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Spotify Playlists facts

While investigating facts about Spotify Playlists Names and Spotify Playlists Submission, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Spotify has a CPR playlist. All the songs on the playlist have a tempo of 100 to 120 bpm, which is the same tempo at which one should give chest compressions during CPR. Coincidently, two of the songs are: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen and "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees.

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The American Heart Association and NY Presbyterian Hospital both have separate Spotify playlists to perform Hands-Only CPR to, based on the 100-120 beats per minute requirement. One of their songs is "Another one bites the dust" by Queen.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to name spotify playlists. Here are 12 of the best facts about Spotify Playlists To Apple Music and Spotify Playlists Download I managed to collect.

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  1. Spotify uses a system of fake artists "playing" music composed by ghostwriters to fill in their genre playlists. Spotify pays for these rights up-front and therefore avoids the streaming royalties that come along with the large number of plays.

  2. Spotify has playlists for audiobooks, scary stories, language learning, and even NASA missions.

  3. Spotify playlists have spawned a digital phenomenon called "lean back listening", where people seek out mood-based music rather than particular artists or albums.

  4. Spotify collects data on what songs people listen to in different cities globally. This data is accessible and you can get a playlist of the music that is most listened to in each city. Each playlist involves analysing approximately 20 billion listener/track relationships.

  5. Spotify found users did not listen to the Discover Weekly playlist if all the songs were new to them, so Spotify adds songs already liked by the user to add credibility to the playlist.

  6. Barack Obama has released two Spotify playlists

  7. If you cancel your subscription to spotify premium the app automatically plays this playlist right before you confirm

  8. Spotify has a "naughty list" of artists that won't get put into playlists

spotify playlists facts
What to name your spotify playlists?

Spotify Playlists data charts

For your convenience take a look at Spotify Playlists figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

spotify playlists fact data chart about The number of followers for Spotify's different decades play
The number of followers for Spotify's different decades playlists

spotify playlists fact data chart about I analysed my 352 song Spotify playlist to determine what ye
I analysed my 352 song Spotify playlist to determine what years of release were most popular and what was the most common genre

Spotify playlists infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Spotify Playlists numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

spotify playlists fact infographic about Analysis of 6 months of spotify "shuffle" on one playlist

Analysis of 6 months of spotify "shuffle" on one playlist

spotify playlists fact infographic about Some data on my "Top Songs 2017" playlist that Spotify made

Some data on my "Top Songs 2017" playlist that Spotify made

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Spotify Playlists. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Spotify Playlists so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor