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Shake Hands facts

While investigating facts about Shake Hands With The Devil and Shake Hands With Danger, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Malaysian Crown Prince Tunku Ismail mocked religious hardliners in Malaysia by wearing Hulk Hands to shake hands, after being told to wear gloves when shaking hands with women.

how to teach a dog to shake hands?

Actor Ron Perlman smokes 4 cigars a day, mostly to calm himself. He says: “Some people meditate, I smoke cigars. It’s the best way for me to find myself. Smoking a cigar stops my hands from shaking. Smoking a cigar prevents me from punching people in the face when they get on my nerves."

What causes hands to shake?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does it mean when your hands shake. Here are 50 of the best facts about Shake Hands With Beef and Shake Hands With The Devil Movie I managed to collect.

what's shake hands in french?

  1. During the Dust Bowl, in Texas and Oklahoma static electricity was so bad children would run up to their mothers for a hug, and both would wake up on the ground, knocked unconscious by a massive static shock. Two men shaking hands could knock each other out.

  2. There is a zoo in Japan that has tiny holes in the otter enclosure allowing for people who visit the zoo to shake hands with the otters.

  3. After the release of Die Another Day, Pierce Brosnan was approached by a man in a Dublin bar who asked to shake his hand. He complied and then cracked up when the man said, "That's the closest my hand will ever get to Halle Berry's ass."

  4. The Soviet Diplomat Molotov was reportedly the only man to ever "shake hands" with Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Roosevelt and Churchill.

  5. After undefeated boxer Billy Collins, Jr. was beaten so badly during his fight, his curious father insisted on shaking his opponent's hands. He discovered the fighter had removed all his padding, and eventually led to a 2.5 year prison sentence.

  6. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935) lived long enough to shake hands with both John Quincy Adams and John F. Kennedy

  7. Pierce Brosnan was approached by a man in a Dublin bar who asked to shake his hand. He complied and then cracked up when the man said, "That's the closest my hand will ever get to Halle Berry's arse".

  8. The Soviet Diplomat Molotov was reportedly the only man to ever "shake hands" with Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Roosevelt and Churchill. He also outlived them all and died in 1986 at the age of 96.

  9. Mormon scripture teaches you to distinguish between angels and the devil by offering to shake hands (you won't feel anything if it's the devil).

shake hands facts
What causes your hands to shake?

Why shake hands with left hand?

You can easily fact check django unchained why shake hands by examining the linked well-known sources.

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure that the person you were meeting wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. The hand clasp proved that your hand was empty and shaking was meant to dislodge any weapons hiding up the sleeve.

Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of the Super Mario series, was shocked by the violence in the game GoldenEye 007 and suggested the game end with Bond visiting his enemies in the hospital and shaking their hands - source

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure that the person you were meeting wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. The hand clasp proved that your hand was empty and shaking was meant to dislodge any weapons hiding up the sleeve. - source

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure the person you were meeting wasn't carrying a concealed weapon. Clasping hands proved it was empty, and shaking was meant to dislodge anything that was being hidden inside the sleeve.

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure that the person you were meeting wasn't carrying a concealed weapon. The hand clasp proved that your hand was empty and the shaking motion was meant to dislodge any weapons hiding up the sleeve. - source

Why do my hands shake when i hold something?

Handshakes were originally meant to confirm you had no weapons in your hands or up your sleeves (hence the shaking motion to jiggle them out)

How to teach your dog to shake hands?

In 1996, Howard Stern completely took over the Tonight Show in a raunchy fashion. Jay Leno was so offended, he stormed out of the studio on a commercial break, while shouting expletives. At the end of the show, he walked off and refused to shake Howard's hand.

There is a marine park in Japan where you can shake hands with otters.

Iranian artist Atena Farghadani was imprisoned for critizing an anti birth-control law in a cartoon - then additionally charged with 'illegitimate sexual relationship short of adultery' for shaking her lawyers hand.

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure that the person you were meeting wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. The hand clasp proved that your hand was empty and shaking was meant to dislodge any weapons hiding up the sleeve.

The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) of 1975 was the first cooperative American-Soviet space flight. It had a major impact on the cultural landscape of the United States during the 1970s as millions of Americans witnessed their astronauts shake hands and exchange gifts and flags with the Soviet cosmonauts.

What does it mean when your hands shake?

Every US President up until Herbert Hoover held a tradition during New Years Day anyone could stand in line and shake the president's hand and wish him a happy new year.

Around 300 people line up to greet Jimmy Carter after he teaches sunday school in Georgia. Visitors are not allowed to carry on long conversations or shake hands with him due to germs

King George VI was appalled when the South African government instructed him to only shake hands with white people while on his visit there in 1947. He referred to his South African bodyguards as "the Gestapo".

The waviness in the original 'Peanuts' comic strip was due to a condition called "Essential Tremor," which caused Charles Schulz' hand to shake when trying to hold it still.

In Korea women are not supposed to shake hands with a western man. The traditional greeting is a bow.

How xbox players shake hands?

It is not possible to transmit hepatitis C via shared drinks and food or any sort of casual contact such as hugging or shaking hands.

Richard Nixon refused to shake hands with anyone from San Francisco because he felt it was "the most faggy goddamned thing you could imagine."

Handshakes where originally used to make sure that the other person wasn't carrying a weapon. The hand clasp proved their hands were empty and the shake proved there was nothing in their sleeves.

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure that the person you were meeting wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. The hand clasp proved that your hand was empty and shaking was meant to dislodge any weapons hiding up the sleeve.

The Hyundai logo isn't only an "H," but intended to be the silhouette of two people shaking hands: the customer and the company

The reason scouts shake hands with their left hand, comes from African Ashanti warriors, who showed trust and bravery by lowering their shield to salute with the left instead of right hand.

At a time when Jamaica was in virtual civil war, Bob Marley invited the Prime Minister and opposition leader on to the stage to shake hands.

.. Handshakes were originally meant to make sure that the person you were meeting wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. The hand clasp proved that your hand was empty and shaking was meant to dislodge any weapons hiding up the sleeve. Source:

Some communities in Japan use informal local currencies to pay for goods and services instead of the national yen, including "peanuts" in Chiba that require parties to shake hands and yell "amigo" during transactions.

Juan Romero, the hotel busboy who was photographed kneeling next to Robert Kennedy after he was shot, received angry letters accusing him of putting Kennedy in harm's way by stopping to shake his hand, or even demanding to know why he hadn't taken the assassin's bullet himself.

King George III once tried to shake hands with a tree thinking it was King Frederick the Great of the Prussian Empire.

The warrior initiation rite of the Mawé: hundreds of bullet ants (which possess the most powerful sting known to man) are woven into a glove and the initiated must endure for ten minutes. When finished, the boy's hand is temporarily paralyzed, and he may shake uncontrollably for days.

A research study demonstrated that shaking hands leads to more successful outcomes in business negotiations.

Nikola Tesla had a serious case of OCD and germaphobia. He had a strange obsession with the number 3, and would only shake someone's hand after he put leather gloves on. [Some information is from the museum in Serbia I visited yesterday, as well.]

Research suggests people unconsciously smell their hands after shaking hands with someone, perhaps because we unknowingly extract information from other peoples' scents (kind of like what dogs do when they sniff each other's butts).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Shake Hands. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Shake Hands so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor