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Leader Kim facts

While investigating facts about Leader Kim Jong Un and Leader Kimetsu No Yaiba, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Some sources say that Kim Il-Sung, founder of North Korea, could actually be an impostor, as he might have stolen the name of a resistance leader who had died

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In North Korea women are not allowed to ride bikes, wedding ceremonies MUST be held before one of the 34,000 Kim-Il-Sung statues, and citizens must display in their homes a portrait of their leader.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Leader Kim Hanbin and Leader Kim North Korea I managed to collect.

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  1. When North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was parodied in the film Team America: World Police (2004), the Democratic People's Republic of Korea asked the Czech Republic to ban the film.

  2. Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, was voted into power through democratic ballots, the only problem being that the ballot cards had only one option to ‘choose’ from – Kim Jong-un

  3. The Korea Central Zoo in North Korea is home to a Parrot than can squawk 'Long live the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il-sung' in English

  4. The only Western academic degree displayed by North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung in his official residence, the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, was a doctorate degree from Kensington University, a "distance learning" diploma mill shut down in 2003 by a court order

  5. The Pyongyang Central Zoo has a parrot which can squawk "Long live the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il-sung" in English.

  6. Former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il once claimed to have invented hamburgers

  7. Kim Jong-eun's older brother didn't become the leader of North Korea when Kim Jong-Il died, because he was caught at Disneyland Tokyo.

  8. In November 2016, North Korea made a state request to officials in China pleading for them to stop referring to ‘glorious leader’ Kim Jong-un as fat. Some of his nicknames in China were: Kim Fatty III, Kim Fat Fatty, and Kim Abundant III.

  9. The elder brother to N. Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Nam, was passed over to become the heir apparent for illegally going to Disneyland.

  10. In the 1960s South Korea secretly trained misfits plucked from prison or off the streets to sneak into North Korea and slit the throat of its leader, Kim Il-sung. When the mission was aborted, the men mutinied, killed their trainers and fought their way into Seoul before blowing themselves up.

leader kim facts
What are the best facts about Leader Kim?

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The former leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, had the campaign slogan, "Do not expect any change from me."

Kim Jong-il, Great Leader and film-lover, had South Korea's most famous actress and her director husband kidnapped and held hostage for eight years in order to force them to make movies he liked. - source

In 1999, the leader of North Korea was Kim Jong-il - and the leader of South Korea was Kim Jong-pil - source

Kim Il-sung, first Supreme Leader of North Korea, was raised in a Presbyterian family that was very active in the Christian community.

Local or foreign visitors who take photos of the statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jung-il are required to frame both leaders in their entirety in their pictures. They are also required to bow out of respect and leave flowers. - source

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Kim Jong-il was not simply addressed by name. Rather, he had The Central Committee of the Workers' Party develop titles to accompany it. These included 'Dear Leader, who is a perfect incarnation of the appearance that a leader should have'.

In 1968 an American vessel was captured by North Korea. The crew was abused, and to show the world, they used puns ("We paean the DPRK [North Korea]. We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung") and gave the middle finger in propaganda photographs, claiming it was a "Hawaiian good luck sign".

When in 2012, Kim Jong Un was named "sexiest man alive by The Onion, Chinese state-run media believed this claim, creating a fifty-five page long photo spread of the great leader in his sexiest moments.

When Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher was taken by North Korean forces, he used the word paean (a song of praise) in his address as a code: "We paean the DPRK We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung" His captors broadcasted the speech not knowing that paean is a verb or that it is a homophone of "pee on"

North Korea has a political/religious philosophy known as Juche. It is the official ideology of the state and is the system used in the worship and glorification of the Kim family. It teaches belief in a Sacred Leader, Ritualism, Familism, and weaves in Marxist/Leninist theory.

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The seven pallbearers at former leader Kim Jong-il's 2011 funeral, apart from Kim Jong-un, all have either been executed, have been removed from their positions, or have disappeared.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il had a preference for European blondes, with their corn colored hair, deep set eyes, and large breasts. As a result, he brought groups of Swedish and German prostitutes to Pyongyang under the name of social and cultural exchange

In 1976, North Korean soldiers killed two U.S. Army officers with an axe in the Joint Security Area after the Army officers attempted to cut down a tree which was partially blocking their view. The North Koreans claimed the tree had been planted by leader Kim Il-Sung.

China’s top general, Peng Dehuai, chided North Korean leader Kim Il Sung for his “extremely childish” leadership during the Korean war. After the war, Kim made sure that China’s role in saving and rebuilding his state was largely erased from official histories

When North Korea forced the commander of the captured USS Pueblo to write a "confession," he said "we paean the DPRK. We paean their great leader Kim Il-Sung," knowing that the North Koreans wouldn't catch the pun.

Kim Jung-Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, for a brief time went to an elite Swiss boarding school where he was a good math student, a mediocre student in other subjects, and had a great love for Michael Jordan and NBA basketball.

In North Korea it is the year Juche 103, not 2014. Their calendar is based on the date of birth of the first leader, Kim il-Sung.

Some of the most famous communist leaders and activists in history include Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Leon Trotsky, Pol Pot, Nikita Khrushchev, Kim Il-Sung, Imre Nagy, Jiang Zemin, Ho Chi-Minh, and Joseph Stalin.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il was a major movie fanatic and once kidnapped a director to make North Korean Godzilla knock-off.

Operation Paul Bunyan, where a convoy of 23 vehicles, 813 men, 27 helicopters, a number of B-52 Stratofortresses and fighter jets, and an aircraft carrier were mobilized to cut down a single tree supposedly planted by North Korean Leader Kim Il Sung.

North Korea donated US$100,000 to Japan with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il personally donating US$500,000 to Chongryon Korean residents in Japan during the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

One of Kim Jong-il's titles is "Dear Leader, who is a perfect incarnation of the appearance that a leader should have".

Kim Jong-Un's older brother, who was supposed to be their father's successor, originally didn't want to become the next leader; he wanted to become a filmmaker.

Former North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il only held one speech during his 17 year long regency, only containig the words "Glory to the heroic soldiers of the Korean People's Army!"

Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il portraits are mandatory in North Korean homes. The practice was adopted from Stalin portraits in the Soviet Union and portraits of Mao Zedong in China. By 1972, North Korea had more leader portraits than the Soviet Union or China ever did

Even when North Korea was suffering from food shortages and declining industry, the government has always resisted reform. When Chinese leader Deng told Kim Il Sung that China's reforms were a window to the West, he replied "When you open a window flies come in"

Kim Campbell is Canada's first woman Prime Minister and she often gets messages from elementary schoolchildren who have picked her for their project on prime ministers. When Campbell ran for office, she was concerned that being leader may undermine credibility for women

Kim Il Sung is still the leader of North Korea despite his death in 1994. This makes him the longest currently reigning monarch.

Adnan Oktar a popular Islamic creationist cult leader. He has a very popular tv show in Turkey on which he is surrounded by Versace wrapped blondes called kittens that call him master and talk about Kim Kardashian.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Leader Kim. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Leader Kim so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor