Space Shuttle facts
While investigating facts about Space Shuttle Challenger and Space Shuttle Columbia, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1959, police were called to a segregated library in S. Carolina when a 9yr-old Black boy refused to leave. He later got a PhD in Physics from MIT, and died in 1986, one of the astronauts aboard the space shuttle Challenger. The library that refused to lend him books is now named after him.
how space shuttle works?
After the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003 the debris field stretched from Texas through Louisiana, and the search team was so thorough they found nearly 84,000 pieces of the shuttle, as well as a number of murder victims and a few meth labs.
What space shuttle exploded?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what space shuttle exploded in 1981. Here are 50 of the best facts about Space Shuttle Launch and Space Shuttle Disasters I managed to collect.
what space shuttle blew up?
Most of the smoke billowing up from a space shuttle launch is not exhaust. It is water vapor from the pool of water under the shuttle designed to absorb the acoustic shock waves that could otherwise tear the shuttle apart.
The space shuttle flew 135 missions with a flight computer that had less than 1% of the computing power as an XBox 360.
On Space Shuttle Endeavor, astronaut John Grunsfeld called into NPR's Car Talk and asked why his government vehicle was shaking violently for a couple minutes before the engine died.
A NASA astronaut waited 19 years to fly in space. Don Lind was selected in 1966 but was chosen for canceled missions, or as backup for missions; he said, "I was backing up two of the most depressingly healthy people you can imagine." Lind finally flew on the space shuttle in 1985.
The first Space Shuttle was to be named "Constitution", but after a major letter writing campaign by Star Trek fans, its name was affectionately changed to "Enterprise".
The first orbiter of the Space Shuttle System was originally planned to be named Constitution, but a massive write-in campaign from fans of Star Trek convinced the White House to change the name to Enterprise
Most of the smoke billowing up from a space shuttle launch is not exhaust. It is water vapor from the pool of water under the shuttle designed to absorb the acoustic shock waves that could otherwise tear the shuttle apart.
William Shatner recorded a wake up call that was played for Space Shuttle Discovery and its crew for their last day docked at the ISS. Saying "Space, the final frontier. These have been the voyages of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Her 30-year mission:..."
Because the Space Shuttle was so hard to land (it was nicknamed "the flying brick"), shuttle crews must train in a modified Gulfstream with its main landing gears down, its engines in reverse, and its left hand side windows covered.
That, when asked to investigate the space shuttle Challenger disaster, Richard Feynman wrote a very critical report about NASA's safety policy concluding: "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."
Space Shuttle data charts
For your convenience take a look at Space Shuttle figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why space shuttle program ended?
You can easily fact check why space shuttle stopped by examining the linked well-known sources.
On April 1st, 1993 a San Diego Radio station reported that the space shuttle Discovery had to make an emergency landing at the local airport at 8:30 am. Over 1000 people headed for the landing site to catch a glimpse, crowding the airport and causing traffic jams. It was an April Fools hoax.
Immediately after the Challenger explosion, shares of every corporation involved in the Space Shuttle dropped. But by the end of the day, most had rebounded; only Morton Thiokol remained low. This was months before the official investigation found Thiokol to be responsible for the disaster. - source
When Lodewijk van den Ber designed an experiment for the Space Shuttle, NASA asked for a list of eight people who could fly in orbit to run it. Adding his own name to finish the list, to van den Ber's amazement he became the first Dutch spaceman despite his age (53) and physical condition. - source
The external fuel tank on the space shuttles were originally painted white, but it turned out this added 600 lbs of paint to the shuttle so it was kept the normal orange color
When U.S. space shuttles started linking up with Russia's Mir in 1995, both sides owed a small debt to the KGB. it was the KGB that successfully stole the U.S. designs in the '70s and '80s, unintentionally laying the groundwork for the compatibility between the U.S. and Russian systems. - source
When space shuttle columbia disaster?
The last recorded words to come from inside the Challenger Space Shuttle before it exploded were, "Uh oh."
How space shuttle return to earth?
The Soviet Union named a crater on Venus after Christa McAuliffe, the teacher astronaut who died during the Challenger space shuttle disaster.
One of the last procedures before a space shuttle launch is to remove the inflatable owls from the aircraft.
The total cost of the Challenger Space Shuttle recovery by the Navy ($13.1 million) was equal to the street value of a duffle bag of cocaine found during the search
Evidence shows that the space shuttle Challenger's crew survived the explosion and could have been conscious until the crew cabin hit the ocean. 4 of 5 recovered crew air packs had been activated and pilot switches that could only have been moved manually by a person were moved.
The Space Shuttle couldn't fly on new years day / eve because it couldn't handle the year rollover