Steve Martin facts
While investigating facts about Steve Martin Movies and Steve Martin And Martin Short, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The R-rated film Planes Trains and Automobiles would have been rated PG if not for the scene where Steve Martin says "fucking" 18 times in one minute. Despite the rating it is the only time in the movie where the word is used.
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Steve Martin's wedding came as a surprise to his guests. The roughly 75 star-studded attendees (including the likes of Tom Hanks, Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, and Carl Reiner) said that he had invited them to his house just for a "party." To their shock, upon their arrival his wedding began.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's steve martin's net worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Steve Martin Wife and Steve Martin King Tut I managed to collect.
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When fans asked Steve Martin for an autograph in the 80’s he would give them a business card that said “This certifies that you have had a personal encounter with me and that you found me warm, polite, intelligent and funny.”
Steve Martin has a ringing in his ear called tinnitus, which he received while filming a pistol-shooting scene for the film, Three Amigos in 1986. He was quoted saying, "You just get used to it, or you go insane.”
Instead of signing autographs, Steve Martin would just distribute pre-signed business cards reading "This certifies that you had a personal encounter with me and found me warm, polite, intelligent and funny."
Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Tom Hanks have yearly colonoscopys together, and have a sleepover the night before.
Steve Martin has won more Grammy awards for playing banjo than he did for comedy.
Comedian Steve Martin taught himself to play the banjo at age 17 and won a Grammy for Best Bluegrass Album in 2010.
Steve Martin is an accomplished banjo player and bluegrass composer winning multiple Grammies
Steve Martin suffers from tinnitus (ringing in the ears) which he states he got while filming a pistol-shooting scene for the film Three Amigos
Steve Martin/Rick Moranis comedy "My Blue Heaven" is considered a spiritual sequel to Martin Scorsese's "GoodFellas", both based on the life of mobster Henry Hill. Both were researched together and released in 1990, "GF" written by Nicholas Pileggi and "MBH" written by Pileggi's wife Nora Ephron
In 1990, the movie My Blue Heaven, with Steve Martin and Rick Moranis, was released in theaters 1 month before Goodfellas. Both movies are true accounts of the life of gangster Henry Hill
Steve Martin data charts
For your convenience take a look at Steve Martin figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Randy Newman, Oscar-winning composer and songwriter, co-wrote the screenplay Three Amigos! with John Landis, Lorne Michaels and Steve Martin
Some famous banjoists include Steve Martin (actor, comedian and Grammy winning musician), George Crumb, Paul Elwood, Punch Brothers, Modest Mouse, and Beck. One of the most famous banjoists is Pete Seeger who plays with a longer-necked banjo.
The role of Michael Scott in the Office was suggested for Paul Giamatti, Bob Odenkirk, Martin Short and Hank Azaria before Steve Carell - source
Steve Martin's conversation with Carl Reiner on titling his first film: "It needs to be something short, yet have the feeling of an epic tale, "Like Dostoyevsky's The Idiot, but not that. Like "The Jerk."
Growing up, Steve Martin worked at Disneyland first selling guidebooks and lassos before working in Merlin's Magic Shop. He used the lassos tricks he picked up in the film, Three Amigos. - source
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Paul McCartney, President Jimmy Carter, Cameron Diaz, Mick Jagger, Steve Martin, Fidel Castro, and Agatha Christie are/were all birdwatching enthusiasts.
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Steve Martin created the Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo and Bluegrass after he himself won a Grammy for Bluegrass in 2009
Steve Martin used to hand out silly business cards as a "certificate" of the encounter to fans who asked for his autograph.
John Goodman was almost a cast member of Saturday Night Live in the early 80's. Though he wasn't hired he went on to host the show 13 times. Only Alec Baldwin (16 times) and Steve Martin (15 times) have hosted more.
Steve Martin has a band, and they are just delightful.
Steve Martin is an accomplished banjo player and plays in a bluegrass band.