Star Wars facts
While investigating facts about Star Wars Movies and Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Donnie Yen (the blind monk in Star Wars: Rogue One/star of the Ip Man films) was once leaving a Hong Kong nightclub with his girlfriend when they were attacked by a gang who had been bothering them earlier in the night. Donnie hospitalised 8 of them.
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While filming "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", actor Oscar Isaac specifically requested that his character Poe Dameron be a native of the planet Yavin 4. This is because the scenes on Yavin 4 in the original trilogy were filmed in Guatemala, where Isaac is actually from.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what star wars character are you. Here are 50 of the best facts about Star Wars Movies In Order and Star Wars Trailer I managed to collect.
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The star wars theme was written purposely on the same key as the 20th Century Fox fanfare (that used to appear before the movie started) so that there will be a continuous feeling and a smooth entry to the film for the viewers.
George Lucas approved of Mel Brooks’ Star Wars parody Spaceballs and signed off on a fair use agreement. The only condition was that no Spaceballs merchandise would be made to compete with Star Wars merchandise. This is why there’s never been any Spaceballs figures, cereal, or flamethrower.
The wife of George Lucas, Marcia Lucas, won an Oscar in 1977 for Best Film Editing in Star Wars. To date, George Lucas has won zero Oscars.
Pokémon is the highest grossing media franchise of all time with $95 billion, beating out other franchises such as Star Wars, Marvel and Mickey Mouse.
Porgs were included in Star Wars because they had no way of getting rid of all the puffins when they were filming in Ireland
Pokémon is the highest-grossing media franchise in the world with $59 Billion in revenue, $16 Billion more than Star Wars
Alec Guinness agreed to be in Star Wars (Obi-Wan Kenobi) only after his initial salary was doubled, and that he would receive 2.25% of all gross royalties paid to George Lucas, and never have to make a publicity appearance.
Peter Mayhew has played Chewbacca in every Star Wars film other than Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but was still listed in the credits of that film as "Chewbacca Consultant".
Star Wars composer John William's son is the lead singer for the rock group Toto
Star Wars data charts
For your convenience take a look at Star Wars figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why star wars release order by examining the linked well-known sources.
The "Star Wars kid" (Ghyslain Raza) is graduated from law school and since 2013 he's trying to help other who suffer bullying
Sir Alec Guiness HATED his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: "Apart from the money, I regret having embarked on the film," calling the dialog "lamentable." An autograph seeker told him he'd seen the movie over 100 times; he gave him an autograph on the condition he never see the movie again. - source
In the movie 'Lord of War' starring Nicolas Cage, the production team bought 3,000 real SA Vz. 58 rifles to stand in for AK-47s because they were cheaper than prop movie guns.
James Earl Jones spent only 2.5 hours recording all of Darth Vadar's lines for Star Wars and was paid $7,500 - source
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Adam Driver (Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens) is an Ex-Marine and founder of Arts in the Armed Forces. The AITAF provide high-quality theater programming for active duty service members, veterans and their families.
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In 2013, Star Wars was dubbed in Navajo, making it the first major film to be dubbed in a Native American language
20th Century Fox, convinced that Star Wars was going to flop, agreed to George Lucas’s proposition to forgo an additional $500K directing fee in return to keep licensing and merchandising rights for himself. This decision cost Fox billions and made George Lucas a Billionaire.
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in the Force Awakens was the same age as Alec Guinness was playing Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars
George Lucas thought Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" would out perform Star Wars so he proposed they trade 2.5% of the profit on each other's films; Spielberg took the trade, and still receives 2.5% of the profits from Star Wars.
After watching Star Wars in 1977, James Cameron quit his job as a truck driver to enter the film industry
Star wars infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Star Wars numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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