Skull Fractures facts
While investigating facts about Skull Fractures Types and Skull Fractures In Infants, I found out little known, but curios details like:
About the Dyatlov Pass incident where in 1959, 9 experienced hikers mysteriously died in the freezing Ural Mountains after fleeing their tent. Most were in their underwear, 1 had a fractured skull, another had tongue and eyes missing. Circumstances remain a mystery to this day.
how skull fractures heal?
Ernest Hemingway lived through anthrax, malaria, pneumonia, dysentery, skin cancer, hepatitis, anemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, two plane crashes, a ruptured kidney, a ruptured spleen, a ruptured liver, a crushed vertebra, and a fractured skull.
What happens if a baby fractures its skull?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what type of doctor treats skull fractures. Here are 26 of the best facts about Skull Fractures In Babies and Skull Fractures In Toddlers I managed to collect.
what causes skull fractures in infants?
Reginald Denny, a dump truck driver, was pulled from his truck by L.A. rioters who smashed his head with a five-pound piece of medical equipment, a slab of concrete and a claw hammer, fracturing his skull in 91 places. The six assailants were cleared of all serious charges.
The Dyatlov Pass Incident. The mysterious unsolved death of 9 hikers who tore through their tents naked in sub-0 temperatures. 7 died of hypothermia, one of a fractured skull, one female team member had her tongue and eyes missing. Offical cause of death: "unknown compelling force"
NASCAR Legend Dale Earnhardt, along with many other NASCAR drivers, resisted use of the HANS device when it was introduced. The HANS was developed specifically to help prevent Basilar skull fractures common to car racing. Earnhardt later died after suffering this exact injury
About the Dyatlov Pass Incident, in which 9 hikers died. They "tore out" of their tents at night in sub-zero temps. 4 died of hypothermia, 3 had fractured skulls, 1 had brain damage but no physical trauma, and 1 had her eyes and tongue removed. Their deaths remain a mystery.
Rory McCann (The Hound from Game of Thrones) once fell 70 ft while rock climbing without a rope and broke both of his ankles, an arm, and a wrist, as well as fracturing his skull. He went on to play a man left paraplegic after a climbing accident in one of his earliest roles.
Gus Cohen survived the sinking of the Titanic, being shot twice during WWI, severe bruising after stepping out on the wrong side of a train and falling on the tracks, a fractured skull following a hit-and-run accident, near-fatal rheumatic fever and overseeing a blitzed building in WWII.
About Adam Greenberg, a baseball player who suffered a skull fracture on the first pitch ever thrown to him in the MLB, effectively ending his career after just 1 pitch. 7 years later the Miami Marlins offered him a 1-day contract so that he could get a second chance to bat in an MLB game.
About the Dyatlov Pass Incident. Nine experienced hikers from the Soviet Union were found dead in the Northern Ural Mountains. All were found inadequately dressed, having torn their way out of their tents. Hypothermia, chest & skull fractures. An unknown compelling force was the cause of death.
In some cases of cranioplasty, that the fractured skull is preserved in the patient's subcutaneous abdominal fat before being reattached after swelling of the brain has subsided.
The wife of comedian Rik Mayall left him under a quad bike, assuming he was playing a joke. He actually had a fractured skull, two haematomas and spent the next few days in a coma.
Why is the skull and crossbones called the jolly roger?
You can easily fact check why do pirates have skull and crossbones by examining the linked well-known sources.
During the '97 Macy's Day Parade, The Cat in the Hat Balloon crashed into a lamppost. The falling debris fractured a spectator's skull, resulting in a month-long coma.
After a KO, British MMA fighter Michael Page put on an Ash hat and tossed a Poké ball towards his opponent Evangelista Santos. Santos was shaking in pain because Page had fractured his skull. - source
65% of all catastrophic injuries suffered by high school female athletes are cheerleaders, with a high percentage of the injuries being repeated concussions and skull fractures... - source
During The Kargil War,Pakistanis had captured 5 Indian soldiers and tortured them to death by:piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,puncturing eyes before removing them,fracturing their skulls,cutting the lips,chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,and finally shooting them dead.
Prince William suffered a depressed fracture of the skull after being accidentally hit on the forehead by a fellow peer with a golf club. In a 2009 interview, he dubbed this scar a "Harry Potter scar". - source
What happens when a baby fractures its skull?
Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto was killed at an explosion during a campaign rally where she fractured her skull on the lever of the sunroof of her Toyota Land Cruiser. Both Toyota and Pakistan Peoples Party deny this and said the report was "a pack of lies."
How long do skull fractures take to heal?
Basal Skull Fractures cause raccoon eyes
In some cases of cranoiplasty, the fractured skull is preserved in the patient's subcutaneous abdominal fat before being reattached, after swelling of the brain has subsided.
In 1992 Gianluigi Lentini became the world's most expensive footballer when he signed for AC Milan for £13mil. However, while driving home from a pre-season tournament he was involved in a serious car accident, fracturing his skull, and he was never the same player again.
Hughie Jennings, a professional baseball player, fractured his skull by diving head first into an empty pool.