Russian Roulette facts
While investigating facts about Russian Roulette Lyrics and Russian Roulette Game, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Houston, Texas, a 19-year-old man named Rashaad died attempting to play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol instead of a revolver.
how russian roulette is played?
While filming the Russian Roulette scenes in The Deer Hunter, Robert De Niro asked for a single live round to be put in the pistol. Director Michael Cimino allowed it
What's russian roulette song about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's russian roulette game. Here are 22 of the best facts about Russian Roulette Rihanna and Russian Roulette Red Velvet I managed to collect.
what's russian roulette?
During his burglary career, Malcom X played Russian roulette with himself, pulling the trigger three times to prove to his partners he wasn't afraid to die. He later revealed in his autobiography that he palmed the round.
At least 35 people have fatally shot themselves playing Russian roulette after watching Robert De Niro play it in "The Deer Hunter."
Thanks to gravity, the loaded chamber in Russian roulette is more likely to end up at the bottom. This ends up altering the odds in favor of the player.
The deaths of approximately twenty-five people who died playing Russian roulette were reported as having been influenced by scenes in the Deer Hunter.
Nowadays Russians play a modified russian roulette using 12,000 volt tasers. Winners get medals and cash prizes.
While recording the Russian Roulette scenes in The Beer Hunter, Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas asked for six live beers to be put in the pack. Producer Rick Shurman allowed it.
In 1946, a Pennsylvania teenager was found guilty of second degree murder for playing a variation of Russian roulette in which the players point the gun at each other instead of at themselves
If you “played” Russian Roulette 100 times per day every day for 79 years you have a better chance at surviving than you do winning the lottery.
John Cazale's gun in the infamous Russian Roulette scene of Deer Hunter had a live round in it
NASA planned the first Space Shuttle launch as an abort test. It would turn around and use 98% of its fuel to come back to land in 25 minutes. Upon hearing the plan, the pilot for that mission, astronaut John Young, who had gone to the Moon twice, said "Let's not practice Russian roulette."
Russian Roulette data charts
For your convenience take a look at Russian Roulette figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it called russian roulette?
You can easily fact check why was russian roulette invented by examining the linked well-known sources.
Joe Deutch, in 2004, played 'Russian Roulette' in front of an entire classroom at UCLA. As an art grad student, he filmed the incident as a performance art piece. The school's ill-handling caused world renowned artists Chris Burden and Nancy Rubin to resign as faculty.
Actor Jon-Erik Hexum, who while shooting the tv series Cover Up, was bored because of delays and decided to jokingly play Russian Roulette and shot himself with what he believed was a harmless .44 Magnum prop gun. The shot drove a bone fragment into his brain and he died a few days later - source
Die Hard With A Vengeance has an alternate ending where Simon and McClane have a Russian Roulette round with a rocket launcher.
Santos Rodriguez, a 12 year old Boy who was murdered by a cop who decided to play Russian Roulette with him, the cop then only served 2 1/2 years of prison. - source
When was russian roulette invented?
Rhythm & Blues singer Johnny Ace died in a game of Russian Roulette backstage at his show on Christmas Day 1954 in Houston
How russian roulette was invented?
The promising actor Jon-Erik Hexum died in 1984 after playing a game of Russian roulette with a prop gun loaded with blanks, unaware that it would be dangerous. He was 26.
Cuban artist Tania Bruguera loaded a gun with a single bullet and played Russian roulette during a public lecture to make a statement about politics and social conduct.
The Murder of Santos Rodriguez. A 12 year old boy who was killed when a Police Officer investigating a Dallas gas station robbery played Russian Roulette with him in an effort to make him admit to carrying out the robbery. He was shot in the head, handcuffed in a police car.
During the filming of Deer Hunter, Robert Di Nero suggested using a real bullet for the Russian roulette scene to raise the actors' tensions.