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Sugary Foods facts

While investigating facts about Sugary Foods To Avoid and Sugary Foods List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Chad has the world's healthiest diet even though it is an extremely poor nation. It has access to vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and fish, but almost no availability of processed meat and sugary beverages, or foods containing trans fats or sodium

how sugary foods are making us fat?

Some cattle producers in the US have started feeding foods such as cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows, fruit loops, orange peels, and dried cranberries to their animals in response to high corn costs. These sugary foods are intended to replace the starchy sugar content of corn.

What sugary foods to avoid?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what sugary foods are healthy. Here are 17 of the best facts about Sugary Foods Cause Diarrhea and Sugary Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight I managed to collect.

why do i crave sugary foods at night?

  1. The oatmeal raisin cookie was originally labeled as “health food” despite being almost equally fattening and sugary as chocolate chip cookies.

  2. Though sweet baked beans may come across as excessively sugary, or a product of the processed food industry, it is a traditional Native American dish. Originally sweetened using maple syrup, also a native product.

  3. Before the Industrial Revolution, many dental problems (cavities, plaque buildup, misaligned teeth) were limited by a diet of hard, unprocessed, unsweetened foods. Natural selection has not prepared us for soft, processed, sugary foods.

  4. Sugary drinks such as Lucozade can result in rotting teeth and shortened concentration.

  5. In one study, rats were given unlimited access to "junk food" for 40 days. On subsequent testing days, the rats would voluntarily get electrically shocked, just so they could still have access to the sugary food.

  6. Some species of senna have extrafloral nectaries, special type of glands that are located near the leaves or floral stalks. These glands produce sugary substance which serves as source of food for the ants and ladybird beetles. In return, these insects protect senna from the insects that feed on leaves of this plant.

  7. Regent honeyeater is an omnivore (mixed diet, based on plants and animals). Nectar, extracted from the flowers of various types of eucalyptus, represents the most important source of food. Regent honeyeater supplements its diet with insects and sugary liquid (which some insects secrete) at the end of the flowering season. It often eats positioned upside-down (it hangs from the branches).

  8. House fly eats sugary liquids and different kinds of organic waste. All food needs to be turned into liquid before ingestion because fly does not have teeth and ability to chew food. House fly spits digestive juices on the food to decompose it before swallowing.

  9. Pulp of honey locust has sugary taste, hence the name "honey" locust. Native Americans used pulp as sweetener and as a source of food.

sugary foods facts
What makes you crave sugary foods?

Why sugary foods are bad for your teeth?

You can easily fact check why sugary foods is dangerous by examining the linked well-known sources.

Aborigines used banksia flowers as a source of food (nectar was consumed directly from the flowers and used for the preparation of sugary liquid).

During the murder trial of Dan White, defense attorneys claimed his dietary change from healthy food to sugary snacks had diminished his ability for rational thought. He was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter. This later became known as "The Twinkie Defense". - source

Magnolias do not produce nectar. Instead, they have pollen enriched with proteins which bees use as food. Flowers release sugary scent which attracts pollinators.

Auto brewery syndrome is also known as gut fermentation syndrome and endogenous ethanol fermentation. It's sometimes called “drunkenness disease.” This rare condition makes you intoxicated drunk without drinking alcohol. This happens when your body turns sugary and starchy foods into alcohol.

During the 1978 trial of Dan White, who assassinated openly gay San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk, his lawyers argued that his consumption of sugary foods, notably Twinkies, resulted in depression, which led to him murdering Milk. White received 7 years for voluntary manslaughter. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sugary Foods. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sugary Foods so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor