Steering Wheel facts
While investigating facts about Steering Wheel Covers and Steering Wheel Lock, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During the filming of Rocky IV Sylvester Stallone was hit so hard by Dolph Lundgren, he spent 8 days within intensive care. The injuries he sustained are usually caused by steering wheel trauma to the chest in car accidents. Stallone said "in a sense I was hit by a 'streetcar named drago'"
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Holding the steering wheel at 10 and 2 is dangerous, because if the airbag deploys, it'll forcefully knock your hands into your face, causing injury. The recommended position is now 9 and 3, or 8 and 4.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what steering wheel lock is the best. Here are 46 of the best facts about Steering Wheel Shaking and Steering Wheel Shakes When Braking I managed to collect.
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Before the Hummer, the US Army had over 15,000 of a little known vehicle called the "Gamma Goat". It was designed to look like a little jeep towing a trailer, but was actually a 7000lbs single vehicle with 6 wheel drive, 4 wheel steering, and had exceptional offroad ability. But terrible on road
All Porsche cars have the ignition on the left side of the steering-wheel. This comes from an idea at the 24 Hours of Le Mans race when drivers had to start the car themselves, this way the driver could start the car with his left hand while put it in gear with his right hand and start faster.
George Burns bought new Cadillacs every year and drove until the age of 93, when he stopped due to becoming so short that he couldn't see over the steering wheel.
Richard Nixon plotted an assassination to Jack Anderson by poisoning him or putting LSD on his Steering Wheel after Jack exposed corruption throughout his political career. The only reason the plot wasn't carried out was because of the Watergate scandal.
Saab in 1992 made a prototype vehicle dubbed "Prometheus" that had no steering wheel. Instead, to steer it, the driver had an aircraft like joystick. It greatly increased safety, space and aesthetics. The production model would have had two Joysticks, one for each arm / hand.
In 1975 a Missouri construction worker heard of a device pitched to the US Army that would steer the rear wheels of a vehicle if the front axle broke. He modified it to work permanently and installed it on his 1974 Ford F-250, called it 'Bigfoot', and thus created the monster truck.
Land Rover's first design had the steering wheel in the middle so it could be used in left or right side driving counties without modifications.
The recommended hand position for your steering wheel is no longer 10 and 2. Since the advent of the airbag the proper position is now 9 and 3 to avoid forearm injuries such as degloving.
The advice to drive with your hands at "10 and 2 o'clock" on the steering wheel is outdated. The 9 and 3 o'clock positions are now recommended, to avoid major injury to hands, fingers, and faces, from airbags.
The Ferraris in the show Magnum P.I. had to be specially modified to accommodate for Tom Selleck standing at 6'4". The seats were bolted as far away from the steering wheel as possible, the padding was removed, and they also had to drive with the roof down all the time.
Steering Wheel data charts
For your convenience take a look at Steering Wheel figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why steering wheel locks?
You can easily fact check why steering wheel shakes when braking by examining the linked well-known sources.
The feeling of resistance when turning a car with power steering is artificial, engineered to give the driver a better feel for the wheels' positions and movements. It would take hardly any effort at all otherwise.
The Nixon administration plotted the assassination of investigative journalist Jack Anderson, with plans including exposing him to a "massive dose" of LSD by smearing it on the steering wheel of his car - source
On June 21, 1994, Jose Martin of Spain was driving with his wife near Madrid when a 3-pound meteor crashed through his windshield, bent the steering wheel and landed in the back seat. Martin suffered a broken finger while his wife was uninjured. - source
Porsche cars has their ignition on the LEFT side of the steering wheel instead of the right because of their Le Mans heritage. It is so that the driver can start the car and put the car in gear at the same time.
Accessories for the Xbox 360 included headsets, custom faceplates, wired controllers, wireless controllers, a steering wheel, a webcam, dance mats, memory units, and hard drives.
When steering wheel shakes?
The Tullock Spike, a proposed spike on a car steering wheel pointed at the driver's chest, intended to encourage safe driving
How steering wheel adjust?
Mercedes-Benz make a vehicle that is capable of being anything from an agricultural tool, to a snowplow. You can even change the steering wheel and pedals to whatever side of the car suits the job best, in the field, in under 30 seconds.
When steering wheels were first put into cars they were called whips. Many years later hiphop artists noticed that the Mercedes Benz logo resembled a steering wheel & then started using the old term whip to describe any Mercedes The term whip has now been generalized to describe any vehicle
The first steering wheels in cars were not wheels - they were levers similar to joysticks.
A formula 1 steering wheel costs, on average, $60,000
In Mongolia 90% of cars are bought second hand, so while they drive on the right side of the road, 50% of the cars have the steering wheel on the right