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Satellite Imagery facts

While investigating facts about Satellite Imagery Providers and Satellite Imagery Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

That, by examining high-resolution satellite imagery with algorithms developed via trial-and-error, Sarah Parcak and her team have discovered 17 pyramids, 1,000 tombs, and over 3,100 settlements in Egypt alone. She now wants to crowdsource "space archaeology" to prevent looting of ancient sites.

how satellite imagery works?

Some of the first US spy satellites took imagery on 70 millimeter film, which was recovered by dropping huge film canisters from space and catching them mid-air by a passing US Air Force plane

What satellite imagery tells us about the amazon rainforest?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what satellite imagery tells us about the amazon rainforest fires. Here are 16 of the best facts about Satellite Imagery Weather and Satellite Imagery Free I managed to collect.

what satellite imagery tells us about the amazon?

  1. A cattle farmer, while clearing land on his Texas ranch, wrote his name in letters a kilometer tall, producing the world’s largest signature. It lies on major flight paths into Houston and NASA uses it to evaluate satellite imagery

  2. For 50 years the Soviet Union distorted virtually all public maps of the country, misplacing rivers and streets, distorting boundaries and omitting geographical features, out of fear of aerial bombing and foreign intelligence operations. Satellite imagery forced them to admit they were lying.

  3. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the US military deployed 17k personnel, 17 ships, 48 helicopters and 12 planes responsible for flying in supplies, flying out evacuees, airdropping supplies to unreachable areas, establishing a field hospital and providing imagery from satellites, drones and U2s.

  4. Jimmie Lueke who shaped a forest into his own name. At 3 miles long, Lueke's geoglyph is the world's largest signature and is used by NASA to analyze its satellite imagery.

  5. The first imagery satellites took pictures with old school film cartridges that had to be developed in black rooms back on Earth. To retrieve these cartridges, the satellites would drop them into the atmosphere and planes would catch them mid-air.

  6. Las Vegas, Melbourne, and Cambridge are the three cities with the highest satellite imagery resolution on google earth. These cities show detail with up to 6 INCH resolution.

  7. Satellite imagery has shown the Bermuda Triangle area has unusual hexagonal clouds that surround "air bombs" that are 20-50 mile wide pockets full of wind that can create waves up to 45 and gusts of 170mph

  8. Kim Jong-Un publicly executed 15 high ranking officials with anti-aircraft guns. Satellite imagery shows the men standing 100 ft away from 24x 50 caliber machine guns

  9. The tail of storm Ernesto that hit Ireland carried smoke from the California wildfires and that smoke was visible on satellite imagery.

  10. Pictures taken by high-resolution satellite imagery have identified more than 3,100 Egyptian settlements, 17 pyramids, and 1,000 tombs.

satellite imagery facts
New york times what satellite imagery?

Why is satellite imagery used?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The US Air Force Research Laboratory created a powerful supercomputer by connecting together 1,760 Sony PS3s capable of performing 500 trillion floating-point operations per second used to analyze satellite imagery.

Iran never weaponized it's stockpiles of chemical agents during the Iran-Iraq War, even as they suffered from Iraqi chemical weapons attacks, which were aided by American-provided satellite imagery. - source

Historic Arials, a site where you can see satellite-imagery of locations though out the past number of decades. - source

Apparently you can predict a football game outcome using machine learning and satellite imagery of the fields

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Satellite Imagery. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Satellite Imagery so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor