Satellite Images facts
While investigating facts about Satellite Images Weather Forecast and Satellite Images Of Nsw Fires, I found out little known, but curios details like:
I learned about the Pentagon's "Cafe Ground Zero." A hot dog stand in the middle of the pentagon that the Soviets believed housed the most top secret meeting room because satellite images showed U.S. military officers entering and exiting the hot dog stand at the same time every day.
how satellite images are used?
Older generation spy satellites predated any form of digital imaging by decades. They literally exposed film and dropped it back to earth in small re-entry pods.
What are satellite images used for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do satellite images show. Here are 31 of the best facts about Satellite Images Of Australia Fires and Satellite Images Live I managed to collect.
what satellite images are?
Satellites before the advent of digital imaging used standard film reels, which were recovered by dropping them from space and catching them mid air in a passing aircraft.
North Korea appears pitch black at night based on NASA satellite images. Entire streets shut down, and people go to bed early with nothing else to do in the darkness. South Korea use 10,162 kilowatt hours per person a year compared to North Korea who only use 739.
Digital cameras were developed so spy satellites could send images back to earth more quickly. Before digital cameras in 1976, spy satellites used film. After the film was shot, the satellites loaded the footage into capsules and dropped them from orbit into the atmosphere for collection.
You can see China's air pollution on satellite images.
Cold War spy satellites from the 1960s took pictures of 10,000 ancient cities and ruins in the Middle East which nobody knew existed until they were re-examined in 2014. The images were made before modern cities overran many archaeological sites.
Scientists using high-resolution satellite images, drone photos, and ground surveys, have discovered a hidden monument in the center of Petra
The iconic black-and-white soccer ball design was popularized by the Adidas Telstar, which adopted the design to be visible on black and white television screens. It was named after the AT&T Telstar, the first satellite to transmit television images and telephone calls through space.
The thermal or infrared images of weather satellites require a trained professional to interpret the images and what they represent.
An Indian Boy who lost his mother and later found her twenty-five years later using satellite images
The visible light images of weather satellites are easily interpreted. Even people with no training can identify clouds, fronts, tropical storms, dust, smog, forests and mountains.
Satellite Images data charts
For your convenience take a look at Satellite Images figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do geographers use satellite images?
You can easily fact check why do satellite images show by examining the linked well-known sources.
The U.S. Forest Service used satellite images to compare tree density around the houses of 5,696 women who gave birth in Portland. Research revealed that the women surrounded by more tree density were significantly less likely to have underweight babies.
About GOES-3, originally a weather imaging satellite launched in 1978, tracked the Mt. St. Helens eruption, was a communications satellite later in life, ultimately was able to directly link North and South Pole, when placed in graveyard orbit in 2016 was one the longest functioning spacecraft. - source
Space capsule containing image from spy satellite were recovered by planes mid flight after being ejected back to earth - source
Images taken by satellite in 2010 showed that there is an algae bloom covering 146,000 square miles in the Baltic Sea, and 38,610 square miles of its sea floor is now a dead zone.
Mysterious lights found on satellite images of Western Australia at night, is mainly due to forest fires. - source
How to tell when google satellite images were taken?
Japan has a satellite in orbit that takes an image of earth every 10 minutes
How to get latest satellite images?
There was a hurricane not too far off the coast of New York on September 11th, 2001. In a satellite image of the hurricane, you can see the smoke coming from lower Manhattan. If not for a different storm the night before, the hurricane might have brushed the city, forever altering history.
The only active satellite orbiting Venus today (2010-launched Japanese "Akatsuki") has images of Vocaloid Hatsune Miku etched on to it.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instrument on board NASA's Aqua satellite is able to measure almost the entire Earth surface everyday. The swath of data collected by MODIS is over 1400 miles (2300km) wide
The NRO’s logo for an intelligence satellite they launched in 2013 showed an image of an octopus devouring Earth with the phrase “Nothing is Beyond Our Reach.” When going back through the documents to see who approved it, a side note just below the final approval read “A little sinister!”
You can see penguin poop from Space. Scientists use satellite images of the poop to track penguin populations, breeding patterns, and habitat loss.
Satellite images infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Satellite Images numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.