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Scientists Discover facts

While investigating facts about Scientists Discover Ocean Underground and Scientists Discover 33 Creatures, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Scientists discovered a dinosaur tail perfectly preserved in amber. It is full of feathers.

how scientists discovered the layers of the earth?

A woman with a ‘mutant’ gene who feels no pain and heals without scarring was discovered by scientists. She reported numerous injuries without pain, often smelling her burning flesh before noticing any injury, and could open door to new treatments.

What scientists discovered the structure of dna?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what scientists discovered the cell theory. Here are 50 of the best facts about Scientists Discover Ocean Underground 2020 and Scientists Discover Walking Sharks I managed to collect.

what scientists discovered dna?

  1. Between 63rd and 76th streets in New York City, scientists discovered an ant species found nowhere else on earth. It has been nicknamed the “ManhattAnt.”

  2. In 1962 two US scientists discovered Peru's highest mountain was in danger of collapsing. When this was made public, the government threatened the scientists and banned civilians from speaking of it. In 1970, during a major earthquake, it collapsed on the town of Yangoy killing 20,000.

  3. Scientists discovered that Bowhead whales live past 200 years when they found fragments of a 200 year harpoon lodged in a living one

  4. About popsicles that don’t melt. After the 2011 tsunami, scientists helping strawberry farmers in Japan salvage damaged crops accidentally discovered that liquid polyphenol extracted from the berries caused cream to solidify. This lead to Kanazawa Ice pops, which can stay frozen up to an hour.

  5. Millions of sunflowers soak up nuclear radiation in Fukushima after scientists discover sunflowers can 'clean up' nuclear waste in soil!

  6. The "Dinosaur Mummy" - Borealopelta remains discovered with the protective armor, skin, and partial stomach intact. It's been so well preserved that scientists deemed it closer to a mummy than a fossil.

  7. The distinctive nose of the Shinkansen 500 bullet train prevents sonic booms whenever it exits a tunnel and was discovered when scientists studied the shape of a kingfisher's beak to learn how it hit the water at high speed

  8. Scientists have discovered a breed of banana which is immune to the fungus threatening the current kind of banana

  9. Scientists accidentally discovered that grazing animals prevent grasslands from becoming desert after they killed thousands of elephants to try and conserve remaining grasslands, yet it actually made desertification worse. When they increased the number of grazing animals it restored the land.

  10. Upon the death of the greatest racehorse of all time, Secretariat, scientists discovered the horse had a heart twice the size of the average horses.

scientists discover facts
What scientists discovered the shape of dna?

Scientists discover why stress turns hair white?

You can easily fact check why did it take scientists longer to discover chemosynthesis by examining the linked well-known sources.

Rachel Carson, the scientist that discovered DDT's effect on wildlife, was seen as a threat to agricultural business. To discredit her, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture wrote a letter to President Eisenhower arguing that since she was unwed and attractive, she must have been a Communist.

A giant virus has been discovered with its own immune system. French scientists found these giant virus defence mechanisms work in a similar way to the CRISPR-Cas system, whereby the virus learns to recognise invaders, capture their genetic material and use this information to destroy them. - source

Scientists discovered a dinosaur tail perfectly preserved in Amber. It still had its feathers - source

Philip Morris discovered that its new fire-safe cigarettes were instead much more apt to cause fires. Their response was to fire the scientist who told them this.

Scientists didn't discover a single male Blanket octopus until 2002 because they were looking at the wrong magnitude. Females can be up to 40,000 times more massive than males; the largest gender size discrepancy in the animal kingdom. - source

When scientists discovered that atoms are composed of smaller particles?

Scientists have recently discovered repeating radio signals coming from a mysterious source well beyond the Milky Way. While one-off fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been detected in the past, this is the first time multiple signals have been detected coming from the same place in space.

How scientists discover planets?

Charles Henry Turner. He was an African American scientist who earned his PhD in 1907. He discovered that insects could distinguish pitch, that cockroaches can learn by trial and error and that honeybees can see color.

In 2009, scientists discovered that a single, ant mega-colony had colonized much of the world on a scale rivaled only by human civilization, including 1 super colony spanning 3,700 miles along the Mediterranean coast.

UK scientists discovered 3 new species of mushroom after buying dried porcini mushrooms from a local grocery store and testing them.

In order to discover that penguins sleep more deeply in the afternoon, scientists crept up on sleeping king penguins at different times of the day and poked them with a stick until they woke up.

When scientists found harpoon tips from the 19th century in bowhead whales, they got curious about how old they were and discovered they are one of the oldest vertebrates in the world, living to be over 200 years old.

Someday when scientists discover the center of the universe meaning?

Cognitive scientist Brian Butterworth diagnosed Ronald Reagan with Alzheimer's purely on the basis of speech errors in his speeches ten years before his disease was actually discovered

A Japanese scientist discovered the jet stream in the 1920s, but it was ignored as he published his findings in esperanto

A Scottish scientist discovered that finger prints were unique, & asked Charles Darwin to help him promote the idea. Charles Darwin shared this with his nephew, who then claimed the finding as his own.

Scientists discovered a perfectly preserved feathered dinosaur tail in a polished piece of Amber, after the jewellery seller initially thought it was just "plant material"

A group of Scientists have discovered that cheese contains a protein that the human body recognizes in a fashion similar to addictive drugs, called "casomorphins," or "casein-derived morphine-like compounds," prompting one researcher to refer to cheese as "dairy crack."

How scientists discovered elements?

Scientist Henry Cavendish suffered from extreme shyness “bordering on disease”. He discovered several laws not attributed to him because of this shyness. Had secret staircases in his home to avoid his housekeeper -females caused him “extreme distress” and devised a note system to talk to her.

The Crikey steveirwini, a rare species of tree snail discovered in Australia in 2009. The discovering scientist noted its khaki appearance and decided the only appropriate name was one that would honor the late Crocodile Hunter and his signature catchphrase.

The first ever synthetically produced color pigment, Egyptian blue, was created around 2,200 B.C. In 2006 scientists discovered it glows under fluorescent lights, allowing us to detect it on artifacts where it is no longer visible to the naked eye.

Only one year ago scientists discovered that there are 3 trillion trees on Earth, seven times more than it was previously assumed

Scientists have discovered why some people can thrive on less sleep than others. A particular gene variant is responsible, and those with it can also handle extended periods of sleeplessness better.

Splenda's sweet taste was discovered when a scientist who was told "test this chemical" misheard it as "taste this chemical".

Scientists from South Africa discovered a formula that calculates how likely a frog is to eat another frog. "For every one millimeter increase in body size, a frog is 2.8 percent more likely to eat other frogs."

A scientist named Carl Djerassi not only developed the birth control pill, but also wrote over 1200 papers on different subjects, and wrote one of the first artificial intelligence 1965. A program called DENDRAL, which could automatically discover unknown forms of medications.

Scientist (Dr. Robert G. Heath) at Tulane University discovered the "pleasure centers" of the brain by zapping it with electricity in the 1950s, giving a woman a 30-minute orgasm.

Astrophysicists have discovered a faraway object that's hotter than any contemporary theory can explain, a discovery that might require scientists rewriting galaxy operation manuals for years to come.

Scientists have discovered how to change human leukemia cells into harmless immune cells

The scientist that discovered stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria swallowed the live bacteria and cured himself with antibiotics to prove his hypothesis. Before this, other scientists scoffed at his hypothesis.

The insecticide"BTI" was discovered when a man stumbled upon a stagnate pond in Israel where he noticed dead mosquito larvae. Scientists isolated the bacteria strain found in pond, creating the safest and most effective way of managing and killing mosquito populations throughout the world.

James Watson, one of the scientists who discovered the helical structure of DNA, believes that stupidity is a disease and stupid people should be "cured"

Scientists have discovered colonies of worms living in mounds of methane ice at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Scientists Discover. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Scientists Discover so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor