Sexual Intercourse facts
While investigating facts about Sexual Intercourse Happening and Sexual Intercourse Movement, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a law in Philippines that you can actually 'legally' kill or physically injure your spouse or the person he or she is having a sexual intercourse with when you caught them in the act while making love.
how sexual intercourse takes place?
The authors of a 2009 study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine speculated that "if a man or woman has not had intercourse by age 25, there is a reasonable chance [he or she] will remain a virgin at least until age 45."
What is sexual intercourse meaning?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does sexual intercourse mean. Here are 50 of the best facts about Sexual Intercourse Meaning And Examples and Sexual Intercourse Meaning In Oxford Dictionary I managed to collect.
what's sexual intercourse?
In 1986 to bypass Japanese censorship laws on depictions of sexual intercourse Toshio Maeda created "tentacle sex" leading to the large number of works today with tentacles inplace of male genitals.
In the past many religions had "Sacred prostitutes" that would engage in sexual intercourse for rituals.
Sexual intercourse produces five times more hormones than that of masturbation.
The concept of the "mile high club" dates back to at least 1785, in which a wager took place involving a British member of the House of Lords having sexual intercourse in a hot air balloon "one thousand yards from the Earth."
After the death of Swaziland's King Sobhuza II in 1982, the reigning queen enforced a 75-day mourning period that only allowed commerce essential to the life of the nation. During this time, the queen outlawed sexual intercourse and those caught were punished by flogging.
The practice of binding the feet of girls in China was believed to make sexual intercourse more pleasurable.
The cause of female Hysteria (which elicited the creation of the vibrator) was thought to be the retention of "female semen" that was not released through sexual intercourse, which would thereby make the semen venomous.
The early usage of the word "fuck" is from English court-records in 1310. The records mention a man named "Roger Fuckbythenavele". It is believed that Roger was a man who had tried, through ignorance, to have sexual intercourse through his partner's navel.
Adultery is a crime in the state of New York. A married person that engages in sexual intercourse with another person can be jailed for up to 90 days and fined $500.
In 2003 the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a woman cheating on her husband with another woman is not adultery because it's not technically sexual intercourse
Sexual Intercourse data charts
For your convenience take a look at Sexual Intercourse figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why sexual intercourse can cause uti?
You can easily fact check why sexual intercourse causes pain by examining the linked well-known sources.
Praying mantises are probably the best known by the fact that female eats male's head during sexual intercourse. That does not happen that often (there are only 30% chance that female will attack the male in the wild) and it is not essential part of the intercourse. Besides ingesting large amount of nutritional proteins, female prolongs the intercourse by eating male's head, because nerves which stimulate copulation are located in the male's abdomen (away from the head).
Same-sex sexual intercourse was only decriminalised in 14 US states in 2003 - source
Yobai; an ancient Japanese custom where young men would creep into young women's bedrooms to seek sexual intercourse.
In 1971, the state of Rhode Island tried to create a tax bill to tax every act of sexual intercourse in the state - source
After sexual intercourse when does the fetus form?
Oxytocin, a chemical released during (female) sexual intercourse, is also the chemical that makes them want to nurture their young and cuddle.
How sexual intercourse causes hiv?
Eleanor Roosevelt had an aversion to sexual intercourse, and considered it "an ordeal to be endured"
A 17 yr-old North Carolina boy & his girlfriend were charged for having nude pictures of themselves on their own phones. They were 16 in the nude selfies, such pics are illegal; but the legal age of consent for sexual intercourse in North Carolina is age 16.
Dr John Harvey Kellogg, founder of Kelloggs Cereal, believed so fervently that sex was vexatious for the spirit and body that he never engaged in sexual intercourse with his wife, even opting to have two different rooms in their shared house and adopted all of his children.
Nazi researchers into methods for warming hypothermic inmates to simulate conditions pilots shot down over the ocean would face, it was discovered that sexual intercourse was more effective than warm colonic irrigation.
In 1917, virtuoso pianist & composer Erwin Schulhoff broke away from mainstream classical music and wrote "Sonata Erotica" for solo female voice. It is a representation of a woman during sexual intercourse, and includes the performer urinating into a potty.
Sexual intercourse infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Sexual Intercourse numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.