Sex Couples facts
While investigating facts about Sex Couples, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Judaism emphasizes that sex is a deeply holy act to be performed regularly, and insists that it be pleasurable for both members of a married couple.
Ida Craddock, a 19th century sex educator, wrote pamphlets that advised couples on the importance of foreplay, complications of having too big of a penis, and how to properly rupture the hymen. She later committed suicide after being sentenced to prison for breaking obscenity laws.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Sex Couples I managed to collect.
"lesbian bed death". Studies have found that lesbian couples have less sex than any other relationship, apparently because the sex drive of women in secure relationships declines.
Frequent sex in a relationship isn't associated with self-reported happiness in couples, but is associated with an increase in an instinctive, positive emotions towards your partner.
Men initiate sex more than 3x as often as women do in a long-term, heterosexual relationship. However, sex happens far more often when the woman takes the initiative, implying that it’s the woman who sets limits, and that frequency of sex depends on how enthusiastic a couple are about it.
A review of decades of research shows children of same-sex couples are doing just as well as kids of heterosexual couples across a number of wellbeing measures, including academic performance, cognitive development, social development, and psychological health.
In 1901 Spain, a woman adopted a male identity and married another woman. The couple was later discovered and had to escape to Argentina. Their marriage certificate was never annulled, so this is the first recorded same-sex marriage in Spain, 100 years before it was legal.
Not only is there a full taxidermed whale in a Swedish museum, but a couple was once caught having sex inside
Lesbian couples two and a half times more likely to get divorced than male same-sex couples
The only stuffed blue whale in the world is in the Natural History Museum in Sweden. The public was allowed to enter it up until a couple was found having sex inside it; now its jaws are opened only for special occasions like Swedish election days.
Mind-blowing sex can give you transient global amnesia, a condition that causes you to lose all of your memories for a couple of hours.
Since 2015, same-sex marriage was completely legalised on the small Pacific island of Pitcairn (which is inhabited by a small settlement of 50 people all descended from the 1790 Bounty mutiny)... however, there are no known homosexuals or homosexual couples residing on the island.
Sex Couples data charts
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What is true about sex couples?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Green Day payed to host a schools prom at a different location when the school board cancelled it because they didn't want same sex couples at their prom
Scientific studies show that 1,500 animal species are known to practice natural same-sex coupling - from insects, to fish, birds and mammals. - source
Lesbian couples are two and a half times more likely to get divorced than male same sex couples - source
There was a British TV show called "Sex Box", where couples went into a box on stage in front of a studio audience, and had sex. And then came out and talked about the sex they just had with a panel of sexperts, including Dan Savage.
After a dueling, it's common for two male giraffes to have sex with eachother. Such interactions between males have been found to be more frequent than heterosexual coupling - source
The first same sex couple in History were 2 manicurists to the Pharaoh, Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum. They are depicted facing each other and embracing in their joint tomb with inscriptions reading "joined in life and joined in death"
Mississippi leads all states in percentage of same-sex couples raising children (26%) even though it doesn’t allow for same-sex adoption. Salt Lake City leads all cities (25%) even though same-sex adoption was illegal until October 2014.
The Pitcairn Islands, a British Overseas Territory with a population of 56, has legalised same-sex marriage, despite not having a single same-sex couple on the island.
A gay couple who were front and center in media supporting same-sex adoption later adopted a baby boy for the sole purpose of molesting him and did so for six years.
Of all the rape cases fully tried in Delhi in 2013, over 40% dealt with consensual sex, usually involving the elopement of a young couple and the girl’s parents subsequently charging the boy with rape and another 25% dealt with “breach of promise to marry”
In 2001 an elderly couple chartered a small plane on the pretext of having sex in the sky. While flying, they tried to hijack the plane & force the pilot to fly to Cuba, which cause the plane to crash. They were the only people on board to die in the crash.