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Scientific Animations facts

While investigating facts about Scientific Animations Without Borders and Scientific Animations And Graphics Pvt. Ltd, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Scientific studies show that 1,500 animal species are known to practice natural same-sex coupling - from insects, to fish, birds and mammals.

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Turkey has changed the scientific (Latin) names of three animals species because of references to Kurdistan and Armenia. The names were changed by the Turks because they believed the naming of these species was with "ill intentions against Turkish unity."

What's science fiction?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what science fiction movies. Here are 50 of the best facts about Scientific Animations And Graphics Private Limited and Scientific Animations Inc I managed to collect.

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  1. Laika, the first dog to go into space. The satellite that transported Laika was never intended to return, and Laika died within hours of leaving Earth. The space mission sparked a debate across the globe on the mistreatment of animals and animal testing for scientific causes.

  2. De-extinction, the scientific endeavor focused on bringing once extinct animals back to life. Scientists believe that it's possible that creatures such as the Wooly Mammoth could be "created" again through tweaking animal DNA, and some of this has already been successful.

  3. Scientific name of the species 'synodus intermedius" refers to the fused teeth that can be seen in sand diver ('syn" = "grown together", "odous" = "teeth").

  4. Scientific name of black-speckled palm viper name is Bothriechis nigroviridis. Name refers to specific color of the body ("nigro" = "black", "viridis" = "green" in Latin).

  5. Some wrasses are born as females, but they change sex and transform into males later in life. These individuals are scientifically known as protogynous hermaphrodites.

  6. Scientific name of moor frog is "Rana arvalis". It means "frog of the field" and it refers to the favorite habitat of this species. Moor frog is also known as "Altai brown frog" since certain populations of moor frogs inhabit Altai mountain in Asia.

  7. Scientific name of American lion is "Panthera leo atrox", which means "cruel lion" in Latin.

  8. According to a popular myth, magpie likes to collect and store shiny objects and jewelry in the nest. Recent scientific studies show that magpie is actually scared of shiny items and that it avoids them.

  9. King snakes have strong body covered with smooth scales, hence the scientific name for this group of snakes: "Lampropeltis" ('shiny shield" in Greek).

  10. Parasitic jaeger steals food from gulls, terns and auks, hence the name "parasitic" jaeger. It harasses seabirds and forces them to release food from their bills. Parasitic jaeger collects food in the midair or from the surface of the water. Stealing of food is scientifically known as kleptoparasitism.

scientific animations facts
What's science fiction in spanish?

Why science fiction movies are popular?

You can easily fact check why science fiction is the best by examining the linked well-known sources.

Apart from her illustrated children's stories which always featured whimsical drawings of animals and plants, Potter was also respected for her scientific illustrations, especially in the fields of mycology of archaeology.

Scientific name of the frog "Eleutherodactylus" originates from Greek language. It means "free toes" and refers to lack of membrane between the toes (feet are not webbed).

Scientific name for the night monkeys is Aotus which means "earless". Night monkeys are named that way because of their extremely small ears.

C. megalodon had 5 rows of approximately 270 large, serrated, sharp teeth. Individual teeth were triangular, 4 inches wide at the base and 7 inches long. Hence the scientific name "big tooth".

Scientific name of little red kaluta is "Dasykaluta rosamondae". First part of the name means "hairy animal" ("kaluta" = "animal", "dasy" = "hairy" in Aboriginal language). Second part of the name, "rosamondae", is derived in honor to Rosamund Clifford, beautiful mistress of Henry II of England, which was red-haired just like little red kaluta.

When was science fiction invented?

Mouths of adult fleas are tube-shaped and designed for sucking of blood. Fleas drink blood of humans, various mammals, birds and reptiles. Blood-based diet is scientifically known as hematophagy.

Scientific name of lake whitefish is Coregonus clupeaformis. It shares many morphological similarities with herring, hence the name clupeaformis ("herring-shape" in Latin).

Multiple scientific studies have been conducted to determine if cow-tipping is theoretically possible. All agree that cows are large animals that are difficult to surprise and will generally resist. Estimates suggest that as many as fourteen people would be required to tip a single cow.

Scientific name of Yosemite toad is "Bufo canorus". "Canorus" means "tuneful" and it refers to the melodic calls that can be heard during the mating season.

Northern mockingbird is scientifically known as Mimus polyglottos, which means "many-tongued mimic" in Latin language. Name refers to the ability of bird to produce numerous calls and mimic various birds, animals and artificially made sounds (such as car alarms).

Scientific name of leopard seal is "Hydrurga leptonyx", which means 'small clawed water worker".

When was the golden age of science fiction?

Scientific name of Tasmanian tiger is "Thylacinus cynocephalus" (hence the nickname "thylacine"), which means "dog-headed pouch mammal".

Nazi Germany enacted scores of pioneering animal protection laws, which banned the inhumane treatment of pets and severely restricted animal testing for scientific research

Luciferase, enzyme used for the production of light, is widely used in scientific and medical experiments, for the food safety testing and in the forensics.

Rubber eels have small eyes covered with skin, which makes these animals practically blind. Scientific name of these group of amphibians is "Caecilian". Name originates from the Latin worm "ceacus" which means "blind" (due to their poor eyesight).

Scientific name of common linnet, "Carduelis cannabina", refers to the feeding habits of this bird and its affection for hemp (variety of cannabis). Common name "linnet" refers to fondness for flaxseed, that is used in the manufacture of linen.

Scientific name of silver arowana is Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, which means "bone-tongued" ("Osteoglossum") fish with "two barbels" ("bicirrhosum").

According to the latest scientific analysis, bowhead whales can survive up to 200 years in the wild.

Researchers believe that males also help in the rearing of young birds (this fact is not scientific proven).

Scientific name of fenugreek is Foenum graecum, or "Greek hay" in Latin. Name refers to the facts that fenugreek was one of the most important sources of animal feed in the ancient Greece and Rome. Fenugreek is still used as animal fodder in some parts of Europe and Africa.

There is an actual scientific paper which says well-endowed anime characters have better aerodynamic performance

The scientific name of the caribou is rangifer tarandus caribou.

Scientific name of ferret, "Mustela putorius furo", means 'smelly little thief" because of the musky smell produced in the anal glands and natural instinct to steal and hide various things.

Scientific name of nurse shark is "Ginglymostoma cirratum". Name means "curled, hinged mouth" and it refers to the puckered appearance of this shark. Name "nurse shark" potentially refers to the suckling sound which nurse shark produces while it collects food from the water, or more likely - it was derived from the word "hurse", Old English word for sea-floor shark.

Scientific name of grey seal is "Halichoerus grypus", which means "hooked-nose sea pig". Name refers to the unusual shape of the nose that is especially prominent in males.

"Ctenomys" is the scientific name for this group of rodents. It means "comb-mouse" in Latin (given due to long hairs on the hind legs).

Common people compare wild animals to appearing "doglike" or "catlike", and there's an actual scientific suborder called "caniformia" and "feliformia" which essentially addresses the same concept

Someone published a scientific paper about aerodynamic performance of "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" character. Based on his results, flat chested anime character is deficiently aerodynamics compared to big breasted characters.

In 1983 an American product safety testing laboratory was found guilty of extensive scientific misconduct and fraud. Pesticides were declarede safe by falsifying subject data, in some cases not a single test animal survived the testing period.

Some museums have a room called the ''bug room'' It is a room with thousands of bugs, and they are used to clean carcasses of animals for scientific study.

Scientific name of the tripod fish is "Bathypterois grallator". Name originates from Greek and Latin languages and it literally means "deep" ("bathy"), "feathery" ("pterois") "one who walks on stilts" ("grallator").

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Scientific Animations. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Scientific Animations so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor