Smash Smash facts
While investigating facts about Smash Smash, I found out little known, but curios details like:
All Star" by Smash Mouth was written with the intention of being an upbeat, self-confidence building song for fans who were being bullied for liking Smash Mouth
A cow once escaped a slaughterhouse by smashing through a metal fence and breaking the arm of a man that tried to catch her. She swam to an island where she lives alone.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Smash Smash I managed to collect.
Test audiences hated 'Dirty Dancing' and the producer was so disappointed in the final product he said "Burn the negative, and collect the insurance." Expected to be a box office bomb, instead was a smash hit,was the #1 video rental of '88, and was first film to sell a million copies on video.
In 2004 a man had his head brutally smashed with an axe on his sleep. He woke up like normal and adrenaline kept him up as he did his routine. He used the sink,did dishes and made breakfast while bleeding out. He was locked out while picking the newspaper and died trying to find the spare key
While filming The Hateful Eight Kurt Russel mistakenly smashed a priceless 1870s Martin Guitar on loan from the museum when the prop department forgot he was holding the original. The Martin Museum says "the company will no longer loan guitars to movies under any circumstances."
The lead singer of Smash Mouth started a cancer research fund after his son died of acute lymphatic leukemia.
In 1974, a then largely unknown Queen were booed and heckled at a music festival in Australia. Freddie Mercury told the audience, "When we come back to Australia, we will be the biggest band in the world!" Queen would return after debuting their smash hit Bohemian Rhapsody just two years later.
Even though diamonds are the hardest material known to man, they can be smashed and shattered by a hammer because hardness only determines how scratch resistant something is, not how strong it is.
Using horizontal push bars instead of regular door knobs/handles is too prevent a crowd from smashing into a door and preventing its ability to open. Apparently it's called panic hardware
A 75 year old woman was arrested after she took a hammer to a Comcast customer service center and smashed up the waiting room. "It had never occurred to me to take a hammer to a phone company before, but I was just so upset..."
Phil Hartman, who voiced Simpsons characters Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure was murdered by his drug affected wife Brynn while he slept in 1998. SNL's Jon Lovitz partly blamed Andy Dick for re-introducing Brynn to drugs, which sparked an altercation where Lovitz smashed Dicks face into a bar.
The Pentagon has rocket balls a.k.a. kinetic fireball incendiaries made of rubberized rocket fuel; when ignited, they propel themselves randomly at high speed, bouncing off walls, smashing through doors, turning an entire building into an inferno.
Smash Smash data charts
For your convenience take a look at Smash Smash figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about smash smash?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1896 a temporary, one-day city was named in Texas called Crush, where two locomotives were to be smashed head-on for purposes of spectacle. It was, for a few hours, the 2nd largest city in TX with 40k attendees. The collision caused engine boilers to explode, resulting in death and injuries.
Daniel Craig has been injured 5 times while playing James Bond. He does all of his own stunts, and has had his two front teeth smashed out, lost the tip of a finger, sprained his arm and knee in separate incidents, and pulled his ankle. - source
During the reign of the Khmer Rouge, there was a prison camp, named S-21, that had a death rate of 99.96%. S-21 was directed by a former math teacher who ordered "living autopsies," had prisoners' blood completely drained for use in hospitals, and used a "baby-smashing tree" to kill children. - source
After a female pedestrian in his community was killed by a red-light runner, a 74 year old Chinese man spent an entire day hurling bricks at bad drivers. He smashed over 30 red-light runners' cars before the police asked him to stop.
The longest work of fiction ever written is three million words long and six times longer than War and Peace, as of July 2013. It is a Super Smash Bros. Brawl fanfic. - source
That, once, while on a tour bus, Busta Rhymes heard one of the songs on Eminem's "Slim Shady EP" and got so into the music that he smashed his head on the windshield of the bus, breaking the whole windshield, because he said Eminem's music was so compelling and powerful.
The album Smash by The Offspring has sold over 11 million copies worldwide making it the best-selling independent label album of all time.
There was an octopus in an aquarium that juggled its tankmates, smashed aquarium glass by throwing rocks, and caused short circuits by shooting a jet of water at a lamp.
The band name Smashing Pumpkins doesn't mean breaking a gord; the "Smashing" in it is an adjective not a verb. So smashing as in "fantastic".
While filming The Hateful Eight Kurt Russel mistakenly smashed a priceless 1870s Martin Guitar on loan from the museum when the prop department forgot he was holding the original. The Martin Museum says "the company will no longer loan guitars to movies under any circumstances."
In 2007, a 75 year old woman from Virginia named Mona Shaw, smashed up a comcast office with a hammer from being fed up with their poor customer service.
Smash smash infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Smash Smash numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.