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Shark Fins facts

While investigating facts about Shark Fins Terraria and Shark Fins Labeled, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Yao Ming's conservation campaigns has led to a 50% drop in shark fin soup consumption in China. He is now working on poaching as well.

how shark fins are harvested?

A 2013 survey showed 91% of Chinese people in support of a nationwide ban on the trade in shark fins, largely as a result of campaigning by ex-NBA player Yao Ming.

What do they use shark fins for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do they do with shark fins. Here are 50 of the best facts about Shark Fins Shears and Shark Fins Used For I managed to collect.

what shark fins are used for?

  1. Gordon Ramsay was covered in gasoline and held at gunpoint in Costa Rica while he was investigating illegal shark fin trading for a TV show

  2. Nearly 100 million sharks were used to be killed each year in China, mostly for their fins. However in few couple of years, 85% of Chinese consumers gave up shark fin soup, largely as a result of campaigning by ex-NBA player Yao Ming.

  3. Gordon Ramsay was doused in gasoline and held at gunpoint by gang members while attempting to film a documentary about the illegal shark fin industry. He managed to escape by diving into his car with his film crew and driving off.

  4. In 2006, 75% of Chinese didn't know that sharks were killed to make shark fin soup. But now, 91% of Chinese support a nationwide ban, thanks to activism work by Yao Ming and others

  5. Yao Ming's conservation campaigns have led to a 50% reduction in the consumption of shark fin soup in China

  6. Over 100 million Sharks per year are killed to fuel the shark fin industry. This has caused the populations to drop 60-90% over the last 15 years.

  7. In 2006, 75% of Chinese didn't know that sharks were slaughtered to make shark fin soup. But now, 91% of Chinese support a nationwide ban to shark killings, thanks to activism work by Yao Ming and others

  8. Humans are killing 100 million sharks every year (per 2018) and that the consumption of shark fin soup, primarily in China and Vietnam, is the biggest reason behind the massive figure, contributing directly to the killing of almost half of the sharks.

  9. Gordon Ramsay was kidnapped, held at gunpoint, and doused in gasoline during his investigation of the fishing practices around the shark fin soup industry.

  10. Basking shark has small eyes, pointed, conically-shaped snout and wide jaws (up to 3 feet in width) filled with several rows of miniature, backward curved teeth. It has 5 big gill slits on the back of the head, large dorsal and pectoral fins and crescent-shaped tail. Basking shark looks like huge great white shark with unusually shaped head.

shark fins facts
What can you make with shark fins in terraria?

Why shark fins is good?

You can easily fact check why are shark fins so valuable by examining the linked well-known sources.

Even though black tip sharks are best known by the black tip of dorsal fin, all fins end with specific, triangular marks.

Horn shark is sluggish fish. It moves by pushing the body along the ocean floor using its muscular pectoral fins.

Dusky shark has rounded snout and slender body with ridge between the first and second dorsal fin on the backs. Pectoral fins are large and sickle-shaped.

Like many deep sea creatures, dwarf lantern sharks have bioluminescent properties. They possess photophore, organ which emits light, located on the bottom side of the body (on the belly and fins).

Bamboo Sharks A new species of shark that "walks" along the seabed using its fins as tiny legs has been discovered in eastern Indonesia (2013) - source

What happens when shark fins are cut off?

Juvenile dusky sharks have dusky tips on almost all fins (hence the name). These markings are almost invisible in adults.

How shark fins are made?

Bull sharks have grey backs and white bellies. Tips of the fins are black, especially in younger sharks.

Nurse shark has broad head with small mouth and prominent barbels, round dorsal and pectoral fins and very long tail fin (1/4 of the body length).

Unlike other species of sharks, speartooth shark uses tidal currents to move in the water. Flooding tides carry shark upstream, while ebbing tides return it back (move it downstream). Relying on the tidal currents, shark can travel 6.2 to 7.5 miles in both directions. This method of movement preserves energy. Speartooth shark uses large dorsal fin to maneuver in the fast currents.

A 2013 survey showed 91% of Chinese people in support of a nationwide ban on the trade in shark fins, largely as a result of campaigning by ex-NBA player Yao Ming

Bull shark possesses long pectoral fins that are used for cruising through the shallow waters while it searches for the next meal.

When was shark fins invented?

Blacknose sharks don"t attack humans but they show signs of aggressions: arched back, low-positioned pectoral fins and raised head, when faced with divers.

Angel shark has flat body and large pectoral fins. Due to wing-like fins, it looks like a species of rays. Angel shark has two dorsal fins. Anal fin is missing.

Nurse shark creates false shelter for crustaceans by using its own body (supported by fins). Once they enter the trap, nurse shark easily collects and eats them.

Dwarf lantern shark has short trunk, large dorsal fin covered with grooved spines, and short caudal fin. Anal fin is absent.

In 2006 researchers found 50 new species off the coast of Indonesia. Among them: small, slender-bodied sharks that "walk" with their fins.

How many fins does a shark have?

Cuttlefish usually swims slowly (using its fin). When needed, it can move fast by ejecting huge amount of water from the mantle. This type of movement, known as jet-propulsion, is used when it needs to escape from the predators such as large fish and sharks, and it is usually accompanied with release of ink.

Blacknose shark is grey or greenish-gray colored. Belly is white or yellow-colored. Tips of dorsal fin and upper lobe of caudal fin are black or dusky-colored. It has black spot (especially pronounced in young animals) below the snout, hence the name - blacknose shark.

Orcas are tearing open Great White Sharks by pulling their pectoral fins purely so that they can eat their livers - they leave every other organ intact and don't bite them anywhere else but the fins.

Yao Ming's conservation campaigns has led to a 50% drop in shark fin soup consumption in China. He is now also working on poaching.

Despite being made illegal in China, the consumption of shark fin soup is still legal in Australia.

Unethical fishermen will catch sharks, cut their fins off, then toss the live shark, now unable to swim or defend itself, back into the water. It will asphyxiate, bleed to death or be eaten by predators. This is called "Shark Finning" and is widely legal (but not in most western nations).

Horn shark has short, blunt head with hard, horn-like ridges behind the eyes (hence the name), and two spines on dorsal fins. Horn shark has two types of teeth: small, hook-shaped front teeth and large, flat teeth on the sides of the jaws.

Inanimate objects can be sued - for example, "United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins."

Lemon fish has two dorsal fins on the back. They are equal in size.

Saw shark has two dorsal fins, but it lacks anal fin. Saw shark has 5 or 6 pairs of gills (depending on the species) located laterally, behind the head.

In 2006, 75% of Chinese didn't know that sharks were killed to make shark fin soup. But now, 91% of Chinese support a nationwide ban, thanks to activism work by Yao Ming and others

The United States won a court case against approximately 32 tons of shark fins

The US fought a court case against ~32 tons of shark fins - And lost.

Backs of speartooth shark are gray-colored. Ventral side of the body is white. Eyes are encircled with white rings. Pectoral fins are covered with black blotches.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Shark Fins. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Shark Fins so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor