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Soccer Ball facts

While investigating facts about Soccer Ball Drawing and Soccer Ball Sizes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In a soccer match between Iran and Denmark, an Iranian player mistook a whistle from the crowd as being the referee's half-time signal, and picked the ball up with his hands in the penalty area. Danish player Morten Wieghorst missed the resultant penalty on purpose, and Denmark lost 1–0.

how soccer balls are made?

The traditional black and white soccer ball was made by Adidas in the late 60's so that the ball could be viewed more easily on black and white television.

What soccer ball size?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what soccer ball to buy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Soccer Ball Clipart and Soccer Ball Cartoon I managed to collect.

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  1. The Miwok (N California) played a game similar to soccer. Played by both sexes, girls were allowed to do anything, including kicking the ball & picking it up & running with it, while boys were only allowed to use their feet, but if a girl was holding the ball he could pick her up and carry her

  2. A soccer ball that was on board Space Shuttle Challenger, was recovered, and is now in orbit around Earth aboard the International Space Station

  3. Soccer balls got their traditional, hexagonal, black-and-white Telstar design so that the ball could be more easily made out on black and white Television

  4. About a soccer ball that survived the Challenger disaster in 1986. 30 years later it finally reached space and flew in the ISS for 173 days and almost 3000 trips around the earth.

  5. General Butt Naked who led his troops naked into war, plucked innocent children's hearts out to eat, chopped the heads of hundreds of people to use as soccer balls and ritually sacrificed teenagers. After the war,he claimed to have found religion and repented. He is now a preacher in Liberia.

  6. Soccer balls were originally single-colored. They were made black and white to be more visible on TV for the 1970 Mexico World Cup

  7. Abraham Muñoz ran a marathon in 5 hours, 41 minutes, 52 seconds while juggling a soccer ball -- without it touching the ground.

  8. The iconic black-and-white soccer ball design was popularized by the Adidas Telstar, which adopted the design to be visible on black and white television screens. It was named after the AT&T Telstar, the first satellite to transmit television images and telephone calls through space.

  9. A soccer ball has 32 panels; each one represents one of the 32 countries in Europe.

  10. A native tribe in California had a game just like soccer, where players kicked the ball through goals on a 100-meter field. Men and women played together, men had to kick the ball, but women could use their hands.

soccer ball facts
What soccer balls are the best?

Why soccer balls are black and white?

You can easily fact check why soccer ball curve by examining the linked well-known sources.

Jessica O. Matthews, a Nigerian-American entrepreneur. At the age of 19 she invented the Soccket, which is a soccer ball that stores kinetic energy and can provide three hours of light after half an hour of play.

Soccer is even popular in third world countries. If villages cannot afford a soccer ball, they will use balls that they"ve made with diapers or rags.

The world’s fastest soccer player is Arjen Robben at 37 kmh (23 mph). He did this with the ball under control and after 80 min of play and scored at the end of the run. At that pace he’d run 100 m in 10.28 seconds. - source

Heading a football (head butting a soccer ball) has been tied to developing brain abnormalities. While the impacts are low level if compared to sports like American football, the brain is still being rattled. It has been tied to memory issues and mood disorders in players who do this routinely.

A Brazilian conman named Carlos Kaiser, who became the best football / soccer player in Brazil, without ever kicking a ball nor having any professional football experience. - source

What happens to energy when sally kicks a soccer ball?

Surfers near Untung Jawa Island have to dodge trash like soccer balls, ramen wrappers and logs the size of cars while catching waves.

How to draw a soccer ball?

For the first soccer world cup final, Argentina and Uruguay could not agree on which ball size to use. They compromised by using Argentina's ball the first half and Uruguay's ball the second half. Each team played best with their own ball - leading to Uruguay's victory.

A soccer ball called Soccket generates electricity for an attachable reading lamp, which allows children without electricity to do their homework at night

Speedgate - the world's first sport generated by artificial intelligence. It is described as a mixture of soccer, rugby, and football. The AI generated a complete set of rules, with the end goal of scoring points by kicking or passing a ball through a gate at either end of a field.

Rubber ball used in modern sports from tennis to basketball to soccer came from the ancient Mesoamerican sport of ulama - a sport that saw many deaths and losers occasionally ritually decapitated.

Rugby was invented in 1823 when a student at Rugby School in Great Britain playing football (soccer) broke the rules and picked up the ball to run it past the goal line.

When the price of nike soccer balls fell?

One City in Pakistan Makes Nearly Half of the World's Soccer Balls

- in football (soccer) - if you apply enough swerve to the ball, you can score a goal directly from a corner. It's called a Gol Olímpico

One scene cut from the movie Full Metal Jacket (1987) showed a group of Marines playing soccer. The scene was cut because a shot revealed they were kicking a human head, not a soccer ball.

There was a short lived sport called Ultimate Tazer Ball that required you to score goals much like soccer with hands, while your defenders could stun you with stun guns.

Heading a football (soccer ball) has been found to cause concussions. Players who head the ball were found to be three times more likely to suffer concussion symptoms.

How to juggle a soccer ball?

Heading a soccer ball can impart as much force as a tackle in American football

"classic" black and white soccer ball design was only used by Adidas from 1970-1974. But it's been the go-to design ever since.

Sialkot, a city in Pakistan, produces 40% of the world's soccer balls!

A Darwin Award winning self proclaimed explorer wanted to give scissors, a soccer ball and the "gift of Jesus" to the world's most isolated tribe. When he got there, the natives were observed "tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body" along the shore. His remains were never recovered

The 2011 M9.0 Japan earthquake sent 18 million tons of debris into the Pacific. In 2012 and 2013, soccer balls, aerosol cans, fuel cans, tires, and even a bait box with live fish reached the US West Coast.

The iconic black and white pattern of Soccer balls is originally based on the look of a satellite, the Telstar.

If the ball enters the goal directly in football (soccer) off a throw-in, you either get a corner kick or a goal kick

The first draft of rules for Soccer (Association football) allowed players to hold and throw the ball.

The name for the shape a classic soccer ball is based on is called a "truncated icosahedron".

After the 2002 Coupe de France, prankster Rémi Gaillard got through security to celebrate the victory with FC Lorient. Gaillard was able to get interviewed on the pitch, shook President Chirac's hand, and autographed soccer balls as "whoever"

A soccer ball is made up of pentagons & hexagons

Norwich City's 'On The Ball City' from the 1890's is the world's oldest football (soccer) song still in use today.

About Tazer Ball - A sport that combines football, soccer and tazers.

Soccer Ball Strength TEST.. Most SATISFYING POP * Fútbol

If the sun was the size of a size five soccer ball (radius of 4.5 inches) , the Earth would be the size of a pin head and would be 26 yards away. And the very new “Planet 9” would be the size of a pea, and be 17.5 miles away

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Soccer Ball. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Soccer Ball so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor