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Send Message facts

While investigating facts about Send Message Video and Send Message Online, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Sweden tries to ward off Russian submarines from violating its maritime borders by lowering a neon sign depicting a thrusting 'gay' sailor underwater. The sign also sends a message in Morse code which says, "this way if you are gay".

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In 1924 the KKK planned to hold a major rally in South Bend to send a message to Notre Dame students. "Instead, the only message delivered that morning came from Notre Dame’s students, who pummeled the Klansmen as they disembarked from their train."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does it mean when a text message fails to send. Here are 50 of the best facts about Send Message On Instagram and Send Message On Whatsapp Without Saving Number I managed to collect.

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  1. The Queen uses her purse (handbag) to send secret messages to her staff, such as swapping which shoulder it is on when she's done talking with a particular person and wants an excuse to leave the conversation.

  2. Queen Elizabeth uses signals with her handbag to send secret messages to her staff

  3. During the first successful Commando raid at Lofoten, Norway in WWII, the officer used the local telegraph office to send to "A.Hitler in Berlin," the following message: "You said in your last speech, German troops would meet the British wherever they landed. Where are your troops?"

  4. One minute each night, skyscrapers, tugboats, hotels, a yacht club and police cruisers send a blinking goodnight message to sick kids inside Hasbro children’s hospital Providence. R.I.

  5. 45 years ago today, on October 29, 1969, at what can justifiably be called “The Birth of the Internet”, a UCLA computer connected for the first time via phone line to a Stanford one, sending the first host-to-host message, logging on with the two letters: "LO" at 2230 PST, before crashing.

  6. Robert Rodriguez started receiving phone calls at random hours of the day from Danny Trejo, trying to convince him to make the Machete film. Robert asked why Danny can't just send a text message instead of constantly calling, to which Trejo replied: "Machete don't text."

  7. Archeologists discovered a hidden message on a 2,600 year old piece of pottery. The message was written in ancient Hebrew and it says "If there is any wine, send it."

  8. The CIA museum has a smoking pipe designed to receive radio messages and relay them silently to the user's ear by sending vibrations up the user's jawbone.

  9. A 24 yr old woman was sentenced to 20 months in jail for sending abusive Facebook messages to herself from fake profiles she made for her father and his wife

  10. In WWII the Soviets used captured Germans and fake radio messages to convince the Nazis of a large German armed group stranded behind Soviet lines. The Nazis kept sending airdrops and rescue missions, which the Soviets would promptly capture and force to participate in the illusion

send message facts
What first message to send to girl?

Send Message data charts

For your convenience take a look at Send Message figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

send message fact data chart about I plotted the increasing length of the messages my /r/penpal
I plotted the increasing length of the messages my /r/penpal and I send to each other over time.

Why wont my messages send?

You can easily fact check why won't my text messages send by examining the linked well-known sources.

It costs $100 to send Mark Zuckerberg a Facebook message

A town in Japan painted a broken phone booth white so that people in grief can send messages to lost loved ones. - source

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was expelled from the University of Colorado Boulder in his first year for hacking the university's computer system and sending prank messages through it. - source

In WW2 the US and Canada banned postal chess (a form of chess where players play by marking a card and mailing it from one to another, in which games take months or years) as they were worried that the games "were being used to send secret messages to enemy forces."

John Dee, a courtier and spy of Queen Elizabeth I, would sign his name as "007" when sending coded messages back to her. - source

What does it mean when a text message fails to send?

Homer Simpson's email address is and fans will get a reply if they send messages to it

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The reason that Johnny Cash flipped the bird to the camera in the iconic photo was to send a message to the prison warden. The photographer Jim Marshall had asked Johnny to express what he thought of the prison authorities.

It would take about 3000 years to send a message and hear a reply if SETI discovered intelligent life at KIC 8462852.

The "Red Phone" Moscow-Washington hotline was actually a set of Teletype equipment between the Pentagon and the Kremlin. After 1963, test messages were routinely sent, with Americans sending passages from Shakespeare, and Soviets sending passages from Anton Chekhov.

Hans Berger received a concerned telegram from his distantly located sister immediately after having a brush with death. He concluded that the brain must be able to send electric messages and went on to invent electroencephalography (EEG)

In 1998 Olympic Bomber Eric Rudolph's brother videotaped himself cutting off his hand with a circular saw to "send a message to the FBI and the media."

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Before the smartphone app, Shazam was a call service that let users dial 2580 to send 30 seconds of a song over the phone, and receive the name of the song via text message. The number still works today.

The use of trigger warnings doesn’t just underestimate the resilience of most trauma survivors; it sends the wrong message for treatment and recovery

Offering petunia as a gift sends message: "I"m furious".

Calcium plays a big role in making muscles contract, helps to send messages through nerves, and also acts in the release of hormones. If calcium levels are low, the body will steal calcium from the bones to make up the difference.

After dictating a message to Siri the user can listen and make sure that mistakes weren"t made. If there were mistakes the user can tell Siri to change it and redo the message before sending.

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The world's oldest message in a bottle contained a message that allowed the finder to send it back for 1 shilling.

Pope Francis uses Twitter to send messages to his followers. He is estimated to have about seven million followers on that social platform alone. His handle is @Pontifex. He is considered to be the most retweeted world leader.

Some people experience nerve pain long after shingles has healed. This is called postherpetic neuralgia. The damaged nerve fibers continue to send pain messages to the brain.

The first telegraph message ever send read "WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT" and traveled 44 miles from DC to Baltimore.

The first person to die during a space mission was Vladimir Komarov in 1967. He knew the capsule was unsafe and that he would not be returning alive so he demanded an open casket funeral to send a message to the government officials who had caused his death

Today 50 years ago the first message was sent over the ARPANET (Internet predecessor). The message being "LO", attempting to send "LOGIN" it crashed after the O.

Members of the group communicate using the sound. Type of the sound depends on the "message" they want to send. Regular communication consists of whining sounds. In the case of danger, animals produce loud woofs and clicks.

Orson Scott Card, author of Ender's Game, believes gay individuals should be incarcerated, "to send a clear message that those who flagrantly violate society’s regulation of sexual behavior cannot be permitted to remain as acceptable, equal citizens within that society.”

The first message sent over ARPANET (between two of the original four nodes of the internet) was "lo" because the system crashed trying to send "login".

In 607 Prince Shōtoku, the Regent of Japan, sent a mission to China with a letter. The message said: "Here I the emperor of the country where the sun rises send a letter to the emperor of the country where the sun sets. How are you."

A text message being sent from a cell phone to another cell phone is a radio wave. The radio wave leaves the sender's cell phone and is sent to a tower that sends the wave to the recipient of the text. These are all unique radio waves being sent which makes it possible to reach the right person.

The government in Denmark sends all messages as emails, all inhabitants just got signed up automatically and they stopped sending paper-mails.

The first text message was sent from a computer, because in 1992 phones could only receive but not send them

The first transatlantic telegraphic message was sent on August 16, 1858. Queen Victoria's 98 words message to US President James Buchanan took sixteen hours to send.

The Victorian Flower code that functions as a means of communication in which various flowers and floral arrangements that are used to send coded messages

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Send Message. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Send Message so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor