Specifically Designed facts
While investigating facts about Specially Designed Instruction and Specifically Designed Synonym, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A company in Japan developed a smoke alarm specifically designed for those with hearing impairments that uses wasabi odour instead of a loud noise. Tests on sleeping people with normal or no hearing show the device waking all of the subject in just two and a half minutes.
how to work in environments that are not specifically designed for exercise?
H.H. Holmes, a 19th century serial killer in the US, opened a hotel which he had designed and built for himself specifically with murder in mind. It included soundproofed bedrooms, trap doors, walls lined with blowtorches and two incinerators.
What was the agp bus designed specifically for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering specially designed instruction. Here are 50 of the best facts about Specifically Designed Academic Instruction In English and Specially Designed Instruction Examples I managed to collect.
what type of plan was specifically designed for a self-employed person?
At most Outlet stores, you're buying an inferior product designed specifically for Outlets and never sold at retail. You can often check labels for special markings to know what you're buying.
Males may have evolved facial features specifically designed to take a punch. Researchers found that facial bones commonly broken during a fight grew more resilient as time progressed and were the same bones that showed the most divergence between males and females.
Around the year 1500, Leonardo da Vinci designed a robot. When these plans were found almost 500 years later and built according to Leonardo's specifications, the design worked perfectly.
Leonardo da Vinci created plans for a "mechanized knight," - a robot-like creation reliant on a system of pulleys. When these plans were found almost 500 years later and built according to Leonardo's specifications, the design worked perfectly.
It is possible to survive a nuclear blast inside a bankvault, and this is because they are designed specifically to withstand the blast pressure.
"Highway Gothic" are a standard set of fonts specifically designed since 1948 to maximize legibility at distance and high speed, and are used on highway signs around the world.
The Camden Bench was specifically designed to deter sleeping, littering, skateboarding, drug dealing, graffiti and theft. It is considered emblematic of hostile architecture.
There is a shotgun shell specifically designed to plant flowers
There are playgrounds specifically designed for kids to play with minimal adult supervision and do risky things, like light fires, build and destroy, and play on more dangerous terrain. There, kids can learn to take appropriate risks on their own.
Amazon created an entirely new font called "Bookerly" specifically designed to be easy to read on Kindles and other digital screens.
Specifically Designed data charts
For your convenience take a look at Specifically Designed figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is work instructions presented in a specific sequence?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Prisons across America serve certain inmates a one-dish meal called "nutriloaf", which was specifically designed to be bland, flavorless, and unappealing.
In the 1970's, General Motors designed the Chevy Vega specifically so it could be shipped pointed downwards. The fluid reservoirs were designed so fluid did not leak when the cars were tipped on end. This allowed them to ship 30 automobiles on a single rail car. - source
The second Shah of Iran built a marble slide for his underground baths that was specifically designed for women in his harem to use to slide "into the arms of their lord and master before being playfully dunked in a pool." - source
In 2004, Audi designed a fake car specifically for the Will Smith movie iRobot. This eventually inspired the birth of the Audi R8
The Daisey Cutter, a bomb specifically designed to create helicopter landing pads in the thick jungle forests of Vietnam. The blast would level a 300+ ft circle while leaving the ground itself relatively unaffected. - source
Bagley's decision tree is specifically designed for use when?
There are cell phones specifically designed to hide in your butt
How are vaccines designed to specifically stimulate active immunity?
There is a programming language called Malbolge, specifically designed to be almost impossible to use. When it was created it was so difficult to understand that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear.
The biohazard sign was designed specifically to resemble nothing and have no meaning by itself so that people could learn to associate it with danger
In 2007, there was an informal poll by The Daily Telegraph to incorporate Wales (or, more specifically, the Welsh Dragon), onto Britain's flag. The winning design, however, was the Union Jack with the logo of Gurren Lagann right smack in the middle.
There is a cologne that is specifically designed to make you smell like the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride at Disneyland.
H.H. Holmes, a 19th century serial killer, designed and built a hotel specifically for murder. It included a maze of hallways, trap doors, soundproof/airtight rooms. It's estimated he had a total of 200 victims.