Ski Jumping facts
While investigating facts about Ski Jumping World Cup and Ski Jumping World Record, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Anders Haugen, the only American to ever medal in ski jumping. He finished 4th in the 1924 olympics, but when a historian reviewed the results 50 years later he found a scoring error. Shortly thereafter, Anders went to Norway at 86 years old and was awarded his long overdue bronze medal.
how is ski jumping scored?
Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards was the 1st Olympic ski jumper for England in 52 years. He had no money, no coach, no team and only learned to ski jump 18 months earlier. He wore 6 pairs of socks inside his second hand boots, a helmet given to him by the Italians, and used skis from the Austrian team.
What is the british record for ski jumping?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the green line in ski jumping. Here are 23 of the best facts about Ski Jumping World Cup 2019 and Ski Jumping Results I managed to collect.
what's ski jumping?
Ski jumping used to involve a lot of flailing and crashing before the more stable V ski position was developed
The only ski jumping medalist in United States history won his medal 50 years later after a scoring error was discovered.
Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards - A Ski Jumper from the UK who competed in the 1988 Winter Olympics. He had no prior training in Ski Jumping, and only managed to represent the UK because there were no other British Ski Jumpers with whom to compete for a place.
Since, conveniently, the landing area for ski jumping happens to be around the same dimensions as a football pitch, local officials developing stadiums for the 2018 Olympics in South Korea built a stadium that can be used for both
The latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) includes codes for “exposure to ignition of plastic jewelry,” “contact with nonvenomous frogs,” and “drowning and submersion due to falling or jumping from burning water-skis.”
Women will be allowed to compete in ski-jump for the first time at the Sochi games. Prior to this, it was a male-only competition.
Marie Marvingt, a French athlete, mountaineer, nurse and pilot. She was one of the first woman athlete, and won many prizes in dozens of sports, including swimming, fencing, shooting, ski jumping... She piloted balloons and planes, fought during WWI, and created the first airborne ambulances.
The term "Jumping The Shark" was derived from the show "Happy Days", when the Fonz was dared to jump over a shark with water skis. Symbolising the turnoff point for a lot of viewers.
Eddie the Eagle" competed in ski jump at the 1988 Calgary Olympics. He was so clumsy the organizers begged the British to not let him compete. He became a folk hero to the fans, and had a movie made about his life.
The phrase "Jumping the shark" comes from an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie jumps over a shark on water skis. This was considered a desperate attempt to keep viewers' interest, with many viewers seeing it as the turning point in Happy Days.
Ski Jumping data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ski Jumping figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is ski jumping a sport?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
David Bowie is a big fan of ski jumping. He attended ski flying competition in Planica, Slovenia, in the mid-80's, and thrilled with the crowd wanted to make a concert, but gave up in the end
China only has one aircraft carrier, and it has a "Ski jump" design for aircraft because it lacks the steam catapults to launch its jets. - source
Slovenia is home to an insane vertical race on a hill that's usually used in ski jumping. - source
The ski jump in The Spy Who Loved Me was the first ski jump of its kind and filmed in only one take. - source
When did ski jumping start using tracks?
Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards, an amateur British skier who made it to the Olympics in 1988. Despite finishing last in his events, he became the British ski jumping record holder and a stunt jumping world record holder for jumping over 6 buses.
How dangerous is ski jumping?
In 1997 the sport Extreme Ironing started by Phil Shaw in his garden, combines ironing clothing and extreme sport or location. People have ironed shirts on their custom ironing boards while skydiving, bungee jumping, water-skiing, speed cycling, and deep-sea diving, among other items of clothing
There exist a sport called ski flying which is an extension of ski jumping. The longest ski flying jump was performed in 2011 by Johan Remen Evensen and is of 246,5 metres (809 ft) long.
The original ski jump world record was 9.5m, held by Olaf Rye, a soldier who set up a show spectated by his fellow soldiers in 1808
There's a sport called jack jumping where people bolt a seat to a single ski and ride it