Spouse Parent facts
While investigating facts about Spouse Parental Leave and Spouse Parent Death, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Humans can generally detect their parents, children, and siblings (but not spouses, half-siblings, and stepchildren/step-parents) by smell, and females prefer sexual partners with a different smell than their own. Scientists believe this is an evolved defense against incest.
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There's a disorder called 'Capgras delusion' in which a person holds a delusion that a close friend, spouse, parent or family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor.
What to do when your spouse loses a parent?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do when you and your spouse disagree about parenting. Here are 18 of the best facts about Spouse Parents To Canada and Spouse's Parent Has Cancer I managed to collect.
what to do when your spouse's parent dies?
Someone who is under the age of 21 in Wisconsin (and some other states) can legally be served alcohol at a bar and/or restaurant if they are in the company of a parent, guardian, or spouse who is over the age of 21.
The legal drinking age in Wisconsin is 21, but those underage can be served and consume alcohol if they are with a parent, guardian, or spouse of the legal drinking age.
The bond between siblings is usually the longest relationship a person has in their lifetime. It usually lasts longer than their relationship with their parents, children, and spouse(s).
In Iowa, if you sleep with a married woman and she gives birth to your child, the child is legally her husband's and you have no parental rights (assuming the married woman you sleep with isn't your spouse).
The Capgras delusion, a disorder in which a person believes that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member (or pet) has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor.
A punishment called 'Nine familial exterminations' whereby the individual's grandparents, parents, siblings, spouse, children, etc were all executed together.
A spouse has greater authority than a parent or adult child in making life/death decisions on behalf of the terminally ill.
The 'Capgras delusion', a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, other close family member, or pet, has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor.
Familicide. A familicide is a type of murder or murder-suicide in which multiple close family members are killed in quick succession, most often children, spouse, siblings, or parents.
Spouse Parent data charts
For your convenience take a look at Spouse Parent figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about spouse parent?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Becoming a parent has a more negative effect on happiness than does unemployment, divorce, or death of a spouse.
In Japan you can rent actors to portray your spouse, parents, children, or grandchildren either for one time events or on an ongoing basis for companionship. - source
For the first time in modern era, living with parents edges out other living arrangements for 18- to 34-Year-Olds. Share living with spouse or partner continues to fall - source
To internationally adopt a child from China, prospective parents must be married for two years. If either spouse has been divorced, the prospective parents must be married for five years.
In the Philippines, you can kill your spouse if you caught him/her in the act of having sex with another man/woman. So is the case with a parent and his/her legal-aged daughter and seducer. The only punishment is banishment. - source
What to do when spouses parent dies?
Amae" is a Japanese word that describes the behavior of a person attempting to induce an authority figure, such as a parent, spouse, teacher, or supervisor, to take care of him.