Sit Stand facts
While investigating facts about Swat What Does It Stand For and Sas What Does It Stand For, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Ella Slack is the stand-in for Queen Elizabeth II and takes her place for rehearsals of ‘televised engagements’. However, she’s not allowed to sit on the throne and has to ‘hover’ if she’s required to help frame certain shots.
how to use a sit to stand lift?
A lawyer had his client sit in the stands and had a similar looking friend to sit where the defendant usually sits, so that when pointed out the witness would pick the wrong person getting his client off free
What does sit stand for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering i jump when i walk and sit when i stand what am i. Here are 38 of the best facts about Sim What Does It Stand For and Sap What Does It Stand For I managed to collect.
what sit stands for?
A Cynic named Diogenes who had no regard for wealth or honor. He was once sitting outside when Alexander the Great approached and asked if he wanted anything; he replied, "yes, stand a little out of my sun." The awestruck king said "truly if I were not Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes."
In the wild, giraffes almost never lie down because of vulnerability to predators. They usually sleep standing, sometimes sitting, and they give birth standing up. When giraffes sleep, they curl their necks and sleep for about five minutes at a time, sleeping no more than 30 minutes a day.
In Germany there is a long running debate about whether or not men should sit or stand to pee. Men can be divided into two different groups: stehpinklers (men who stand up to pee) and sitzpinklers (men who sit down)
That, Orthostatic Hypotension is the name of the condition in which we experience certain dizziness, blackout and symptoms of faintness when we stand up very rapidly from a lying or sitting position. Many of us has experience it due imbalance in the pressure of blood.
There are specific words in German for men who pee standing up - Stehpinkler - and men who pee sitting down - Sitzpinkler
Rap superstar Eminem took the idea from “Jerry Lewis Please Sit Down” for the song title “Will the real Slim Shady Please Stand Up”
When meditating there are a variety of positions that a person can use including sitting, standing, supine, walking, or even not using any specific position at all.
In most of Europe and Australia, supermarket checkers sit on stools. American supermarket checkers have to stand.
Charles Blondin, who crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope many times with different tricks: blindfolded, in a sack, with a wheelbarrow, on stilts, carrying a man on his back, sitting down midway while he cooked and ate an omelette, and standing on a chair with only one chair leg on the rope.
Emu fathers will go eight-weeks without eating, drinking, or deficating while sitting on the eggs and will stand only to turn the eggs.
Sit Stand data charts
For your convenience take a look at Sit Stand figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do rugby coaches sit in the stands?
You can easily fact check why stand when you can sit by examining the linked well-known sources.
Patients report higher satisfaction when doctors sit by them while talking as opposed to standing
The Tantric goddess of self-sacrifice, Chinnamasta (one whose head is severed), is typically depicted holding her own self-severed head while standing or sitting on a divinely copulating couple. Three streams of blood spurt from her neck which are drunk by her two attendants and her own head. - source
Sitting Bull returned to the Standing Rock reservation in South Dakota, ostensibly to retire, but controversy followed him when he became associated with the Ghost Dance movement.
There's around 50/50 split between males standing up and sitting down while wiping, and most don't know the other group exists
We are never really touching anything. The electrons/electromagnetic field of the atoms the matter is made of interact and repulse each other. We're just hovering at microscopic heights when we're sitting, standing, etc. - source
I jump when i walk and sit when i stand?
Over 30% of the world population wipe standing up, while the the other, wipe sitting down, and most don't know the other group exists.
How to teach baby to sit from standing?
Urinating while sitting allows elderly men to empty their bladder better than in the standing position.
The reason why most globes sit at an angle on their stands is to capture the 23.5° angle the Earth orbits on relative to the sun.
USA Olympic Basketball team was undefeated until 1972 when an Olympic official sitting in the stands during the finals overturned the refs after the buzzer giving the Soviets second chance to win the game. When they missed again the official gave them a third chance on which they won.
Rosa Parks did not sit in the front of a bus. She sat in the middle section of a bus, but refused to stand for a white man after seats filled up.
The World Sauna Championships - a Tournament in Which People Would Sit for as Long as They Could Until a Last Man or Woman Was Left Standing. It Has Been Cancelled After a Russian Contestant Died Participating in 2010.