Stars Galaxy facts
While investigating facts about Stars Galaxy Wallpaper and Stars Galaxy Background, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Douglas Adams came up with the title for The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy while lying drunk in a field near Innsbruck with a copy of The Hitch-Hikers Guide to Europe. Looking up at the stars, he thought it would be a good idea for someone to write a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy as well.
how many stars in our galaxy?
On the set of "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" the stunt double for Milla Jovovich was so badly injured that her arm was amputated. Olivia Jackson had performed stunts in several hit films including Star Wars, Mad Max, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
What galaxy has the most stars?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the names of stars in our galaxy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Stars Galaxy Edge and Stars Galaxy Sky I managed to collect.
which stars are generally better at recycling gas in the galaxy?
Galaxy Quest, a satire of Star Trek and fandom, is so popular with the latter's fans that it was named the 7th best Star Trek film at the 2013 Star Trek Convention. Actors of TOS, TNG, Voyager and DS9 also have expressed admiration for the film.
Diehard Star Trek Fans Ranked Galaxy Quest the 7th Best Star Trek film
Dung beetles can navigate when only the Milky Way or clusters of bright stars are visible and are the only insect known to orient itself by the galaxy!
In the movie Galaxy Quest (1999), the scene where Tim Allen's character overhears the convention goers calling him and the show's cast "nobodies" and claiming the cast "couldn't stand him" actually happened to William Shatner when he attended a Star Trek convention.
The Milky Way may already be a zombie galaxy, having stopped producing new stars a billion years ago but still moving
There is a star in our galaxy that is 5 billion times volume of our sun.
We actually have photographs showing entire star systems being warped in space-time by immense gravitational force. These Gravitational Lenses appear to us a circular bubble of stars and galaxies, and prove Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
There are more trees on Earth than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
If the Sun was a grain of sand, and the Earth a microscopic speck one inch away, then Jupiter would lie 5.2 inches away, the nearest star would be about 4.3 miles away, and the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy itself would be about 100,000 miles.
Every article in the star wars wiki is written in past tense because it's in "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
Stars Galaxy data charts
For your convenience take a look at Stars Galaxy figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do stars orbit the center of a galaxy?
You can easily fact check why are most stars not destroyed in a galaxy collision by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 4 billion years, when the Andromeda galaxy and the milky way collide, the probability even just two stars colliding is negligible.
In the northern hemisphere, EVERYTHING visible in the night sky with the naked eye is within in our milky way galaxy...except one "star" which is actually the entire Andromeda galaxy. - source
There are ring galaxies, called Hoag's Objects, where young hot stars form a nearly perfect circle around a spherical core of old cooler stars. - source
All things observable--the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today--make up just 4% of the universe. The other 96% is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend.
The largest galaxy in the observable universe is elliptical galaxy, IC 1101. It has 100 trillion stars and is 6 million light years across! By comparison, the Milky way has a mere 100 billion stars and is 120,000 light years across. - source
When starry night was painted?
Harvard Observatory astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt; given the boring job of examining the luminosity of stars in thousands of photos, she discovered how to measure the distance between the Earth and faraway galaxies. At the time, she was not allowed to operate Harvard's telescope.
How many stars in a galaxy?
The existence of "Ring galaxies" - galaxies in which the majority of stars and gas coalesce in a donut-like shape around the center, in contrast to the typical galaxy in which stars and gas coalesce at the center itself.
About UY Scuti. It is the largest star we have ever discovered, and is thought to be the largest star in our galaxy. If it were to replace our Sun, its surface would reach the orbit of Saturn.
If the largest star in the Galaxy was placed at the center of our Solar System, its surface would extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter.
Once every 10,000 years, a black hole in a galaxy reveals itself by ripping apart a passing star. These tidal disruption events have given astronomers a new way to map the hidden cosmos.
There are approximately 3.04 TRILLION trees on Earth. More than the number of stars and planets in the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies combined.