hudson river

  6. The United States Department of Agriculture helped gas more than 1000 Canada Geese in the NYC area after they struck the engines and brought down Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger's Flight 1549.

  7. Sully Sullenberger testified before the U.S. House of Representatives's Subcommittee on Aviation of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure on February 24, 2009, that his salary had been cut by 40 percent, and that his pension, like most airline pensions, was terminated.

  8. The song 'A Real Hero', the stellar synthwave anthem featured prominently in the film Drive, was written about Captain 'Sully' Sullenberger and the emergency landing into the Hudson

sully sullenberger facts
What does sully sullenberger do now?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sully Sullenberger. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sully Sullenberger so important!

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