Incredible and fun facts to explore

Space Exploration facts

While investigating facts about Space Exploration Games and Space Exploration Timeline, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Neil Armstrong went to the North Pole with Sir Edmund Hillary (first to climb Mt Everest) and other prominent explorers. He said that he was curious to see it from the ground, since he'd only seen it from space.

how space exploration benefits mankind?

In 1971, the U.S. left a memorial on the Moon for every astronaut who died in the pursuit of space exploration, including Russian Cosmonauts

What space exploration has done for us?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what space exploration is important. Here are 50 of the best facts about Space Exploration Merit Badge and Space Exploration Benefits I managed to collect.

what space exploration has given us?

  1. NASA has decided to use Metric Units for all operations on the lunar surface when it returns to the Moon. The Vision for Space Exploration calls for returning astronauts to the Moon by 2020 and eventually setting up a manned lunar outpost.

  2. Barely a year after the 1969 moon landing the American public had completely lost interest in space exploration - to such an extent that 90% of people surveyed could not remember Neil Armstrong's name.

  3. There is a 'game' called Space Engine that simulates the entire universe and allows you to explore all of it. Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data. It is crowd-funded, and it's future goals involve making itself into a full SP game. It supports Oculus Rift.

  4. NASA and the JPL released retro/futuristic artwork, available for free, that illustrate what space exploration might eventually mean to the human race.

  5. An MIT grad student submitted his thesis developing the theory of orbital rendezvous which would be critical to the Apollo program. It opens, "In the hopes that this work may in some way contribute to their exploration of space. If only I could join them in their exciting endeavors." Buzz Aldrin

  6. Apollo 15's crew left a plaque on the Moon commemorating both American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts who had died for space exploration

  7. Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto, had some of his ashes placed aboard the New Horizons space probe, the spacecraft that first explored the dwarf planet

  8. During the space race the public was generally opposed to funding manned space exploration, and spaceflight was ranked near the top of federal programs the public would prefer cut.

space exploration facts
What are the benefits of space exploration?

Space Exploration data charts

For your convenience take a look at Space Exploration figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

space exploration fact data chart about NASAs deep space explorations mapped out
NASAs deep space explorations mapped out

Why space exploration is a waste of money?

You can easily fact check why space exploration is a waste of time by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the 1950s, rocket designer Wernher von Braun and NASA collaborated multiple times with Walt Disney to create several space-themed television shows and help influence public perception of space exploration

NASA is running low on the material (plutonium-238; a byproduct of nuclear weps) that powers many of its deep-space missions. NASA today has about 77 pounds. If NASA hits a plutonium bottleneck, the future of deep-space exploration could hang in the balance for untold years - source

The dedication of Buzz Aldrin's Doctorate Thesis reads: "In the hopes that this work may in some way contribute to their exploration of space, this is dedicated to the crew members of this country’s present and future manned space programs. If only I could join them in their exciting endeavors!" - source

An artist launched a 50-year-old Japanese white pine bonsai, along with an arrangement of orchids, hydrangeas, lilies and irises, into space. The goal was to explore how plants would bloom, decay and change outside of the earth, and also capture their beauties with the Earth as a background.

American society spends five times more money on tobacco than it does on space exploration. - source

When did space exploration begin?

Wernher von Braun the "Father of Rocket Technology" didnt do well in math and physics initially but forced himself to learn after he had read book about space exploration.

How space exploration helps us?

The space shuttle was the first piece of space exploration technology that was reusable.

These generators are vital for keeping components warm enough during space exploration.

Carl Sagan wrote a design doc for a vast space exploration video game in 1983

Russia has made great contributions to science and technology, including inventing the periodic table, arc welder, knapsack parachute, the radio, as well as contributing to advances in space exploration.

IKEA took the concept of space so seriously that in 2017 they sent a team to Mars Desert Research Station in Utah to explore the future needs of urban and small space living to create a space-themed micro living furniture

When did space exploration start?

It is tradition for departing cosmonauts to stop in the small city of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan and plant a tree on the boulevard for their safe return. The Monument to the Conquerors of Space reminds people that the era of space exploration also took lift-off on Kazakhstani land

Several spacecraft orbiting or completed flybys of Jupiter have explored Ganymede. The first mission to explore Ganymede up close was the Pioneer 10. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 passed by in 1979 and discovered Ganymede was larger than Saturn's moon Titan which was thought to have been bigger. In 1996, the Galileo spacecraft completed a close flyby and discovered the magnetic field, while the discovery of the ocean was announced in 2001.

Recently scientists shot a colony of ants into space to test their adaptive capability. At first they were thrown in a corner floating but within a few minutes they all grabbed on to the side of the box enabling themselves for exploration.

American Coonhound is very active breed. It is not suitable for apartments and urban areas. American Coonhound should be kept in houses with fenced yards which provide plenty of open space for running and exploring.

Sagan also made great contributions to the use of robotics within the US space program, specifically the unmanned missions that explored our solar system.

How space exploration benefits society?

Arthur C. Clarke believed in space travel, and wrote a book titled Interplanetary Flight in 1950. It contained space flight basics for the average person. He also went on to write several more books on space travel including The Exploration of Space (1951), The Challenge of the Spaceship (1959), and Voices from the Sky in 1965, among several others.

Ceres was the first dwarf planet to receive a visit from a spacecraft. In 2015, NASA's unmanned spacecraft Dawn was the first ever to explore a dwarf planet. Dawn approached and orbited Ceres, sending scientific data and detailed images back to Earth. During this mission, Dawn also completed a survey mission to the protoplanet Vesta.

Nat Geo photographer Joe Roberts who experienced visions of a Sci-Fi theme that included futuristic vehicles, images of space exploration, and monuments marking humanity's first trips into space after eating hallucinogenic fish

The area in the solar system beyond Neptune has not been explored much and is known as the ‘trans-Neptunian region".

New Horizons visited in 2007 and sent back images and made topography and composition maps of the moon. So far, spacecraft have only orbited Ganymede and several missions to explore the moon in greater detail have been planned with proposals to land on its surface.

During the Apollo 15 moon landing a small plaque and statue of an astronaught was placed on the moon as a memorial to the Astronauts and Cosmonauts who had died during the advancement of Space Exploration. The names of those known to have died up that point are on the plaque.

Outer space exploration began with high altitude balloons.

Callisto is not considered to be geologically active, but with the likely presence of an ocean beneath the surface leaves open the possibility that it could harbor life. With its low levels of radiation, it has been considered the most suitable place for a human base for future exploration of the Jovian system.

The Sammies, an annual black tie, Oscars-like awards ceremony to celebrate people who had done extraordinary things in government. Past winners have helped revolutionize positive changes in energy, disaster relief, space exploration, veterans' care and many other spheres

The space shuttle retired in 2011 so that NASA could concentrate on cheaper methods for space exploration that includes exploring outside of our solar system.

Lyell's family's second home was a very open space with lots of wildlife that he could explore.

In 2006 a spacecraft called New Horizons was launched to explore the Kuiper belt. It flew past Pluto on July 14th, 2015.

NASA has used the El Zacaton sinkhole for research purposes when testing their robotic hardware to be used in space exploration of the moon of Europa.

Samoyed should be kept in the house with large, fenced backyard which provides plenty of space for running and exploring.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Space Exploration. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Space Exploration so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor