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South Korean facts

While investigating facts about South Korea Flag and South Korean Currency, I found out little known, but curios details like:

South Koreans have grown 3 inches taller than their North Koreans counterparts. They are genetically the same and have been living similar lives till divide in the last century. The nutritional difference of only 50/60 years has caused this difference.

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A North Korean defector who escaped to China, returned to see his family, then escaped again to Thailand, went to Argentina, then trekked through South and Central America to sneak into the US through Mexico. He is now a US citizen.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is hello in south korean. Here are 50 of the best facts about South Korean President and South Korean Language I managed to collect.

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  1. BTS, a seven-member South Korean boy band, brings in more than $3.6 billion to South Korea's economy each year, and were the reason one in every 13 foreign tourists visited the country in 2018.

  2. Four South Korean woodcutters stumbled across the camp of a group of North Korean commandos on a mission to assassinate the South Korean president. The commandos lectured them on the benefits of communism and spared their lives, but their mission failed as the woodcutters had alerted the police.

  3. After only 73 years of separation, the Korean language spoken in the North and South have diverged so that 45% of North Korean defectors have trouble understanding South Koreans and 1% can't understand South Koreans at all

  4. Kim Jong Il ordered the kidnap of South Korean filmmaker Shin Sang-ok and his wife to make movies for North Korea. They gained Kim's trust and allowed them to travel to Vienna, where they seeked asylum to US Embassy. Feared about their credibility, they secretly taped Kim's voice prior.

  5. South Korean bootleggers made a plan to balloon drop Sony's "The Interview" to North Koreans, en masse. They had to cancel plans when North Korea learned of this and labeled such an action as "a declaration of war".

  6. Two orphan South Korean Sisters were separated in 40 years and were reunited while working on the same floor of the same shift in Florida Hospital

  7. In 2014, South Korean Christians put up a Christmas tree visible from the North Korean Border. North Korea responded by calling it a "tool for psychological warfare" and threatened to bomb it.

  8. When North Korea sank a South Korean Warship in 2010, South Korea responded by blasting the hit K-Pop song "Hit your heart" across the border using large military loud speakers.

  9. South Korea, despite having completed the transistion to digital broadcast (ATSC) in 2012, still maintains analogue broadcast near its borders for North Koreans watching South Korean TV in secret.

  10. Any North Koreans that escape to South Korea are automatically granted citizenship upon arrival

south korean facts
What is the meaning of the south korean flag?

South Korean data charts

For your convenience take a look at South Korean figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

south korean fact data chart about How young South Korean men look at feminism and gender issue
How young South Korean men look at feminism and gender issues in Korean society

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You can easily fact check why south korean movies are good by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1975, North Korean embassy staff in Australia crashed their Mercedes, and when they went to the nearest house for help they were aghast to find that that they had knocked on the door of the South Korean ambassador’s residence.

In 1953, a North Korean fighter pilot defected to South Korea with his MiG-15 and was rewarded $100,000 from the United States - source

In 1953, a North Korean fighter pilot defected to South Korea with his MiG-15 and was rewarded $100,000 from the United States. - source

A drunk North Korean man passed out on a wooden board to find himself in South Korea the next day as a flood washed him and the board to an island controlled by South Korea.

South Korea, despite having completed the transistion to digital broadcast (ATSC) in 2012, still maintains analogue broadcast near its borders for North Koreans watching South Korean TV in secret. - source

When south korea and north korea divided?

In 2014, Christians in South Korea put up a giant Christmas tree which was visible from the North Korean border. The North Koreans claimed it was a tool for psychological warfare and demanded it be taken down. The defence ministry claimed the was dismantled for safety concerns.

How south korea and north korea divided?

After 2 US officers were killed while trying to cut down a tree in the DMZ, the US and South Korea sent 813 soldiers, 27 helicopters and nuclear-capable bombers to the DMZ to supervise the cutting down of the tree. North Korean soldiers watched in silence as the tree was cut down in 42 minutes.

Over 23% of South Korean men lost their virginity to a prostitute

Hyonseo Lee, a North Korean defector who spent years helping her family escape to South Korea. When her family was arrested and held near the embassy, Lee could not afford the bribe to free them--a stranger from abroad heard her story and paid it. Lee and her family now live in South Korea.

North Korea did not return tens of thousands of South Korean POWs after the Korean War in 1953. They and their children were forced to work in coal mines for decades; 79 escaped from 1994 to 2009. Nine hundred US soldiers also may not have been returned.

Due to over 60 years of separation, differences in the language have developed between South and North Korea. This leads to many hardships for North Korean defectors after they escape, because they have to relearn Korean.

When south korea and north korea separated?

There is a one-hole "golf course" just meters south of the Korean DMZ which is surrounded on three sides by minefields. There are reports that at least one shot exploded a land mine

A South Korean man committed a mass murder when his girlfriend woke him up trying to swat a fly on his chest while he was asleep

In 1953 North Korean air force lieutenant No Kum-Sok (age 21) flew his MiG-15 to the South. Since this fighter plane was then the best the Communist bloc had, No's defection was considered an intelligence bonanza, and he was awarded the then exorbitant sum of $100,000 ($890,831 in 2014 dollars).

In 1953, after the shooting ended in the Korean War, the Americans dropped leaflets offering $100,000 to any North Korean pilot who landed a MiG-15 in South Korea. A defector arrived soon after and the plane was impounded and meticulously examined. Chuck Yeager was among the first to fly it.

The Talmud (Jewish book of Rabbinical debate) is a best seller in South Korea. South Koreans endorse the stereotype of Jews being successful in education and business so they started studying the Talmud as a means of acquiring Jewish success.

How south korea and north korea separated?

Microsoft Kinect sensors protect the Korean Demilitarized Zone for South Korea. They're more accurate than other sensors which would occasionally give false alarms from falling leaves.

During the Korean War, A battalion of 200 U.S. troops, thought to de dead, emerged from behind enemies lines, led to safety by a 10 yr old South Korean boy. The boy was installed as unit mascot.

In 1998, an entire North Korean submarine and her crew was lost to a single South Korean fishing net

South Koreans are required by law to use Internet Explorer for shopping and banking.

Due to the country's ultra low fertility rate, South Koreans are projected to go extinct by the year 2750.

The 'technologically advanced' South Koreans are forced (by law) to use Internet Explorer to shop and bank online.

In South Korea, children under 17 are blocked from playing online games past midnight which is monitored by their KSSN (Korean Social Security Number).

Go eat toffee" is a common insult in South Korea, because Korean toffees are shaped like dicks

At the Sydney Olympics in 2000, North Korean and South Korean athletes came together to march as one under the unified banner of 'Korea' during the opening ceremony

South Korean women are nearly 8 inches (~20cm) taller today than 100 years ago

K-pop is subsidized by the South Korean government, because every $100 in music sales increases exports of Korean manufacturing by $412

Under current South Korean laws if war breaks out South Korea doesn't want to control its own military instead it wants the Americans to tell them what to do

A $1 bill received in a balloon from South Korean activists buys 9 pounds of corn, and is like winning the lottery for some in North Korea.

In 2012, due to a flood, a drunk North Korean man wearing only his underwear floated on driftwood to a South Korean island

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about South Korean. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is South Korean so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor