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Stephen Fry facts

While investigating facts about Stephen Fry Husband and Stephen Fry Mythos, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Stephen Fry was expelled from two schools and was imprisoned for three months for credit-card fraud. After studying for the entrance test, however, Fry was admitted to Cambridge University, where he met Emma Thompson and his future collaborator Hugh Laurie.

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After Stephen Fry described God - if God existed - as a maniac he was criminally investigated for blasphemy, but the investigation was dropped when they didn’t find enough people who were outraged by his comments.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering stephen fry what would you say to god. Here are 33 of the best facts about Stephen Fry Weight Loss and Stephen Fry Books I managed to collect.

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  1. Stephen Fry is the only person alive who knows why Douglas Adams chose 42 as the answer to "Life, the Universe and Everything"

  2. Stephen Fry spent time in prison for credit card fraud

  3. When recording the audio book for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Stephen Fry could not say the phrase "he pocketed it" correctly, and he asked JK Rowling to replace it. She refused, and the phrase appears in each of the following 4 books.

  4. Sir Ian McKellen and Stephen Fry saved a Southampton pub called "The Hobbit" from having to change its name after being threatened with legal action based on the accusations that the pub was committing copyright infringement.

  5. Stephen Fry, renowned UK commentator and comedian, purchased a London cab so that he could use bus and taxi lanes to efficiently drive around London

  6. Stephen Fry spent three months in prison at the age of 17 for credit card fraud

  7. There is a cognitive disorder of face perception called Prosopagnosia (or face blindness) where the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own face, is impaired. Notable examples of this condition include Stephen Fry, Jane Goodall, Brad Pitt, & Steve Wozniak.

  8. That, when recording the audiobook for the PoA, Stephen Fry had immense difficulty saying the phrase "harry pocketed it". He asked JK Rowling whether he could change it, to which she said "no". The phrase was then to be found in every subsequent HP book.

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Stephen Fry data charts

For your convenience take a look at Stephen Fry figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

stephen fry fact data chart about After reading Stephen Fry's Mythos/Heroes, I decided to see
After reading Stephen Fry's Mythos/Heroes, I decided to see how frequent are names of heroes and gods from Greek mythology and I made an infographic ([data on github](

stephen fry fact data chart about After reading Stephen Fry's Mythos/Heroes, I decided to see
After reading Stephen Fry's Mythos/Heroes, I decided to see how frequent are names of heroes and gods from Greek mythology and I made an infographic (data:

Why was stephen fry in jail?

You can easily fact check why is stephen frys nose by examining the linked well-known sources.

Stephen Fry spent time in jail for credit card fraud, had attempted suicide, and was expelled from 2 schools.

The first two Apple Macintosh computers in Europe were owned by writer Douglas Adams. The third was owned by Stephen Fry. - source

English comedian, actor, writer, presenter, and activist Stephen Fry, had a troubled childhood and adolescence, during which he was expelled from two schools and spent three months in prison for credit card fraud. - source

Stephen Fry has received the highest honour awarded by the commonwealth of Kentucky and therefore is an official Colonel of Kentucky.

When asked when it was that he first realised he was gay, Stephen Fry said: "I suppose it all began when I came out of the womb. I looked back up at my mother and thought to myself, 'That's the last time I'm going up one of those'." - source

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Stephen Fry went to a hypnotist to deal with some serious stage fright when preparing to do a lyrical sketch on live tv. His trigger phrase was "Hit it bitch!"

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Richard Dreyfuss, Stephen Fry, Jesse Jackson Jr., Vivien Leigh, Frank Sinatra, Florence Nightingale, Jackson Pollock, Lou Reed, Rene Russo, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Amy Winehouse and Catherine Zeta-Jones have all been diagnosed with Bipolar

The Footlights, a 150-year old, exclusive comedy club run by students in Cambridge University. Past notable members, among many others, include all of Monty Python, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Richard Ayoade, Jon Oliver, and David Mitchell and Robert Webb (Mark and Jez from Peep Show).

The first rap song was an accident; QI hosted by Stephen Fry claims that the first "rap" song was produced in 1972 an Italian comedian making fun of Italians that bought American records without understanding the lyrics.

Stephen Fry had his prostate removed due to cancerous cells, please get yourself checked when you next see your doctor.

On the BBC show Qi, Stephen Fry's replacement (Sandi Toksvig) is the most successful contestant on the show. Also that Alan Davies holds the record for most wins, having the highest score and also the lowest.

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Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie's student flat was plastered by Charlie Higson & Paul Whitehouse

Rik Mayall referred to Stephen Fry as a 'cunt'. This was after Stephen Fry left a play that they were both starring in. Stephen Fry left with plans to commit suicide after his bipolar got the better of him.

In 1868 20,000 people went by tube to the last public execution in London. (Stephen Fry's Key to the City - Exploring the Mysteries of the City of London)

Stephen Fry's husband was born in 1987, the same year that A Bit of Fry and Laurie started

Stephen Fry wrote a play about a pedophilic relationship between a teacher and 13 year old student

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Popular TV show personality Stephen Fry once wrote a play called "Latin! Or Tobacco and Boys" about a Latin Teacher in a sexually explicit homosexual relationship with a 13 year old boy.

Stephen Fry first coined the term "luvvie" in 1988.

Stephen Fry has refused to appear on Have I Got News For You ever again, since Angus Deayton was dismissed as the show's presenter.

While listening to Stephen Fry read Harry Potter that "draught" is just British spelling for "draft" and not a different word. Draft of Living Death just doesn't have the same ring.

Stephen Fry's Nose is bent sideways and now I can't unsee it.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Stephen Fry. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Stephen Fry so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor