Situation Normal facts
While investigating facts about Situation Normal All Fouled Up and Situation Normal Bl3, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The word "snafu" is actually an acronym that originated among soldiers during WW2. It is meant to be sarcastic, and stands for "Situation Normal: All Fucked Up."
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During the 2005 French riots, up to 1408 cars were burned per night across the country. The government declared that the riots had ended when, after three weeks of chaos, only 98 cars were burned per night ("return to a normal situation everywhere in France").
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 15 of the best facts about Situation Normal Star Wars and Situation Normal Borderlands 3 I managed to collect.
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The word "snafu" is actually a WWII acronym for "situation normal: all fucked up."
"snafu" is a military acronym for, "situation normal: all Fucked up"
In 2006, OJ Simpson starred in a prank show called "Juiced," which featured the famous murderer interacting with random people in normal in various situations without revealing his identity, such as pretending to be a used car salesman.
Diglossia: When a single language community uses two dialects or languages, one for everyday or vernacular language, and another for specific situations such as literature, formal education, or other specific settings, but not used normally for ordinary conversation.
The word "snafu" originated from a military acronym which stands for "Situation Normal: All F***ed Up"
Snafu is actually an Acronym created by the armed forces meaning "Situation Normal, All Fucked up"
Snafu is military slang for: Situation Normal; All Fucked Up. It was used during war time to express the idea that: yeah, shit is crazy, but that is the norm now.
Snafu is WW2 military slang/acronym, it stands for situation normal: all fucked up
Because of the presense of social situations and given status, normal people can do horrible things.
"snafu" is actually a military acronym from World War II meaning "Situation normal: all fouled up."
Situation Normal data charts
For your convenience take a look at Situation Normal figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it important for mr frank to normalize the situation?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
According to the 1953 Heller and Bergman Experiment, Tinnitus is Actually A Normal Perception Under Specific Situations. [PDF]