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Saturday Evening facts

While investigating facts about Saturday Evening Post and Saturday Evening Post Artist, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Don Pardo, best known as the announcer for Saturday Night Live, began working at NBC in 1938 as a local radio show host. For context, SNL’s creator Lorne Michaels wasn’t even born until 1944. Pardo remained loyal to the company that gave him his first big break until he passed away in 2014.

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In 1960 Mary Higgins Clark's short story Beauty Contest at Buckingham was named by The Saturday Evening Post as one of their 10 best that year. Unfortunately the short story market was collapsing.

What is the saturday evening post?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do in london saturday evening. Here are 14 of the best facts about Saturday Evening Post Covers and Saturday Evening Session General Conference I managed to collect.

what to do on a saturday evening?

  1. 327 Finnish Jews fought alongside their ally, Nazi Germany, in World War II, and 23 died. Jewish soldiers had a field synagogue and were granted leave on Saturdays and religious holidays. Three were even offered the German Iron Cross medal, but all refused the honor.

  2. Norman Rockwell was told by his Saturday Evening Post editor of 20 years “never to show colored people except as servants”. At 68, signing on with Look magazine gave Rockwell freedom to pursue his “bigger picture” interests, such as the 1963 painting “The Problem We All Live With”.

  3. Mrs. Two Shoes from Tom and Jerry is African American and her face is never shown except for a split second in the 1950's one-reel "Saturday Evening Puss" cartoon.

  4. Sao Paolo, Brazil, close their elevated highway on weekday evenings, Saturday afternoons and all day on Sunday, and open it up to pedestrians and cyclists.

  5. In his early writing career Roald Dahl wrote stories and articles for magazines such as The New Yorker, and in the publication Saturday Evening Post.

  6. About the National Day of Unplugging, an annual 24-hour digital detox from technology, which is taking place this weekend (Friday evening to Saturday evening)

  7. Monday isn't the first day of the week in many countries. Most of you start with Sunday apparently. And some even with Saturday.

  8. Doc Brown's mind reader might have partially worked in BttF: Marty had "come a great distance" (in time), he had read the Saturday Evening Post to find out what year it was, and earlier he had explained his life preserver by telling Loraine he was in the Coast Guard.

  9. Norman Rockwell left the Saturday Evening Post because he couldn't do political issues such as civil rights and racial integration

  10. The songs "Stayin' Alive", "How Deep is Your Love", "If I Can't Have You", "Night Fever", and "More than A Woman" by the Bee Gees were already written even before getting involved in the film Saturday Night Fever, as told by Robin Gibb in their documentary, "This is Where I Came In" (2000)

saturday evening facts
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In Egypt, the weekend runs from Friday morning to Saturday evening

Chris Farley was originally cast as Shrek in Shrek and even recorded the dialogue. However, after his death, the role was given to fellow Saturday Night Live performer, Mike Myers. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Saturday Evening. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Saturday Evening so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor