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State Trooper facts

While investigating facts about State Trooper Salary and State Troopers Office, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The director of The Little Mermaid ,Ron Clements received a letter from a New Jersey State Trooper saying that, after seeing the movie and being driven to tears by it, he called his estranged daughter to reconcile their own relationship, just as Ariel and Triton did.

how to become a state trooper?

In a scene in Swingers, sirens can be heard in the distance from the state troopers arriving to shut down filming, as the crew did not have a permit to shoot.

What is a state trooper?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a state trooper do. Here are 21 of the best facts about State Trooper Killed and State Trooper Texas I managed to collect.

what state troopers do?

  1. In 2012 a Vermont State Police trooper discovered a pig-shaped spot in a cow in the logo on his patrol car. Inmates at a correctional facility were responsible for printing the decals.

  2. The FBI and J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI director at the time, refused to acknowledge the existence of the Mafia. It was only when a local state trooper watched the home of mobster Joe Barbara on a hunch, that he stumbled onto a meeting of around 100 members, confirming their existence.

  3. In Alaska Moose roadkill are considered state property. When one is struck by a vehicle, the driver must call a state trooper to report the kill.The troopers will turn the carcass over to charity.

  4. A real-life Rambo, a man who evaded thermal-imaging helicopters, armored vehicles, and nearly 1,000 police officers for 48 days after murdering a state trooper with a sniper rifle in northern Pennsylvania. The man, Eric Frein, learned his skills as an Eagle scout and war reenactor.

  5. Over half a century after its publication, Starship Troopers was on the reading lists of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Navy.

  6. A guy under arrest used a handcuff key he had on a chain around his neck to free himself and grab a gun. Killing 2 Police and later a State Trooper.

  7. A state trooper was suspended with pay for nearly 2 years, after killing 2 sisters while driving 126mph and texting his girlfriend, making nearly $136,000 in salary.

  8. A Tennessee State Trooper was fired after he watched porn on his patrol car laptop, received a blowjob from a porn star, recorded it, and asked her to post it on her blog so his buddies would believe him.

  9. Alaska State Troopers set up fake decoy animals to catch poachers

  10. A drifter named Michael Silka that terrorized a small Alaskan Village, and died in a shootout with Alaska State Troopers, in the early 80's.

state trooper facts
What is a state trooper salary?

Why are state troopers so mean?

You can easily fact check why do state troopers wear chin straps by examining the linked well-known sources.

Archbishop of Boston Bernard Law, who systematically covered up sexual child abuse, fled to the Vatican just before state troopers arrived with subpoenas

An Alabama State Trooper was found guilty of sexually assaulting a car accident victim after responding to a call to the scene. He received only a 6 month sentence and was allowed to serve his sentence “in increments at his own discretion” - source

You must pass a polygraph test in order to become a State Police Trooper in Connecticut - source

You don't mess with an Oklahoma State Trooper.

About a New Jersey state trooper who reunited with the retired cop who helped deliver him by pulling him over for tinted windows. - source

When is the next ny state trooper exam?

Merle Haggard was invited to escape San Quentin prison with another inmate. Haggard decided not to follow through with it. The other inmate was subsequently captured and executed for the murder of a State Trooper while on the run.

How much do state troopers make?

Former Boston Bruins player Cam Neely played Sea-Bass in Dumb and Dumber but also as a quick cameo in Me, Myself and Irene. He was dressed as a Rhode Island State Trooper near the end of the film that Carey says hi to.

about Mississippi State Trooper Lt. Pete Collins. A motivational speaker who was awarded a Presidential Medal and it turns out he was a diddler all along and committed suicide in Prison after being sentenced to 15 years for fondling a child. What a role model he turned out to be.

The CIA discovered that New York State Troopers had been planting evidence to convict innocent people when a Trooper interviewing with the CIA was asked if he was willing to break the law for his country. He replied touting his evidence planting credentials, thinking the CIA would be pleased.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about State Trooper. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is State Trooper so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor