Scandinavian Countries facts
While investigating facts about Scandinavian Countries Map and Scandinavian Countries Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Donald Duck is so loved in Scandinavian countries that in Sweden they had to make him illegal to vote for in political elections. In 2005 in Norway 1/4 of the total population read the Donald Duck Magazine, and "Donaldism" became a thing.
how scandinavian countries pay for their government spending?
A team from Norway and other Scandinavian countries made a viking ship from scratch using viking technology and sailed to North America to prove that the Vikings could do it, and they did!
What scandinavian countries are in the eu?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what scandinavian countries are not in the eu. Here are 15 of the best facts about Scandinavian Countries Population and Scandinavian Countries And Capitals I managed to collect.
what scandinavian countries are socialist?
In 2016 Norway has officially become the first country in the world to ban deforestation and stop using products stemming from deforestation. Thus, any product which stems from deforestation will be banned in the Scandinavian state.
That, due to a prohibition of weapon in churches and houses in general, churches in Germany and the Scandinavian countries have traditionally named the church porch "weaponhouse", a room where you would store your weapons during service
When Apple Lisa was released in the United States, it was only a few months later that it was released in other countries and languages including Italian, Spanish, German, French, and Scandinavian.
The Honda Jazz/Fit was originally called the Honda Fitta until it was discovered that in Scandinavian countries this would translate to the Honda Pussy
Sweden covers the eastern region of the Scandinavian Peninsula.
The three Scandinavian countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, have 3rd, 4th, and 6th highest rates of skin cancer in the world respectively.
Until Carolus was born, the family had always used the patrilineal naming system common in many Scandinavian countries.
In Norway and other Scandinavian countries, children as young as 2 weeks old nap outdoors in temperatures as low as -4ºF for up to 3 hours
The traditional Saint Lucy's Day songs sung in the Scandinavian countries consist of new lyrics written to the tune of traditional Neapolitan song
Increased cases of Narcolepsy were linked to the H1N1 “swine flu” vaccination in Scandinavian and other European countries.
Scandinavian Countries data charts
For your convenience take a look at Scandinavian Countries figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why scandinavian countries are rich?
You can easily fact check why scandinavian countries are happy by examining the linked well-known sources.
Daily antidepressant use in Europe is highest in Nordic countries, despite (or because of?) Scandinavian stability. - source
Only 1% of household waste finds it's way to landfills in Scandinavian countries. - source