Incredible and fun facts to explore

Scratch Sniff facts

While investigating facts about Scratch Sniff Stickers and Scratch & Sniff, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Danny DeVito had his own brand of limoncello liqueur. And the lemon logo on the bottle was scratch-and-sniff.

how to make scratch and sniff stickers?

Two PS1 games (FIFA 01 and Gran Turismo 2) have scratch & sniff disks. The FIFA 01 disc smelled like a football pitch, while the Gran Turismo 2 disc smelled like car tires.

What does scratch and sniff mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is scratch and sniff. Here are 13 of the best facts about Scratch & Sniff Book Of Weed and Scratch & Sniff Books I managed to collect.

what happened to scratch and sniff stickers?

  1. Two PlayStation 1 games, FIFA 2001 and Gran Turismo 2, has scratch & sniff discs. FIFA 2001 smelled like a soccer field, while Gran Turismo 2 smelled like car tires.

  2. Hustler had a Scratch 'N' Sniff centerfold issue in 1977.

  3. Two PlayStation 1, Gran Turismo 2 and and FIFA 2001 had scratch and sniff discs. Gran Turismo smelled like car tiers and FIFA 2001 like a soccer field.

  4. The movie “Polyester”. This 1981 film featured “Odorama” where the audience was given scratch and sniff cards to be scratched off when a number appeared on-screen. Some of the ten smells included: flatulence, air freshener, skunk, and natural gas.

  5. FIFA 2001 had a special "Scratch and Sniff" feature physically on the disc, that when scratched would make it smell like the turf of a soccer field.

  6. In Baltimore, scratch-and-sniff cards were mailed to teach about gas leaks. The odor was too strong and as a result there were hundreds of reports of gas leaks

  7. Katy Perry made her album Teenage Dream [Deluxe Edition] smell like cotton candy through scratch and sniff technology.

  8. To help city dwellers become accustomed to country life Ottawa produced a manure scratch and sniff brochure.

  9. Cult film director John Waters felt ripped off by Rugrats Go Wild for its use of Odorama (scratch-and-sniff cards). He later remarked, "A cheque would have been an homage."

scratch sniff facts
What happened to scratch and sniff?

Why do dogs scratch and sniff?

You can easily fact check why does scratch and sniff mean by examining the linked well-known sources.

The game disc for FIFA 2001 for the PS2 was a scratch and sniff disc. It was designed to smell like the turf of a soccer (futbol) field when scratched.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Scratch Sniff. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Scratch Sniff so important!

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