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Subject Matter facts

While investigating facts about Subject Matter Expert and Subject Matter Jurisdiction, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Pre-Code Era of Hollywood when movies were not systematically censored by an oversight group. Along with featuring stronger female characters, these films examined female subject matters that would not be revisited until decades later in US films.

how to become a subject matter expert?

Monty Python's movie, The Life of Brian, was funded solely by George Harrison of the Beatles after EMI backed out due to the subject matter.

What subject matter appears in works by the impressionists?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what subject matter experts do. Here are 27 of the best facts about Subject Matter Meaning and Subject Matter Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

what subject matter is associated with japanese ukiyo-e prints?

  1. The Roman senator Cato the Elder took the threat of Carthage so seriously that he would end all of his speeches, no matter the subject, with the phrase, “And, further, I think that Carthage should be destroyed.”

  2. There was a controversial Seinfeld episode that was never filmed due to its dark subject matter; the cast began rehearsing, but upon learning the script involved Elaine purchasing a handgun, holding it to her head and joking "Where do you want it Jerry? The Kennedy?", they said it went too far

  3. Monty Python's movie, The Life of Brian, was funded solely by George Harrison of The Beatles after EMI backed out due to the subject matter.

  4. Charlotte's Web by E.B. White was banned in Kansas in 2006 because 'talking animals are blasphemous and unnatural; passages about the spider dying were also criticized as being “inappropriate subject matter for a children’s book.”'

  5. Lynne Reid Banks" first published novel was The L-Shaped Room. It was released in 1960 and met with outrage among some conservative audiences due to its subject matter, which included an unmarried, pregnant woman kicked out of her home by her father.

  6. When The Exorcist premiered in December 1973, it was a major cultural event with people of all ages waiting in long lines to see the film. Many of the film goers were not ready for the subject matter in the movie, causing many people to walk out or faint including Paul Mooney and Richard Pryor.

  7. Westworld and Jurassic Park were both written by the same author - which explains the similarities in subject matter and setting/concept.

  8. Basil Rathbone, famous for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes, was once arrested in 1926 along with every other member of the hit play The Captive for the play's homosexual subject matter. The play was forced to end its run.

  9. French physicist Louis de Broglie was still a student when he proposed that all matter has wave-like properties. His theories on the wave-particle duality of matter, for which he received a Nobel Prize in Physics, were the subject of his thesis.

  10. "RE:" used in email subject lines is not an abbreviation of regarding or reply but stands for "In re", the Latin for "in the matter of".

subject matter facts
What subject matter decorates the frieze of the altar at pergamon?

Why subject matter expert?

You can easily fact check why are standing committees known as subject matter committees by examining the linked well-known sources.

World famous street artist Banksy holds a style and subject matter extremely close to a lesser known French street artist named Blek le Rat who started stenciling years before Banksy

"RE:" in an email's subject is NOT short for Reply but rather a Latin word that means "in the matter of". - source

Deadpan or dry humor/wit describes the act of deliberately displaying a lack of or no emotion, commonly as a form of comedic delivery to contrast with the ridiculousness of the subject matter. The delivery is meant to be blunt, sarcastic, laconic, or apparently unintentional. - source

're' (used to abbreviate 'reply' in emails) is actually a Latin word that literally means "with reference to" that's been in use since the 1700s to inform letter recipients of important subject matter.

An episode of Married With Children originally set to air in 1988 didn't air until 14 years later in 2002 in the US, 5 years after the show had ended. It was delayed due to controversy over the subject matter. - source

When was the nuremberg chronicle printed and what is its subject matter?

Massive training/study of a specific subject matter becomes useless even with small task variations. It helps to keep learning beyond your horizon, not just banging your head over a single concept.

How to be a subject matter expert?

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.

There have been numerous allegations and evidence of sexual assault by Ron Jeremy (subject matter)

In 1994 while they were filming the pilot for Friends, the network was so nervous about the plotline in which Monica sleeps with a guy on the first date, that they wrote up a poll to give to the audience beforehand asking if they felt okay with that kind of subject matter

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.

When is subject matter jurisdiction determined?

During the filming of Schindler's List, Spielberg battled bouts of depression due to the dark subject matter. His major relief from this was weekly calls from his friend Robin Williams who would do 15 minutes of stand-up just for him to cheer him up.

Because learning curves are a graph of learning over time, a "steep learning curve" actually means that there is a lot of learning over a short period of time, and doesn't necessarily relate to the difficulty of the subject matter.

Monty Python's movie, "The Life Of Brian", was founded solely by George Harrison of The Beatles after EMI backed out due to the subject matter.

Wikipedia has a "Simple English" setting as one of its language options. It transforms complex articles into simple to comprehend subject matter, by using basic English vocabulary and shorter sentences.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Subject Matter. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Subject Matter so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor