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Shining Stanley facts

While investigating facts about Shining Stanley Kubrick and Shining Stanley Hotel, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When ‘The Shining’ premiered, the MPAA wouldn’t allow blood to appear in any trailer “approved for all audiences,” but Stanley Kubrick managed to get a trailer comprised solely of the elevator scene passed by convincing the board the tsunami of blood was rusty water.

how much of the shining was filmed at the stanley hotel?

Stanley Kubrick was asked not to depict room #217 (featured in the book) in The Shining, because future guests at the Lodge might be afraid to stay there. So a nonexistent room, #237, was substituted in the film.

What parts of the shining was filmed in the stanley hotel?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the stanley hotel have to do with the shining. Here are 50 of the best facts about Stanley Kubrick The Shining and Shining Stanley Kubrick 1980 I managed to collect.

why wasn't the shining filmed at the stanley?

  1. While the "Shining" was playing in New York and Los Angeles, Stanley Kubrick ordered projectionists to cut the original final scene from the film by hand, and mail the deleted film strips back to Warner Bros. The original ending has never been released since.

  2. Stanley Kubrick recorded a typist hammering out “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” because he believed each typewriter key made a slightly different sound and he wanted the audio track of “The Shining” to be perfectly accurate.

  3. Director Stanley Kubrick's secretary often heard the sound of a book hitting the wall as he flung it into a reject pile when looking for a novel to adapt. When it had been a while since she had heard any sound, she walked in to check on her boss and found Kubrick deeply engrossed in The Shining.

  4. While filming Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carrey stayed in the Stanley Hotel (where The Shining was filmed) for a night and requested to be in room 237. About three hours after he went to sleep, he came running out of the room and left the hotel. To this day, he hasn't told anybody why.

  5. Stanley Kubrick fooled the MPAA into thinking that the blood flowing out of the elevator in The Shining was just "rusty water"

  6. In 1974, Stephen King checked in as the only guest in the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO before it shut down for the winter. He dreamed that night of his three-year old son being chased through the long, empty corridors. He woke up and had the inspiration for The Shining.

  7. In "The Shining" director Stanley Kubrick was able to film all of Danny Lloyd's scenes without the six-year-old actor realizing he was in a horror movie.

  8. Stephen King said Stanley Kurbick's version of 'The Shining' is the only movie adaptation of his book he could "remember hating."

  9. Stanley Kubrick forced Shelley Duvall to film the scene of her on the stairs during "The Shining" 127 times. Her misery wasn't even her acting at that point.

  10. Director Stanley Kubrick had his secretary fill about 500 pages with the iconic "All work and no play" phrase for the film "The Shining"

shining stanley facts
What scenes from the shining was filmed at the stanley hotel?

Why wasn't the shining filmed at the stanley?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Stanley Kubrick's classic 'The Shining' initially had a terrible reception, being nominated for a worst director award

Robin Williams was considered for the lead in the horror movie The Shining, but the movie producer Stanley Kubrick cancelled the plan as he deemed him too psychotic for the role. - source

It was the policy of the MPAA to not allow the portrayal of blood in trailers approved for all audiences. Though The Shining's trailer consists of blood pouring out of an elevator, Stanley Kubrick had convinced the board the blood flooding out of the elevator was actually rusty water. - source

Stephen King hated the 1980 Stanley Kubrick film version of The Shining stating; "Shelley Duvall as Wendy is really one of the most misogynistic characters ever put on film."

Uppon its release, "The Shining" was nominated for The Razzies including worst actress for Shelley Duvall and worst director for Stanley Kubrick - source

What happens when you shine a laser in your eye?

When filming The Shining, director Stanley Kubrick had Shelley Duvall enact the baseball bat scene through 127 takes, advised crew members to ignore her, and refused to praise her work. Duvall later wrote of being in and out of ill health for months due to the stress of the role

How is the stanley hotel related to the shining?

Upon its release, Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" was nominated for the Razzie Awards for worst director (Kubrick) and worst actress (Duvall)

Stephen King did not like Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining, calling it "a beautiful car with no engine".

To get Jack Nicholson in the right agitated mood in "The Shining", movie director Stanley Kubrick fed Jack Nicholson only cheese sandwiches, which he hates.

In 2015, the Stanley Hotel in CO, which served as Stephen King's inspiration for the Overlook in The Shining, built a hedge maze out front in tribute.

The Shining" was originally released with an epilogue before Stanley Kubrick changed his mind. He sent people out to cut the footage from the finished prints. No copy exists to this day.

What happens when you shine a laser at a plane?

The Razzies once nominated Stanley Kubrick as the worst director for The Shining

During the filming of The Shining, Stanley Kubrick would change the shooting script so many times that Jack Nicholson would throw his copies away, knowing that it was going to be changed anyway. In fact, Nicholson learned most of his lines just minutes before filming it.

Stanley Kubrick intentionally broke spatial continuity in The Shining to give the the Overlook Hotel an otherworldly, disconnected feel.

Jim Carrey once checked into the Stanley Hotel and requested the infamous Room 217, which inspired The Shining. According to the hotel, about an hour after Carrey checked in, he came running out of the room and left. To this day, he vows to never go back, and won't tell anybody what happened.

The Stanley Hotel, inspiration for The Overlook Hotel in Stephen King's "The Shining", announced in 2013 it would be digging up a neighboring pet cemetery--the subject of another Stephen King novel "Pet Sematary".

Stanley Kubrick was nominated both for a Razzie Award as Worst Director and a Saturn Award for Best Director, for The Shining

The Shining was nominated for 2 Razzies. Worst Director(Stanley Kubrick) and Worst Actress(Shelly Duvall).

After Stanley Kubrick finished shooting THE SHINING, the Colorado Lounge soundstage was converted into the Well of Souls for Steven Spielberg's RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.

At the 1st Razzie Awards, Stanley Kubrick was nominated for worst director for The Shining.

In 1980 Stanley Kubrick won the Golden Raspberry for Worst Director in "The Shining"

Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" originally had a much darker alternate ending.

Stephen King hated what Stanley Kubrick did with The Shining!

Stephen King didn't like Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of "The Shining", so in 1997 King created his own screenplay.

Stanley Kubrick was nominated for a Razzie Award for Worst Director for The Shining

The US theatrical version of Bladerunner featured "happy ending" ariel shots that were not filmed by Scott by rather were filmed outtakes from aerial helicopter shots from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining which Kubrick allowed permission to be used.

The inventor of the steadicam, Garret Brown, specifically made the device to film the big wheel scene in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.

Stanley Kubrick's The Shining only has two deaths in the entire movie

Stanley Kubrick in The Shining was the first to use the Steadicam on "low mode" to film Danny's lonely big wheel scene.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Shining Stanley. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Shining Stanley so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor