Skin Tone facts
While investigating facts about Skin Tones and Skin Toner, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Chris Pratt of Parks & Rec did a scene in which Andy shows up at Ann's house totally naked wearing skin-tone briefs. After several takes, Pratt felt that Amy Poehler did not seem convincingly surprised, so he took off the briefs. Poehler's genuine reaction was later aired on TV.
how skin toner is used?
Green screens are green because it doesn’t match any natural skin tone of the actor so no part of them will be accidentally edited out.
What skin tone do i have?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what skin tone am i quiz. Here are 25 of the best facts about Skin Tone Chart and Skin Tone Chicken Bone I managed to collect.
what skin tone am i?
There is a town in China where some people have Caucasian-like physical traits, such as Aquiline noses, blond or light-colored hair, blue or green eyes, and fairer skin tone, leading some people to create myths of them being descended from a lost legion of Romans.
Varina Davis, first lady of the Confederacy. Criticized for her olive skin tone and high level of literacy, she later became a newspaper columnist, was friends with Julia Grant (widow of Ulysses S. Grant) and declared in an article in 1901 that "the right side won the civil war".
Photography film was made with only Caucasian skin in mind and Kodak only really developed the technology to colour balance darker skin tone by chance- because of complaints over poor light calibration from makers of brown furniture.
An obscure Chinese company has become the top smartphone seller in Africa, largely because they adjusted their phones to work with darker skin tones.
Comedy Central’s standards and practices told Ilana Glazer that during a full frontal scene on “Broad City” the censored pixels had to match her skin tone; Glazer refused to change the pixels, quipping “I’m an adult. I have pubes!”
Other risk factors for Merkel cell carcinoma include being older, being male, having a weakened immune system, having lighter skin tone, and exposure to UV light such as sun or tanning bed exposure.
Not all timpani are made with calf skin or goatskin heads. Today some are being made with heads made of plastic, which are more durable and less affected by temperature and humidity than animal skin. However many professional musicians prefer the animal skin heads because of its warmer tone.
Some Victorian women would nibble on arsenic wafers to get a very pale skin tone
Scrotal Lifts" are a thing. Known as a Scrotoplasty, men of a certain age have begun having their scrotums surgically lifted and tightened in order to restore sagging testicles to a youthful height. They also offer a laser treatment for scrotal wrinkles and uneven skin tone.
Women in the 19th century used lead as a makeup foundation to whiten their skin-tone and would eat chalk and drink iodine to achieve a lighter tone.
Skin Tone data charts
For your convenience take a look at Skin Tone figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why skin tone is uneven?
You can easily fact check why skin toner by examining the linked well-known sources.
High yellow", (dialect: yaller, yeller), a racist term used to describe persons classified as black according to the one-drop rule, despite having primarily white European ancestry. It is a color reference to the golden skin tone of some mixed-race people
The earliest recorded documentation by the West about Brunei is by an Italian in 1550, who said the "Bruneian people have fairer skin tone than the peoples he met in Maluku Islands". Some sources stated that the Malays of Brunei came from Yunnan and Taiwan - source
In 1992, Crayola introduced "Multicultural Crayons" to represent human skin tones. The colors include peach, apricot, tan, mahogany, burnt sienna, and sepia. - source
There are 52,000 possible skin tones that represent families. That's why there are no family options on our phones emojis option screen. Yellow is suppose to be neutral.
Color film was designed exclusively for white skin tones, and it didn't change until companies trying to sell chocolate and wooden furniture complained - source
When skin toner is used?
the shoes of a ballerina are supposed to match their skin tone.
How skin tone change?
MJ will be remembered for years to come. Throughout his life, one thing was constant the ongoing transformation in his appearance. This animation unknowingly shows obvious changes to his face and hiding it with hats and dance moves. Denied plastic surgery and blamed skin tone on vitiligo.
The original design of the Pokémon character Jynx caused controversy over its alleged resemblance to a blackface caricature. Soon after, it was redesigned with a purple skin tone.
In effort to pass a drug test there is a device you can buy that uses a synthetic Urine and rubber penis that comes in different colors for skin tone. This product is called the monkey dong.
All Kodak film labs used the same image of a Caucasian woman to compare skin tones when making color prints
The various emoji skin tones are based on an actual scale, called the Fitzpatrick scale,that is used to estimate how skin will react to UV rays.
Skin tone infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Skin Tone numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.