Saudi Arabia facts
While investigating facts about Saudi Arabia News and Saudi Arabian Airlines, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Queen of England once "terrorised" Saudi Arabia's King by driving him around. In Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive.
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In 2016 thousands of people signed an online petition demanding that retired pornographic industry actress Mia Khalifa be named the ambassador to Saudi Arabia under the new American government
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened at saudi arabia today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Saudi Arabia Map and Saudi Arabia Currency I managed to collect.
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Women can fly airplanes in Saudi Arabia, but can't drive cars.
Saudi Arabia tore down a centuries old Turkish fortress, at one time used to protect Mecca and the Kaaba from invaders and bandits, to build a Megahotel complex.
In the late 1960s, the Shah of Iran sent a series of letters to the King of Saudi Arabia, saying, "Please, my brother, modernize. Open up your country. Make the schools mixed. Let women wear miniskirts. Have discos. Be modern. Otherwise I cannot guarantee you will stay on your throne."
With Saudi Arabia now allowing women to vote, Vatican City is the only remaining country where women cannot vote.
In 2002, a fire at a girls' school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia killed fifteen girls. It has been strongly suggested that their deaths occured due to the involvement of the "religious police," who prevented them from leaving the building because the girls were not wearing correct Islamic dress.
In Saudi Arabia justice system the arrested are often not informed the crime they are accused of or given access to a lawyer and are subject to torture if they don't confess. At trial, there's a presumption of guilt and the accused is often unable to present a legal defense.
Since 1985 the government of Saudi Arabia has destroyed about 95% of the holy city of Mecca in order to make way for the construction of hotels, apartments, parking lots, etc. There are now less than 20 structures that date back to the period of Muhammad.
The King of Saudi Arabia has been holding four of his daughters hostage for nearly 13 years. They have been deprived of food and water and are being physically and psychologically tortured.
Saudi Arabia's religious police have an "Anti-Witchcraft Unit" who operate a hotline to which citizens can report magic.
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the world without a river.
Saudi Arabia data charts
For your convenience take a look at Saudi Arabia figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why saudi arabia oil price war by examining the linked well-known sources.
Saudi Arabia beheaded a man for 'witchcraft and sorcery' in 2012
While women and Saudi Arabia are allowed to fly a plane, they must be chauffeured to the airport because it is illegal for them to operate a motor vehicle - source
In Saudi Arabia, all women, regardless of age, are required to have a male guardian. They also need permission from their male guardian to seek education, employment, open up a bank account, travel (under the age of 45), have surgery and marry or divorce - source
Saudi Arabia beheads nearly two people per week
The Jeddah Tower, which is currently under construction in Saudi Arabia and will be the tallest building in the world upon its completion, is being constructed by the Saudi Binladin Group, which is owned by the family of Osama bin Laden, who destroyed two of the world's largest buildings. - source
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Saudi Arabia has used up all its groundwater and will need to import all its food. California is headed down the same path and so is China.
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After 9/11 there was a proposal to "to consider `taking Saudi out of Arabia` by forcibly seizing control of the oil fields, giving the Hijaz back to the Hashemites, and delegating control of Medina and Mecca to a multinational committee of moderate, non-Wahhabi Muslims"
Atheism is punished with the death penalty in 13 countries: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
Saudi Arabia and Bahrain recently made a joint bid to host the Olympics with the mens' events in Saudi Arabia and the womens' events in Bahrain as women are not allowed to play sports in Saudi Arabia. The IOC vetoed the bid.
Saudi Arabia has been ruled by the same family for longer than the United States has been a country
15 girls died in Saudi Arabia after the religious police refused to let them leave their burning building because they were not properly dressed.
Saudi arabia infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Saudi Arabia numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.